Blogger or Vlogger – The Same Rules Apply

Blogger Or Vlogger The Same Rules Apply |

As Bloggers we all know there are certain ‘rules’ that apply to having a successful Blog. Yet sometimes when making that additional step to becoming a Vlogger we forget that the same rules apply. Creating a YouTube Channel and simply posting videos doesn’t create success anymore than creating content and posting it without any interaction or promotion will work for your Blog.

Taking the same rules you applied to your success as a Blogger and applying them to your success as a Vlogger can not only increase your Channel’s views and shares but your subscribers as well which in turn increases your Channel’s impact with Brands. How? Let me share a few ways with you…


Blogger Or Vlogger - The Same Rules Apply |

Blogger – Subscribe/ Vlogger – Subscribe

What do we all do when we come across a Blog that we know we want to keep up with and never miss a post from? Subscribe. We subscribe to their site by email, newsletter or RSS Feed but however we do it we make sure that when that Blogger post we know. By doing this we let that Blogger know ‘I like you and what you are doing‘ this makes that Blogger that much more likely to return the love.

The same applies to being a Vlogger. Be active. Subscribe to fellow Vlogger’s Channels. You will see their newest videos on your What To Watch and you will have the opportunity to stay ‘in the know’ on what is going on with them. This will also let that Vlogger know that you want to get to know them as a Vlogger and what their Channel has to offer you as a Viewer. In turn they may return to your site and offer you the same Subscriber support.


Blogger Or Vlogger - The Same Rules Apply |

Blogger – Read / Vlogger – Watch

The same way you read your favorite Bloggers posts faithfully you should watch your favorite Vloggers videos. By watching their videos you not only give their channel additional views but you get to know them as a Vlogger, person and brand the same way reading a fellow Blogger’s content allows you to get to know them as a writer and their site as a brand.

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Just like a Blogger’s site thrives from views and engagement a Vlogger’s Channel is impacted greatly by the amount of views they have. Views mean that people are watching. People watching means their influence is increased.


Blogger Or Vlogger - The Same Rules Apply | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.comBlogger – Comment / Vlogger – Comment

Did you know you can comment directly to the Vlogger on YouTube the same as on a Blog? You can and you should. I know as Bloggers we all love when we get those comment notifications because it means that what we wrote had an impact. The person reading it had a reaction and was kind enough to share it with us. They are offering us feedback that can help improve and encourage our future content.

To comment on a video is no different. When you leave a comment on a Vlogger’s video you let them know that what they said meant something and that you could either relate or it reached you in some way. Your video comments help a Vlogger understand what they may need to change, adjust or keep the same for future videos. In all situations, your comments are valuable!


Blogger Or Vlogger - The Same Rules Apply | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.comBlogger – Support, Share & Promote / Vlogger – Support, Share, Promote

What’s the first thing you do after you read a post you like? Share it. Pin, Tweet, Facebook, Google+ whichever you choose you get the word out “This is some great content and I think you should check it out too!”

You can do the same thing for your favorite Vlogger’s video. Just like a Blog has share buttons YouTube offers a convenient way for you to share a video on many different Social Media networks with one simple click. Doing this will offer that Vlogger the same share support that you give Blogger’s everyday.

Don’t let your Channel rely solely on your Viewers – just like you share and promote your posts you should schedule the same attention to your Vlog content as well. 

Blogger Or Vlogger The Same Rules Apply |


Bonus Tip

Blogger Or Vlogger - The Same Rules Apply | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.comBlogger – Post Regularly / Vlogger – Be Consistent

Bloggers know that staying present with your Readers is essential to maintaining their support and turning them into Followers. A Reader may visit your site every once in a while to see what you’re up to but a Follower looks forward to your content and your next post. By establishing a regular posting schedule you give them something to rely on.

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This can be beneficial as a Vlogger as well. When you are constant in your video publishing you give your Viewers the opportunity to ‘tune in regularly’ they know when you post and how often they can look forward to new content.

As with anything, be careful not to set yourself up for a downfall in either of these situations. Be careful when posting set times, dates and frequency for posts on both a Blog and Vlog. If you promise your Followers and Subscribers something every Thursday at 6pm and life happens you may loose a few people.

Instead I would suggest to simply do it. If you are there every week your Followers and Viewers will be to but you still allow yourself the wiggle room in case you can’t post until Friday instead of Thursday. You made your weekly post but didn’t box yourself in to one day. This leads to less disappointment from your Viewers.

[tweetthis]Success as a Vlogger IS possible! “Blogger or Vlogger – The Same Rules Apply” #MrsTeeH #MrsTeeVlogs[/tweetthis]

Have you ventured beyond your URL and started to Vlog on a regular basis?

