A Familiar Voice | #NaBloPoMo

Finding your voice. Learning how to develop it. Yet when I read the question the first thing I thought was that I’d never lost my voice. To me my inner voice has been as much a part of me as my name or my face. I always heard it in whispers, rhyme, conflict, encouragement…it’s a part of me. It’s a familiar voice that I have never lost but have at times ignored. So when it came to making a place for it on my Blog it wasn’t ever a question of how just when…

NaBloPoMo November 2014 | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

November 5th Prompt:

 Do you feel you have found your voice on your blog?

What techniques have you tried to develop your voice in your writing?

What are some characteristics of your personality in your writing?


The decision to start my Blog took root when I realized that my journals, notebooks and occasional Facebook Status posts just weren’t giving my voice the volume it needed anymore. I wanted feedback, interaction and a place where my creativity could be sparked to different levels.

MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter was that place for me. I knew I wanted to speak on my life and who I am: Woman, Wife and Mother but that I also wanted to have the room to grow and expand to different interests and topics. Since beginning this Blogger journey I have found that spark I was looking for through so many different places like Lisa Jo’s Five Minute Friday where you are given a one word prompt to free write on for 5 minutes only. No editing, changing or rewriting. You just allow your voice to flow and be. I haven’t been able to participate recently but when I did it was such a freedom. I felt like that nerd girl student back in High School Literature class. I loved the challenges and creative writing techniques we used to explore and to me this was like a little piece of Heaven.

Read This Too  1 In A 1000 | 1000 Voices For Compassion #1000Speaks

I have also tried to develop and challenge myself by joining things like NaBloPoMo and different writing Challenges to help me move beyond my comfort zone of topics and into places that if given a choice I may not venture into BUT when faced with a challenge I find that I have thoughts, opinions and a voice that wanted to speak on it but may have been muffled by my own guards.

My writing is very much like my personality: quirky, humorous, corny with touches of inspiration and reflection here and there. In most cases I tend to write as I speak without too much thought to grammar and the laws of English I usually love so much. Yet when needed I can call upon my English tools and rules and make my High School English teacher proud.


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