
23 posts

This Is Hard.

This is hard. Life that is. So much harder than I thought it would be when all I had to worry about was myself. Not in a selfish way but in an I had no other responsibilities kinda way.

THIS Is How I Fight My Battles.

God reminded me that my battles weren’t even mine. They were His. That my weapons were not carnal. He took me back to His words of protection where He promised to always halt the prosperity of any weapons formed against me.

Just Give Up |

Just Give Up

Just give up. Restless, anxious and fearful of the outcome. I heard a whisper in my spirit. It wasn’t forceful yet I somehow knew it wasn’t a suggestion . . .


As a Christian I’ve had to learn – at times the hard way – it’s not about my timing. Whew! Even typing that messes with the logic of who I am.

What's Your Witness? |

What’s Your Witness?

Have you been a witness? Told your story and your experience not in a court of law but in your life with Christ? If so, how? What’s your witness? 

Know Your Door |

Know Your Door

Ever have that moment when you just knew God was opening a door for you. This was it! You were going to walk through and right into your destiny! Until… it didn’t open?