8:28 Blessings Share Social {Week 2}

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,

to them who are the called according to his purpose.” 

Romans 8:28


Have you ever had a day when it just seemed like life itself was set against you? Maybe a situation you wanted to go one way went completely left and you couldn’t figure out why?  Or someone seemingly random crossed your path and for a reason you didn’t know left an impact in your day?  Do you have a testimony that you feel could lift someone else from a low place? Or simply a personal praise that may brighten someone else’s day?

In my life I call my these Godly set-ups my 8:28 Blessings.  

8:28 Blessings

Sharing Is Easy…

  • Meet me here on Saturdays around 12 noon
  • Copy your 8:28 Blessings post URL of the actual post {not your blog homepage URL}
  • Click the add your link button and paste your 8:28 Blessings URL
  • Add the title of your post {you don’t need to name it 8:28 Blessings but it’s up to you} and Share Social
  • Once your link has posted you will see it added to the list, then please share some comment love with those links before you
  • If you are the 1st LinkUp, please return later to share some comment love with those who join in {It’s All About Support}



  • Invite and share the 8:28 Blessings Share Social with your friends so this can become a place of community and support
  • If you choose to Tweet we are using Hashtag #828Blessings
  • Grab & Share the 8:28 Blessings button on your blog so others can come find out exactly what its about
Read This Too  It’s NOT All In The Going… Finding My Freedom


MY 8:28 Blessing:

At Least We Were At The School…

So two days ago I jumped in the car to make the quick school pick up run.  As I’m sitting there in the car line I instinctively cut off my engine and rolled down the windows ready to sit for the 10-15 minutes it usually take for the teachers to get out and line up with each class.

Maybe 10 minutes later, the car in front of me is ready with Kiddie in tow and it’s my turn to move up.  I turn the key in the ignition and…

That’s just it…there was nothing.  A click but no power or anything.  I glanced out my passenger window at the teacher standing there waving me forward and she turned and said …”That doesn’t sound good.”  LOL  Ok, so thankfully she said she would direct the other parents around me and try to flag someone down to give me a jump-start.

I immediately called my Hubby.  I’m telling you whenever I am in any trouble I call Jesus and my Hubby (in that order).  So, he started to talk me through how to place the jumper cable in the correct places (while mumbling how he knows he showed me this several times).

He was right.  Hubby had given me several ‘what if’ this happen scenarios with the truck and using the jumper cables was among the lessons but I’m sorry when I’m actually IN a situation…my mind goes blank.  For one I could barely lift the hood.  Luckily a Soldier drove by (they always help) and offered to try to jump the battery.  When he hooked everything up.  Nothing.  A few clicks but no power.

Hubby was still on the phone and immediately said he would be right there.  After gathering my Buddie he showed up at the school like my Knight in Shining Ford Pick-Up Truck!  About an hour later and after listening to several folks declare it wasn’t my battery but the alternator. My Hubby swapped out batteries between our two trucks(somehow keeping his running the entire time) then swapped them back.  Next thing I knew he was telling me to drive home and he would follow In My Truck which was running…

Read This Too  A Pause For Thanks… #828Blessings Share Social {9}

Of course we had to go buy a new batter later that night but if I hadn’t been at my daughters’ school when this happened things could have gone a lot differently and a lot worse.  Especially since I was supposed to have been 30 minutes away from home that day but just didn’t go.  So, I thank God for allowing a bad situation to end in not such a bad way…

At Least We Were At The School

Now its you’re turn…
Come, share, connect and fellowship…. with your #828Blessings

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3 responses to “8:28 Blessings Share Social {Week 2}”

  1. Betty Taylor Avatar

    Hello from Mommy Monday! I am following you on all the social media I can find! I am starting to feel like a professional follower! Lol! Have a great week!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! You're a PRO…I'll be heading over to be sure I'm following you soon.. 🙂

  2. Brittnei Avatar

    Aww I love it! Yes, I'm glad you were at the school when this happened as well. I hope my post is ok. I didn't have too much of a story like this. Glad to support you though on this linkup. I think it is important to acknowledge God's hand in helping us in our circumstances 🙂

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