10 Ways To Keep Readers Scrolling…

10 Ways To Keep Readers Scrolling | TheMrsTee.com

I have been reading and “scrolling” different sites and blogs for a while and there are several things that will keep me and/or send me away almost immediately. That’s what helped me decide to make this list.

10 Ways To Keep Readers Scrolling | TheMrsTee.com

10 Ways To Keep Readers Scrolling…


1. Give Social Media/Follow Me Tabs Page Priority

  • Have your Social Media Follow Icons as close to the top of your Home Page as possible. A Reader should not need to scroll up and down, then up and down looking around for them. If they do, they may give up the search before finding them and you just lost a potential connection and follower

KeepScrollling  - HomePage

2. Choose Your Site Fonts/Colors With Care

  • You don’t want a Reader to be put off or unable to read your post at all simply because of a bad choice in fonts. If you select a cursive font be sure it is still legible and that the sizing is correct
  • If the reader can’t read a post…they can’t love the post

3. Pop Up Ads/Embedded Videos

  • Give your Reader the option to start or initiate any videos or Ads you may have within your site
  • There is nothing more jarring than to open a site and suddenly have a blast of music or someone’s voice talking at to you and have no idea where the source is
  • This will force the Reader to waste time searching for the Ad to stop it instead of scrolling for your content. IF they actually have the patience to stay long enough…

4. Keep Sidebar Buttons/Badges Neat and Organized

KeepScrolling - Menu Items

  • You want your readers to know what you are involved in and where your writing is taking you so that they may follow you
  • Try to maintain your sidebars and keep them organized. If the Reader is distracted they may never actually get to reading your content
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10 Ways To Keep Readers Scrolling | TheMrsTee.com

5. Keep Images Relevant To Posts

  • When inserting images and Featured Images be sure they are relevant to the content of the post
  • There is no need to add images simply for the sake of having an image. It will only make your Reader wonder why it’s there

6. Let Your Images Be Seen

  • Pin It Pinterest Buttons are very important options to allow Readers to share your images and posts BUT you don’t want the Pin It image to overtake your post image.
  • Try to select the smallest image/overlay option so that readers can still view the images as you have intended.

KeepScrolling -PinIt7. Set Links To Open In New Window

  • As a Reader when I’m reading a post and click a link I truly hate when it opens in the same window as the blog I’m reading (this includes social media icon links).
  • It forces me as a Reader to continuously click ‘back’ and eventually I simply end up clicking ‘X’


8. Keep Links Up To Date

  • Be sure that any links you have inserted within your posts stay up to date
  • You can do this with a WordPressPlug In or even FREE Broken Link Checker which can run random checks of your entire site and send you a notification when any broken links are found
  • If a Reader clicks a link and is sent to a 404 Error page they may simply give up and close your page as well

404 Error PageImage Source


9. Loose The CAPTCHA (please)

  • I know as Bloggers we all hate Spam and want to avoid it as much as possible BUT there are others ways to do this besides CAPTCHA. It makes sense for making purchases and sites such as those but when a Reader is excited about a post and simply wants to comment and then has to type and re-type to try to match letters…they may just say ‘forget it’captcha_1

Image Source

  • For example, Akismet is a Spam catcher that filters out any possible Spam and sends it to a separate box which keeps it from showing on your site until you can review it
  • You can even add the ‘Check Here If Your Not A Robot’ button
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10. Keep Your Comments/Replies Personal

  • I know there are times where having things done automatically are easier but try to keep your replies to Readers comments as personal as possible
  • Mention or refer back to something they said, speak to them by name (if you know it)
  • If new Readers see that you reply to your comments personally often it will make them feel more welcomed and inclined to leave a comment
  • The Reader may know they are 1 of hundreds but that doesn’t mean they want to feel that way


KepScrolling - BonusTip*BONUS:


Be Yourself! This is the easiest and best way to draw, maintain and keep a Reader. Don’t try to carbon copy or imitate what you think a Blogger should be simply be the Blogger you are. If you’re funny…be funny. If you have a sarcastic twist to life…let it show. In turn, if you are serious and thoughtful…be that.