How have you approached the success of your Channel?

Do you support fellow Vloggers like you would a fellow Blogger? 


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87 responses to “Blogger or Vlogger – The Same Rules Apply”

  1. […] what’s happening, what you’re doing and the scoop on where ever you are. Simply put: if you can Blog you can Vlog. These videos are supposed to feel […]

  2. chbernard Avatar

    These are great tips! Vlogging is definitely the direction to move towards! Thanks for joining the Link-It To Me Link Party, I hope you will join us again this week! Pinning 🙂
    My recent post Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much!! Thanks for hosting and pinning – Truly appreciated…

  3. Krystal Avatar

    I love this post! It is all about community no matter what platform you are on. Great tips.
    My recent post Blogger Book Ideas: 20 Must Read Books For Bloggers

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Krystal!! It really does always come down to creating that true community. Thanks again 🙂

  4. klg1982 Avatar

    I have never really considered vlogging, but this is really interesting. I don't usually follow that community, but I love those Parodies parents do to songs.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Vlogging is something your really have to have a passion for much like Blogging…yes, the parodies can be hilarious 🙂

  5. April G Avatar
    April G

    I am planning on getting better at this. I need to break the barrier of fear. I can do this.
    My recent post Baby’s Brilliant App Sizzling Summer $250 Giveaway {2 Winners}

  6. chbernard Avatar

    Thanks for sharing! I have considered vlogging but also sometimes get annoyed when I click on a post expecting to read about a topic and end up finding a video instead. Definitely something I am considering though so this is very helpful!

  7. HilLesha Avatar

    I'm honestly not a fan of vlogging, but I agree with you that the rules with blogging can easily apply with vlogging. Wonderful reminder, especially for those who are wanting to have a popular YouTube channel.


  8. Carly Brydon Avatar

    I haven't started vlogging, at least not yet. I love supporting other vloggers and watching their videos, though!

  9. Chubskulit Rose Avatar

    I love blogging but I can never be a vlogger. I shy away in front of the video as I am not a good speaker. But if I have the ability, I would because it is more effective in connecting to people.
    My recent post Summer Time Fun and Eye Protection with Unisex Full Frame Sunglasses Firmoo #Review

  10. Rosey Avatar

    That's a good tip to leave the vlogger constructive feedback, positive even. I think viewers do sometimes see things we miss when using the recorder and of course it is good to know!

  11. Maria-Teresa A Avatar
    Maria-Teresa A

    I've always wanted to try vlogging but have been a bit shy to dive in. I agree with all of your points though – blogging and vlogging is very similar! I do think that users are more inclined to comment on Vlogs though as opposed to blogs (as I'm writing this…). I talso hink that vloggers also need to have an 'on screen personality,' which can be a barrier to many bloggers.


    1. MrsTee Avatar

      True Maria …you definitely need a good personality that engages people in order to be on camera. I encourage you to give it a try thought 😀

  12. notjustpaperandpaint Avatar

    I have considered trying some videos. Need to work on a good "stage" area. I do some live TV so I'm used to it.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh Live TV experience is definitely a bonus! I only recently set up a real \’stage area\’ but for Vlogs it\’s wherever I am … LOL

  13. Fi Ni Neachtain Avatar
    Fi Ni Neachtain

    Really great post, full of things people really should do if they want to be even remotely successful. I tried vlogging but have no idea how to edit videos and I thought mine looked awful haha 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much! If you have a MacBook there\’s a built in editing program. I\’m not too sure about PCs though…

  14. Rebecca Swenor Avatar
    Rebecca Swenor

    This is awesome information for the bloggers and the vloggers. They do have basically the same rules but I believe one of the main things to being successful for both is consistency. I don't know to much about the vlogging but I do know more and more are doing it. Vlogging is one thing I will be checking out. Thanks for sharing.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Rebecca! There are of course difference but so many things that are the same it can take a bit of the nerves away from starting it.

  15. Miranda (myrabev) Avatar

    These are great tips and you're right the same rules apply except I was lazy about vlogging and still am but I will resume soon and treat it like my blogs.
    My recent post {GBU} The Happening Week Sixteen 

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Miranda!

