Back To School Loves & Hates

Back To School Loves & Hates |
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It’s confession time. I know it may not be the coolest thing to admit but I have what you would call a love/hate relationship with the Back To School season. It’s one of those phrases that brings on a mix of excitement and anxiety in a few funny and maybe relatable ways. That’s why I wanna share my Back To School Loves & Hates!



Hot Coffee

If you know me at all you know coffee is pretty much a part of my every day. Yet in the summer I can never seem to enjoy it hot. I know for many that’s no big deal. Hot day – Cold Coffee = no problem. Not me. I love that first cup to be hot. Like piping hot but in the summer taking more than a few sips before I’m summoned by the all to familiar “Maaaaaaa!” is not only rare but nearly impossible. If there were a world record for re-heating coffee I’d be ya winner!


I love silence. You know the kind where you can hear yourself think?!?! That kind. I can’t tell you how many times a day I find myself asking “what was that?” or “what was that bang?”. The noise that 3 Kiddies can create in a house is beyond belief. I thought crying babies was nerve-wracking but let me tell you. The fun of a 10, 8 and 6 year old can have you go from thinking your home is under some sort of attack to wondering if you are raising elephants instead of kids!

You Feed Them

Yup. No more trying to figure out what’s for lunch or who needs a snack. Now it will all be the school’s problem. I know, I need to send lunch but for whatever strange reasons my Kiddies seem to love school lunch more than anything I ever stick in their bags anyway. So that’s right. I love the fact that from now to the end of June feeding them is something I only need to worry about twice a day – beginning and end. That I’m okay with.

PG Who Cares?!?

I get to watch whatever I want whenever I want. Okay between the hours of 8 and 2 but still that’s more than I’ve had all summer long! Every day for the past two months I’ve been subjected to Disney this, Nickelodeon that and all things Rated G. Well no more! Once these lil’ people are in school I get to watch whatever suits my fancy because I’ll have it like that!

It’s Still Clean!

Have you ever tried to clean your glasses in the rain? It’s kinda not worth the trouble right? I mean as soon as you clean them the rain simply makes them a mess again. Well that’s how it feels when you try to clean your home with kids around. I can clean one room, kick them out of the next, clean that one and get back around to see the same mess I just cleaned!!! It’s like a bad time loop or something. A never-ending cycle of cleaning that ends with the same mess we started with and me feeling nothing but defeat. No more! Nope. Once school starts I will be able to sit, breath and enjoy a clean house for a full 6 hours!! I. Can’t. Wait.

Let’s Do This!

Productivity. It’s pretty much non-existent when the Kiddies are home. No matter how early I get up or how late I stay up I always seem to run out of time. Why? Because for whatever reason they seem to think that summer is code word for Mom’s Camp. I’m expected to not only feed them but have daily activities as well. It’s just too much! So yeah, once they are back to school I get to accomplish things. You know, work, tasks, errands – the adult stuff.



Read This Too  A Letter…To My Amazing Military Children

Too Darn Early!

I’m an early riser. I admit it. Yet during the summer I can rise and then sit – with coffee in hand and still relax a bit before my day get started. Come school time that is no longer an option. I promise I have no less than 4 alarms set for myself during the week. They range from It’s Morning, Get Up, Get Up NOW, Shower and ends with Leave Right NOW! So yeah, School mornings just start too darn early!

I Know You’re Hungry.

Breakfast. I feel like this is a battle I only wage during the school year. Summer days these kiddies can’t seem to eat enough. It’s non-stop snacks, meals and demands. As soon as the alarms start ringing for school suddenly no one has an appetite and/or no food is good enough. I mean Come On!! I know you’re hungry so just eat and get it over with

Ok Google

Once the homework assignments start rolling in Google and I become very good friends. From Common Core Math, Science and Spanish (yes folks, my youngest is in Spanish Immersion) it’s like being back in college – except its Elementary School! So yeah, if Mommy doesn’t know it hopefully Google will!

Glue It Where?

I’m not what you would call a craft lover. I have a few craft skills that I think must be genetic. My Grandmother has been super crafty since forever. I mean this lady was painting and selling rocks before it was a thing, sewing handkerchiefs and even selling hand-painted glassware. Yet I wasn’t that kid dying to help – nope. I was good reading a book. So when it comes time for school projects calling upon my inner crafty is more of an obligation to my kids than a passion for my glue gun. #JustSayin

I’ve Had A Long Day

With school comes activities, meetings, spirit nights, dances – you know, all the stuff that makes 24 hours feel more like 29.  promise the list of school stuff that simply ‘can’t be missed‘ by 3 kids is endless which in turn means so are my days. So if you see me wandering aimlessly in a random school, library or rec center parking lot – just shove me in the right direction because 9 outta 10 – I’m running on nothing but coffee and will power.

Just Go To Sleep!

Bedtime may be a love/hate relationship when it comes to back to school time. I love that my day ends an hour or two earlier BUT the process of actually getting these kids int he bed and sleep – that’s not my fave. I mean from needing one last snack, drink of water or bathroom trip these kids are ingenious at creating reason not to let their bodies stay in those beds. It is a cross between hilarious and insane!

Read This Too  MrsTee In Disney {Night 2} – Who Says A Pool Is Only For Swimming?

Getting Ready

Even with my loves and hates of all things Back To School I’ve still managed to get ready for the process. Thanks to the help of Cookie’s Kids I even managed to get all three of the Kiddies dressed and showing off their personalities!
You know I love to share so be sure to head over to the Cookie’s Kids Blog to check out what we got PLUS order all your Back To School Must Have using MRSTEE17 valid for 10% off your purchase plus free shipping on orders $50 and up!

Back To School Loves & Hates |

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3 responses to “Back To School Loves & Hates”

  1. […] out my evergreen content for days, weeks or even months in advance. This means I can write a Back To School post today and have it shared not only now but during next year’s Back To School season as […]

  2. Nina Avatar

    I love the analogy of cleaning your glasses in the rain. That is so true about kids.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Haha!! Thanks Nina!

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