There is always someone out there who will relate and they will be your audience. Your authentic self will draw a lot more than an imitation of someone else AND your natural flow comes much easier than something forced.



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69 responses to “10 Ways To Keep Readers Scrolling…”

  1. […] ABCs or A-Z posts can be a really great way to take something you know and share it in a new way. The format tends to draw readers in even if only out of curiosity at first. Then when the content is unique and valuable you keep them scrolling. […]

  2. The Disney Chef Avatar
    The Disney Chef

    Thank you for linking this on Fast Pass Friday! I've chosen you as a featured post for this week… I hope to see you again for this week's edition! – Jerusha, TheDisneyChef.com
    My recent post 10 Best Ways To Spend Snack Credits in Walt Disney World

  3. The Disney Chef Avatar
    The Disney Chef

    These are fabulous tips! I always thought they were best practice, but I guess I never gave much thought to how that improves my user experience too. It kind of adds another whole new level to the importance to maintaining your site. Thank you for participating in Fast Pass Friday and I hope to see you again this week with more great tips! – Jerusha, TheDisneyChef.com
    My recent post Grilled Corn and Potato Salad – Napa Rose

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks!! It really does and keep up with things is so important. Thanks for hosting and I hope to come by again 😀

  4. Local Busy Bees Avatar

    I love learning new things and am excited to set my links to open up in a new tab. Thanks for sharing all of your useful tips!
    My recent post A Colorful Time at Crayola Experience

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      So happy you found somethings that could help you – thanks so much for coming by 🙂

  5. @beingawordsmith Avatar

    Great tips, Tiffany! I just installed the WP Broken Link Checker. I have been meaning to do that for the longest. Thanks!
    My recent post Traffic Jam Weekend Linky Party #22

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Oh yes, that can be something that happens without the owner even noticing…

  6. momentousmom Avatar

    These are all great tips. My personal pet peeve is when you click to share and it takes you within the page and it takes you to a whole different page. Like you mentioned make sure it opens to a new page. And the pop ups!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Yes, that is one of my biggest pet peeves…LOL

  7. Angela Avatar

    All of these tips are easy to implement and very worthwhile. I totally agree with #7! Thanks for your time.

  8. Angela Avatar

    Great tips! Thank you for the insight 🙂 I'm always working to improve my sight so I appreciate your time.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Angela!! I hope you found a few things to help 🙂

  9. ejai Avatar

    awesome post! thank you for the tips! well done
    My recent post The Secret Place

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much and thanks for coming by!

  10. smfarris Avatar

    Those tips are all perfect! When I find a new blog I like, especially, having the social follow buttons right at the top are key! It's like the most common place, so I always go there to at least follow on IG/Twitter.
    I love the sidebar tips, too. I try to update mine and keep it relevant!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much! Yes, I hate searching through an entire site to see how to follow someone I like. Making them visible and available is so important. Yes….always a good practice 🙂 Thanks for coming by Sarah!

  11. Erica Avatar

    WOWSERS, this is jam *packed* with great info and tips. I never would think to put social media at the top of a page to keep people scrolling, since I'd assume people would click off and go do social media instead…so this is great food for thought.

    Coming Up Roses
    My recent post June: Links I Love

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! Thanks Erica! See the key is placing them up top BUT making sure they open in a new tab that way the can follow you without ever really leaving your page 😀 There is method to my madness…LOL

  12. @justDemetrice Avatar

    ALL GREAT TIPS and things that I took under consideration when I relaunched my blog last year. I HATE when some of my favorite blogs have pop ups! Like really hate it!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank You! Oh yes, pop ups are the biggest turn offs…that and CAPTCHA…LOL

  13. cosmosmariners Avatar

    Great ideas! I can't stand sites that are super cluttered and I can't find the content for all of the buttons and popups. Also, I love your point about responding to comments as personally as possible–it makes a huge difference!
    My recent post A First-Timer's Guide to St. Augustine, Florida: Where to Visit, Eat, Shop, and Sleep

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Clutter can really take away from the content. I was guilty of trying to put EVERYthing on my pages but then I realized in this case less is definitely more. Yes, trying to create a relationship with your Readers is a big part of leading them to become Followers.