  16. mythirtyspot Avatar

    These are great tips. I have thought about vlogging, but it is a whole new realm and it does take a lot of work, but so does blogging too. I may have to reconsider with your good tips! – Erin Kennedy

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Erin!! It is a new world sorta speak but so much fun! Let me know what you decide I\’d love to be a support :

  17. The Trophy WifeStyle Avatar
    The Trophy WifeStyle

    Hehehe not gunna lie I'm kinda a vlogging hater…. I'm so old school for not being an old person lol… I have a feeling that it will eventually run off on me though like everything else on the interwebs 😉

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh No! Please don’t hate us…LOL It’s really a great way to extend and get to know your followers in a different way but it isn’t for everyone 😀

  18. Michele Avatar

    I am not likely to become a Vlogger but what you said up there makes sense–total sense. Bloggers and Vloggers are essentially doing the same thing but with different media!
    My recent post E-Book Giveaway- 3 winners-WW-MURDER IN CALICO GOLD A Cedar Bay Cozy Mystery #6-Dianne Harman-Ends 7/29

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It is an acquired taste 😉 Thanks so much for the support 🙂

  19. Susan Quackenbush Avatar

    I'd never really seen a breakdown of the two before, very informative! I don't think I could be a vlogger, I enjoy writing my stories out too much 🙂
    My recent post Summer Steelhead Fishing With The Ecooda Maelstrom Baitrunner Fishing Reel! #kastking

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Susan! It’s surprising how similar running Vlog can be to a Blog but I agree it isn’t for everyone but I admit I do love it 😀

  20. Jaime Nicole Avatar
    Jaime Nicole

    Not vlogging yet. I am trying to work up to it, but I am not sure when I would do it. Blogging is usually something I am doing with dogs barking and kids running around or playing instruments – not sure how well that would translate to video!
    My recent post 4 Reasons Why Solo Parenting Can Be Awesome.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Maybe soon Jaime 😀 I would love to see you give it a try. Vlogging much like Blogging is something you have to have a passion for but once you do it\’s addictive 😀 LOL..Take out the dogs and swap them for 4 loud Kiddies and we are the same 😀

  21. Terri Ramsey Beavers Avatar

    I've been wanting to become a vlogger and have made a couple of short videos but my cam video is not the best. I've been researching to find a good camcorder. Thanks so much for all of the wonderful tips. When I do get started, they will sure come in handy.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Well I initially used my iPad and for my Vlogs I actually use my iPhone. Just be sure if you use your phone to turn it horizontal to avoid the two black bars on either side of your video. A good smartphone can actually go a long way when used properly 😀

  22. Patrice Avatar

    I am not that comfortable as yet would like to try soon. I can't stand to see myself in the camera..
    My recent post Warning Signs of Teen Depression in girls

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I wasn’t either but slowly it grew on me and my comfort level increased. Thanks for coming by Patrice 😀

  23. Robin Masshole Mommy Avatar
    Robin Masshole Mommy

    I have tried vlogging a few times, but honestly – I have no interest in watching other people's videos, so I stopped making my own because it made me feel like a hypocrite LOL.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! That’s a first. I guess I could understand that though. YouTube is something you have to have a taste for.

  24. Ickle Pickle Avatar
    Ickle Pickle

    This is a great post, and so true. I have set up a new vlog channel and these tips will be of great help to me, thank you for sharing. Kaz x
    My recent post #PampersPooFace Wipes Giveaway

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much! What’s your Channel so I can come by and support?

  25. Liz Mays Avatar

    If I'm ever able to improve the quality of my videos I may try vlogging out. Some of them are pretty interesting, especially the ones in other countries.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Liz! What are you using to record? I started out with my iPad and use my iPhone for my Vlogs…fancy equipment is not always a must. Let me know when you get started I can’t wait to watch! 😀

  26. Heather Avatar

    I've done a couple of V-logs and while you might think it's easy to just sit behind the camera and spit out a v-log, it's not. I've had to do so many re-takes simply because I got tongue tied or said something wrong, or realized I should have highlighted on something that I hadn't…then instead of editing text, you have to redo the whole thing again. Not saying I'll never do it again, but you are right the same guidelines exist.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      No you’re right Heather it is so much more than just talking. I found once I learned how to be myself it came easier. I even keep in my blunders here and there because it helps keep it real. 🙂

  27. fabmomblog Avatar

    I've wanted to start vlogging more but I'm not very tech savvy. I am also very self conscious. I need to get over it and try vlogging.
    My recent post What dress style for homecoming will you be wearing?

