
5 posts

Friendship Zones |

Friendship Zones

In today’s world of technology driven relationships knowing what your zone is as friend can be kinda tricky.  Tricky and even funny at times. Like okay can I DM her or should I just stick to comments?  Hmmm… It’s not always easy to know. Here are a few of the friendship zones I’ve noticed recently and how to know which zone you’re in – from both sides of a friendship.

Family Ties |

Family Ties

In a perfect world family would be forever. No issue would go unresolved and no hurt could break that bond. Yet this isn’t a perfect world and we aren’t perfect people. We inflict wounds and at times those wounds don’t always heal. They leave the kind of scars that make family ties hard to keep. . .

Your Feelings Are Showing |

Your Feelings Are Showing

Have you ever been in a situation when you know your feelings are there but for whatever reason you decide they don’t need to be?  So you start the messy job of trying to hide them and keep them undercover to either keep the peace or simply avoid conflict. Yet […]

Yay For Dates - Day Or Night!

Yay For Dates – Day Or Night!

So today was the first Date Hubby and I have had in months. Since the Teenager started college it is so difficult to have any time that is just for us because we don’t readily leave our Kiddies with anyone and life is just a bit crazy at times. Yet […]