  14. Sonya K Avatar
    Sonya K

    Great tips!!! I hate Captcha, it can be very frustrating to get those codes right.
    My recent post Top 3 Goals This Week

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Sonya! I do too…it can definitely make me click away from a comment…

  15. balmtomysoul Avatar

    Great tips!! I agree with the captcha. Sometimes I just clicked off because it was so annoying to try to read what you needed to type. Love these tips. And, I am loving the PinFest. Can't wait to get to know more of you involved!!
    My recent post Italian Parmesan Steak Fries

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! I have too, I always feel bad and try to go back later but there are days I’m just like “ugh CAPTCHA!” LOL Thanks so much I am happy to have you come by and visit… 🙂

  16. Karren Haller Avatar

    Hi Mrs Tee, found this on our PinFest board, (thought you might want to know how it was found). Great information, we always need to be reminded to clean up our act. lol Thank you!!
    My recent post PinFest Fridays

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Karren! I appreciate the comment support… 😀

  17. Time With Thea Avatar
    Time With Thea

    Stopping by via this week's #SITSBlogging! Great advice. I agreed with all of your points about making it easier for your readers to enjoy and keep scrolling through your blog. The Captcha plug-in is my main irritating thing to have to deal with.
    My recent post Banana Breakfast Smoothie

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks for coming by and for the encouragement. I still despise Captcha and it is all I can do to keep putting in those silly number letter combinations, especially when I feel the post is truly worthy of a comment.

  18. Delectably Dawn Avatar
    Delectably Dawn

    Fantastic tips! I'm pinning this now. Thanks for sharing! I think one of the biggest mistakes I see bloggers make is having a cluttered page. It's hard to keep it neat and organized! I know I struggle!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I think we all struggle a bit…especially when we all want to support others by sharing and swapping (that's why I made separate pages by sidebars were getting jammed up)…I think my OCD tendancies help me because too much of anything drive me a bit wonky…LMBO 😀 Thanks so much for the Pin Share…I'm on your page now getting ready to do the same with your Tips onGrowing and Keeping Social Media Followers… 😉

  19. Shawn Avatar

    What a wonderful set of tips. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you and thanks so much for coming by… 🙂

  20. Kimberly H. Smith Avatar

    This is a great post. It took me a few months of blogging to discover that being my true self would serve me best. I spent a lot of time worrying and trying to be what I thought readers wanted me to be. I threw caution to the wind and opened myself up. Best thing I did for me and my blog. Thanks for the Broken Link Checker. That is very helpful. Visiting from the PINcentive blog hop.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It is definitely best to be YOU. Who's better at being Kimberly after all? I know I can't wait to meet you :). I'll be stopping by your blog first chance I get…

  21. Alexa Avatar

    Wonderful tips! Gosh I hate Captcha with a passion. It's almost to the point that if someone has it, unless they are a blogger I LOVE, I won't comment and probably won't come back~! Visiting from Cropped Stories Pinterest Linky, and I'll be pinning this to my blogging and social media group board!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you! Captcha is definitely a deal breaker at times…you're right I have to have a true loyalty to the Blogger to endure the squinting that happens when I try to get past it…LOL Thanks so much for coming by and I appreciate the support! 🙂

  22. Momma O Avatar
    Momma O

    DOMINATE!!!!!!!! 🙂 I told you!!!! 🙂 And yes – the Captcha is downright ANNOYING. If you make it hard for me to participate and comment – chances are, I won't be coming back!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Let's Do It! 😀 Thanks for coming by…

  23. Maria Avatar

    Oh, my goodness, this is a fantastic post! So much great information and help! I will share it with my social media!

    Thank you for visiting and linking up though the Mommy Monday hop.