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You don’t need to be tech savvy…all you need is a camera and a good program. Let me know if you decide to venture in again and if I can help in anyway 😀

  28. Audrey (Trihardmom) Avatar
    Audrey (Trihardmom)

    Great tips! I have not started any vlogging yet – my blog itself is only about 7 months old and I feel like I am still trying to get all the rules and avenues you can use for a blog down pat. In the future, these tips will come in handy when I begin making videos! I really enjoy videos that have product reviews so you can get a real feel for a bag just like seeing it in person.
    My recent post Kids repeat everything!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Audrey!! I understand Master one thing before taking on another. I did the same thing – I didn\’t really start vlogging until last year. Once you decided to start with videos let me know so I can support 😀

  29. Jeannette Avatar

    This is an interesting read! I've gotten behind my camera a time or two but it's always been a part of something I posted on a blog and I was curious about how being a true vlogger worked. It makes sense that the same guidelines would apply.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That’s how I started but then I wanted to do more and started to created a community on YouTube itself. It’s such amazing fun!

  30. Megan Elford Avatar
    Megan Elford

    I've just started adding videos to many of my blog posts. I'm not sure if it's vlogging exactly, because most of it is not the typical talking head style. Still, the same rules about promoting apply. I'm still working on watching and commenting on other vlogs, but I'm slowly getting there!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It’s the same way I started Megan, so who knows it may lead to Vlogging 😀

  31. Joanne T Ferguson Avatar
    Joanne T Ferguson

    Great tips and thanks for highlighting today! I have learned something new! I think a lot of bloggers are going into trying to be vbloggers and to be honest, most people don't really have the time to read blog posts daily! I just think there is a glut of videos from bloggers…too many…but perhaps is just me!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Joanne! I watch a lot of Blogging Vloggers but also dedicated Vloggers…it’s a good mix of both out there for sure 😀

  32. Esme Sy Avatar
    Esme Sy

    Yup, the same rules apply. Vlogging though, is not for me. I don't have the guts to appear in my own video.
    My recent post Pros and Cons of Breastfeeding in Public

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! I think you’d be great but it is something you have to love to do 😀

  33. Suzanne A. Lucas Avatar
    Suzanne A. Lucas

    I haven't worked up the guts to start vlogging — mostly because I can't stand to see myself on camera, but also because I can hardly keep up with my own blogs. Would you say vlogging is easier or harder in terms of time and effort? I'd be interested in your experience with it.

    Stopping by from the Creative Style linkup.
    My recent post The Great Duchess Hair Twirl and Four Other Life-Changing News Stories You May Have Missed This Year

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It can be hard to get used to but definitely worth the try. I usually schedule my Vlogs the same way I do a post and I work on them throughout a few days time to avoid feeling to pressured. I honestly feel it can be but if your make a schedule and organize well you can avoid being over loaded. I can say that editing a Vlog can take me a lot longer than editing a post but mainly because of the visual aspect of it. Feel free to ask me anything you need 🙂

  34. Galaxia_Dawn Avatar

    I especially love your tip to be consistent! I gotta work on that–big goal for 2014! You are really good with all of these things and I'm always learning from you 🙂 Thanks for this post, MrsTee!
    My recent post Baby Coupons | Pampers & Enfamil

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Galaxia!! I think being your brand and consistency definitely go hand in hand. You want to be recognizable across the board. I\’m glad my efforts to do this are showing 😉 Thanks!! That truly means so much… xoxoxo

  35. @GrowItGirl Avatar

    I definitely approach my Channel the say way I do my blog. I promote the same way and I try to post once a week. My issue is deleting footage and posting nothing. As I adjust my lights and camera, I am keeping more of my footage. I would also say leave meaningful comments. I hate those short I'm just here b/c I saw your vid in a group we belong to message. Oh they drive me batty. Heck, you have had the please of my long comments on your channel. LOL
    My recent post Wake Up Wednesday Linky #25

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That’s great! That’s exactly how it should be because design, content, promotion and support of fellow Vloggers is just as essential for a Channel as it is for a Site. Editing can be very difficult at times but I promise you find a ‘groove’ after a bit. When you do it consistently you start to remember this light goes here, this eating works best, etc.

      Yes! A Vlog deserves the same meaningful comments and any good post..the same work, effort and thought is applied so why not give the same to a comment. You are making some really great points!

      I appreciate your support on my Channel and now here as well 🙂 Thanks so much for coming by!

  36. Katie Avatar

    Great tips!! It really is true that the same rules apply for both the blog and vlog. I've never had a vlog but I've had a blog for a few years. I would love it if you linked this up to my Motivate Me Monday linky party at IT'S A ginger SNAP.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Katie! I’ll be sure to stop by…

  37. spiritedlife Avatar

    Completely agree! I keep saying that I'm going to do it, but I haven't set any time aside to do it. I know what I want to talk about… but have to do it! ya know! But I'm exhausted!
    My recent post Blogger Opp: Origami Owl

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You should! I think you\’ll be great at it! 😀 LOL..I know what you mean. When you do I can\’t wait to see it!

