For The Gram: 5 Tips For A Winning Instagram Post

5 Tips For A Winning Instagram Post |

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Instagram has quickly become one of my favorite ways to share what’s on my blog and what’s happening in my life. Here’s a few tips I have to make sure you have a winning post every time!

What’s A Winning Post?

I know. What makes an Instagram post wining? You may be surprised at my answer because it has nothing to do with likes or hearts. Believe it or not the tides of social media are turning and numbers are starting to take a second chair to true engagement with your followers. That leads to the next part of my intro . . .

What’s Engagement?

Engagement is true interaction between your followers and your content. The comment that truly reacts to the actual image and/or caption of your post. The back and forth dialogue between the follower who loves their taco the same way you do. The repost of a friend who thinks you capture that moment perfectly!

That’s true engagement and crafting a post that not only encourages it but attracts it can be a challenge but it isn’t impossible! Here are 5 quick and easy ways you can share a winning Instagram post.

Take The Picture.

The first step to any Instagram post is to take the picture. The thing is you don’t want to take or post just any picture. Think about few things before your post:

Who do I want to reach with this post?

What story can I tell with this image?

Where does this image fit into my feed?

How can I edit or filter it to create a flow?

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Why this post relevant to my Brand?

One way I test an image to see if it fits into the flow of my feed and Branding style is with an App called Preview.

Preview is a planner app for Instagram that allows you to place, drag and rearrange your images within your existing Instagram posts to see where it fits best, adjust the filters and test the look.

Write A Caption.

I can’t even tell you how big a pet peeve it is for me to see an amazing image with absolutely no caption! I mean I get it. A picture speaks a thousand words BUT if you don’t share one of them am I just supposed to guess? Tell me something! Oh and make sure whatever you write actually has something to do with the image. Don’t use an amazing image to bate me into a sales pitch, random thought or something else that is completely irrelevant to the photo above it.

Ask a question.

You’ve got your image. You’ve written a caption. Now what? How can you prompt your followers to actually leave more than a heart or smiley face emoji? It’s easy. If you want people to share, ask them a question. You can ask their opinion about what your shared or even ask how they feel about what you said.

Most people will answer when asked and that is the very first step to engaging with them. Once they answer you have the opportunity to respond.


That’s the next step. Don’t ask a question and never reply. Respond to what they say. Create a dialogue and you establish a connection that will also bring that same follower back to your next post just to see what you’re up to.

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Pictures with no captions confuse me. Pet Peeve maybe but how hard is it to tell my why this picture is here, what it is or what you’re doing?

Return The Love.

So you’ve posted this amazing picture, written the perfect caption, asked a great question and even responded to your followers answer. Now what?

Like any new friendship or even interaction there is always a give and take. The last step to having a winning Instagram post is learning how to return the love to your followers. Take a moment to click their Instagram name, visit their feed and leave a bit of love through a comment and like.

This extra step can take a casual follower and encourage them to become a loyal supporter.

How do you create winning Instagram posts?

Do you have any tips to share?

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8 responses to “For The Gram: 5 Tips For A Winning Instagram Post”

  1. aisasami Avatar

    Thanks for the tips! I have had an Instagram account for some time now but splinter off my blog post to a newer Instagram post. I pinned this to my Pinterest account for further reference.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      You’re very welcome!! I’m happy you found it useful . . .

  2. Cristina Avatar

    I think that responding or interacting with your audience it one of the most important things. Also, sharing the love and reciprocate is important and useful.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      I agree Cristina! It’s one of the easiest ways to let them know you care when they support you. Yes! Reciprocating is key to creating a community among other Bloggers.

  3. Beth Jensen Avatar

    This post couldn’t have come at a better time! Thank you so much! such helpful tips!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      I’m so happy it is timely Beth! Thanks so much for coming by 😉

  4. Sarah Avatar

    These are great tips! Thanks for sharing!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Sarah! Happy you came by . . .

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