    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much!! I would appreciate any sharing and support…thanks for coming by 🙂

  24. Tenns @ New Mama Dia Avatar

    I totally agree with the whole pop-up ads/automatic video play options. I absolutely deplore websites and blogs that have those tpes of advertisements. I also don't like when blogs load slowly.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes videos that start automatically can be startling to say the least. Slow running/loading Blogs can be a patience tester as well. As a Blogger we need to monitor our load times periodically with tools like speed.wpengine.com (WordPress).
      Thanks so much for the comment and for stopping by 🙂

  25. Louise Avatar

    Great advice, I've read a lot of generic blog tips and its like reading the same thing over and over! but this was far from generic!! Thanks1

    Love from Monday Mommy Blog Hop

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks a lot…that means so much! Thanks for joining us in the Blog Hop this week and for stopping by 😀

  26. Jaye@Curvatude Avatar

    Great post and #7 & 9 are major blog peeves for me!

    p.s swung over from SITSGirls 😉

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh…yes mine too! I hate having to click back over and over and sometimes my eyes just don't cooperate with the whole Captcha thing…LOL Thanks for coming by I always appreciate my SITSGirls 🙂

  27. Rabia @TheLiebers Avatar

    Great tips! I especially like the link to the broken link checker. I'm definitely going to go check that out!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes! I love it! It just filters the spam out to a separate box that you can go through to be sure it's all truly spam and then you can delete it for good. Thanks so much for stopping by…:)

  28. Shannon@MishmashMama Avatar

    I cannot stand CAPTCHA! Thanks for these. I'm stopping by from Bloglovin'!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Me either!!! There are actually a good number of options to prevent spammers…
      Thanks for stopping in 😉

  29. Kita Avatar

    Very good tips if the title is catchy I normally want to read more also. Stopping over from SITS

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Yes a great way to draw someone to a post/blog is to have a simple and catchy yet thought provoking title. Happy you came by… #SITSSharefest

  30. Wanda Avatar

    Very useful tips you have provided your readers. Another one I would add is for individuals to watch the size of the headers. You don't want your header to take up the whole above the fold section. I have come across of number of blogs with huge headers.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That's true and a great tip to add! You don't want your Reader scrolling for what feels like an eternity try to reach your content …

  31. MrsTee Avatar

    Hi! Yes, I've left a bunch as well. I always feel bad afterwards but sometimes it is just so frustrating… Thanks for stopping in!

  32. MrsTee Avatar

    Great! I'm so glad and can't wait to see the new design… 🙂

  33. Karol Avatar

    What an awesome post. I really needed this advice. I have two blogs. I started on a while ago and now want to create a new and improved blog (the new one…LoveCandidly.com). I have no idea how to create a super cute blog like yours. I can only hope mine turns out half as cute as yours. Thanks again!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you for coming by…I'm so happy helpful…I can't wait to see the new blog…I'll come check it out! 🙂

  34. Barb Avatar

    Can't thank you enough for these tips. I too hate when I click on pic and then loose original site I was on, but I didn't know how to change it on my own blog, so this is of great help!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You're welcome…It's funny how you start noticing things as you visit different sites..glad the Tips are helpful! Thanks for stopping by… 🙂

  35. Rachel G Avatar

    Yay!! I'm going most of these, and in my new blog design, I'll have my social media buttons right up front where people can see them easily!

  36. T.Dashfield Avatar

    Lose the captcha!!!! I cannot say how many blogs I've walked away from because trying to leave a comment was like being interrogated! I understand the need for it but GEEZE!!! Great post and hi from #Sitssharefest

  37. Zainab @ Blahnik Bak Avatar

    Thanks for this post Mrs Tee! Love all the tips 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you…happy to share! 🙂

  38. Cat Avatar

    This is a terrific post! If you are ever looking to contribute to another site, we would love to have you over at TOTS: Business.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you! I literally just clicked you link…LOL I would love to contribute… send me a details through the FB Page or my email: mrstee@themrstee.com 🙂

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