  38. Karen Avatar

    I really want to try vlogging, just have to wait until my laptop is reparied…this one has no camera on it…sighs. Such great tips, thanks, going to pin this babe.
    My recent post Just Finished Reading…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You should!! Let me know when you get set up so I can follow and subscribe 🙂 Thanks so much for the Pin Support ;D

  39. Laila @FrontRowMama Avatar
    Laila @FrontRowMama

    These are great tips! I'm not a vlogger, but I appreciate the comments about the similarities.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Laila!! Who knows maybe Vlogging may be for you in the future 😉

  40. Steph @MisplacedBrit Avatar

    What a great post, with tones of tips & advice from personal experience… Some things sound so obvious, but we don't do them anyway!!
    I love this wake up call to the world of Vlogging – hadn't even considered it until I read your post! I'm imagining it's even more time consuming than blogging – Do you think so?

    Thanks for sharing at the #SHINEbloghop 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Steph! It can be easy to forget that being a Vlogger really isn\’t that different from being a Blogger. It honestly doesn\’t have to take that much more time than Blogging. Preparing a video is very similar to prepping a post. It just depends on your process. I am very detail oriented so my editing may take a lot longer than most people but when I plan ahead and know exactly what I want I can cut the time down significantly.

  41. Mrs. Mashed Up Avatar
    Mrs. Mashed Up

    Great post. I am a blogger, but have considered becoming a Vlogger down the road. Great reminders! Found you through the Social Media Mixer!
    My recent post Mash-Up Link-Up: Blueberry and Moon Day (July ’14)

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you! It is a really great way to expand your presence and influence to an entirely new audience. So happy you took the time to come by 😀

  42. The Vanilla Housewife Avatar
    The Vanilla Housewife

    I have always wanted to vlog but couldn't! I have a lot of what ifs LOL What if they laugh at my accent? What if I mispronounce a word or what if they point out grammar mistakes? and what if they laugh at me? <-this one's a weird fear because I am a funny blogger wanna-be. LMAO
    And I don't even have the courage to post my photos on the blog. Pffft.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      But you CAN! If you see mine whenever I mess-up saying something I acknowledge it and move on…no biggie! I would love to see you start flogging 🙂 When you’re ready let me know so I can be subscriber #1 😀 xoxoxo PS – you ARE a FUNNY Blogger!

  43. Ana Lynn Amelio Avatar
    Ana Lynn Amelio

    I haven't started Vlogging yet, although I have toyed with the idea of making one weekly post either a Vlog or a Podcast. However, I lack a proper microphone at the moment so those plans are postponed until autumn!
    My recent post A Short Break

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Well I can\’t wait to see what you do! Is it autumn yet? 🙂

  44. Kristen Avatar

    This is really helpful as I delve into the vlogging world. Thanks for this!
    My recent post Kids Books That Drive Parents Bonkers

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      So happy to hear, your welcome! 🙂

  45. Karren Haller Avatar

    Good morning, visiting from Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party, I Pinned and shared your post to G+ this morning, Happy Wednesday! #WW
    My recent post What I Made Wordless Wednesday #Linkyparties

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Karren! Thanks so much… happy Wednesday 🙂

  46. LifeAsAConvert Avatar

    Great tips. I am trying to expand my vlog. I would love to actually have some viewers rather than posting everyday (we are daily vloggers) and hardly any views, but it is my fault. I need to use these tips and "market" my vlog more. I do watch a few other vloggers, but I hardly comment on them. I am trying to change that though, but if I mention that I am also a vlogger in my comment then some people take it as if I am trying to force them to subscribe.
    My recent post Easy DIY Mickey Mouse Birthday Ideas

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you! Expanding a Vlog can seem really daunting but if you approach the same as you did when you started your Blog it is truly very similar. Start with your design, keep it consistent to the look of your Blog to create Brand recognition, Promote – add your Vlog to your site on a sidebar or attention grabber (the top bars) – this will allow your Blog Readers the chance to see what your doing on your Vlog. Don\’t keep them separate. When you comment to other Vloggers most times it isn\’t necessary to say you are a Vlogger because you comment will be from your Channel name anyway. If you stay present and they see you often enough they will come visit you. If you have any questions, feel fee to drop me an e-mail or reach out through my Contact Me Page…

  47. Rea Avatar

    Im certainly not comfortable yet but I'd like to try in the future. You have great tips Tiffany!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I was so scared at first but now I look at it as a conversation with one person. Takes a bit of the pressure off 🙂 Thanks Rea and thanks for coming by!

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