Finding My Balance

Balance. At times it can be hard to find and even harder to maintain. We have to find balance within life at home, on the job, and with who you are.

I’ve been a Blogger for nearly 6 years now. The life of a full-time Blogger allowed me to remain home with my Kiddies, create a source of income as well as become a business owner and entrepreneur. All things I honestly never anticipated for myself when I started.

Oh, but when I got there, I thrived in it. I love having the freedom to make my own decisions, create and set goals all while accomplishing things many didn’t expect from someone who is ‘just a Blogger*their words, not mine.

Wait. What?

Then came life. The life of an adult who realizes that although what I do is passion-driven and fulfilling it isn’t yet at the point where I can offer the support my spouse and my home needs financially.

As that adult, I decided to pull up my big girl panties and start searching for a job back out there in the world that would somehow give me space to maintain my dreams while offering the security of a guaranteed income.

The process was hard. Disappointing and at times depressing. Trying to explain how your entrepreneur based skillset is worthy of a salary wasn’t as easy as I anticipated. I understood. I hadn’t had what many considered a ‘real job‘ in nearly 13 years!

The thing they ignored was how in 5 of those 13 years, I grew a business from nothing to an income-generating business with influence and impact in a market that isn’t easy to break into. I also became an expert in my field, teaching, empowering and supporting other small business owners, women and moms to find the same if not greater success in businesses of their own. Shouldn’t that count for something?

Every answer I heard told me it didn’t. That’s when I started to lower my standards. I’d take whatever job would accept me. Yet here’s the thing. No one seemed to want me. Not even Walmart! I was either overqualified or under-experienced with no meeting point in between.

Read This Too  One Word 2014…More Than A Resolution

In Jesus’ Name

That’s when I began to pray. I know, I should’ve started there but hey – I’m still human here. Once I realized this wasn’t a problem with a Tiffany solution I began to pray for God to open the door meant for me. The door that would give me all I needed while still offering me the opportunity to continue my passions and have an impact on the community I love.

Applications were filled, resumes sent, interviews scheduled. Then. Nothing. Days passed, weeks, months – 6 months and nothing. I’d been on at least 5 interviews and even had 2nd and 3rd interviews with none leading to an offer only rejection.

I began to give up the hope that a job was there for me. Instead, I focused on building my business into a greater income. It had to work. I needed to help my family and find the success I knew was possible even if it weren’t in an office.

Then a friend suggested I submit my resume for a position that honestly didn’t even exist – officially. I really wanted to ignore her gentle and sometimes not so gentle urgings. Instead, I listened. I listened because I knew my best interests were in her heart. I trusted her. So, I prepared my resume/portfolio and sent it over with a short prayer whispered telling God how I’d really love this to work out if it was meant for me.

There. Done. I left it up to God. It was a few weeks before I heard anything but once they reached out it was with an answer to my whispered and at times whimpered prayers. They wanted me to join the team!!

My years at home didn’t matter but my passion, desire, experience, and purpose did! It all mattered. They got me and I got them!

Read This Too  When Things Go Wonky!

A New Balance

Flash forward about 4 weeks as I sit here writing this post. I’m working with a company that not only gets my life as a woman, wife, and mother but as a business owner and entrepreneur as well. They see ME for who I am and how I got here!

I have the opportunity to extend my passion to a community I love and still be the mother my Kiddies need, the support my family deserves and the business owner I still want to be.

Of course, I’ve had adjustments. My schedule is no longer one where ‘but first coffee’ always applies. Yet it is one where I can drop my Kiddies off in the morning, pick them up in the afternoon, make all their school functions and still work towards the continued success of my new position as well as my businesses.

Finding balance in my new life as both an employee and entrepreneur is taking time but it’s also building me into a stronger person and for that I am grateful.

So be sure to stay tuned for what’s ahead as I continue to share my moments and create memories with you!!

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One response to “Finding My Balance”

  1. […] knew taking it would mean finding a new balance in our lives and for me, that also meant beginning to plan a way to surprise him with something he […]

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