Finding My True Path…”Hide & Seek”

During the majority of my pregnancy, I played a weird game of Hide & Seek with both my family and friends.  I was so ashamed and disappointed in myself for what I saw as letting everyone down by becoming another statistic that I did everything I could to avoid them.


My pregnancy was anything but easy.  I had nausea from Day 1 and it carried through for what felt like my entire pregnancy.  I didn’t have ‘morning’ sickness I had ALL DAY sickness.  Smells, the way food looked, its texture… anything would send me running to the nearest bathroom.  Through it all my Grandmother was there. She would feed me broken-up Saltines (the oldest remedy ever…which did absolutely nothing for me), bring me tea to try to settle my stomach, and even hold my hair back as both items made their reappearance shortly after.

Leave It To Grandma

Having such a bad case of nausea was not easy but when you factor in that I still had nearly 4 months of my Senior Year left to complete before graduation.  Add to that my desire not to tell ANYone in my school about my pregnancy and I was in for a rough time ahead.  I was so fearful of the looks and gossip that would follow me throughout the day at school that it was the last thing I wanted to announce to anyone.

My Grandmother understood and somehow (I still don’t know what she said) she convinced my All Girl Catholic School Nun of a Principal to not only allow me to continue attending and finish out my Senior Year as normal but to also keep my pregnancy known only among the staff, to allow me unlimited access to the sick room and a provide me a permanent Hall Pass in case I had to make a run for it during a class.

Hall Pass in hand I made my way to school every day.  Yes, EVERY day.  My Grandmother insisted I didn’t make my pregnancy or my All Day Sickness an excuse to fall behind or slack off.  So she would come wake me up and off we would go with my trusty plastic bag (just in case) in tow for the ride.  Yet with her help and her persistent support, I made it.  I finished those 4 months and walked down that aisle to get my diploma.  Not only did I graduate but I graduated with Honors.  We Did It! I graduated just like my Grandmother said I would.

Read This Too  Did That Just Happen?

Hide & Seek Part II

Now came the other part…the having my baby and being a Mother part.  I made it out of High School without anyone knowing I was pregnant.  On graduation day I was a pale reflection of myself and oh so skinny but pregnancy was the farthest thing from anyone’s mind.  In fact, the 2 (and only) friends I finally told right before my due date were shocked speechless to find out I was pregnant during school.

Once I finished High School I spent my entire summer perfecting my game of Hide & Seek. Family and friends would ask about me and try to seek me out at home but somehow I was able to stay one step ahead of everyone.  Now my family knew that I was pregnant.  There was no secret there.  I even had a baby shower but only a choice few actually attended.  I went to church with them nearly 4 times out of the week.  Yet instead of trying to hide the pregnancy itself, I tried to hide my guilt about it.

Forgiven Yet Not Forgotten

As a Christian, I knew that God forgave me the instant I asked.  In my heart I knew that the sexual act I had committed to get where I was had been long forgiven and as far as God was concerned – forgotten.  Yet there are times that God’s people fail to be as forgiving as He is.  This was what I was hiding from.  The stares, whispers, and even blatant questions as to my salvation that came up whenever I forgot to hide.

At the suggestion of my Grandmother and in agreement with my Pastor at the time I no longer sang in the choir, no longer led Praise & Worship, no longer ushered…I simply No Longered.  I made every attempt to blend into a pew when I attended and if I could slip by my Grandmother’s view I would try not to attend at all by spending the majority of the service in the dining hall.

Whenever I did attend I could instantly feel the looks, hear the voices and honestly it would hurt.  Almost physically.  Why if God had forgiven me and released me from my sin could these people who called themselves my family and brothers and sisters in the church not do the same?  Had they forgotten that we all have fallen short?  That’s when I heard the whisper.  The familiar one I’d missed for so long…’Yet Grace’.

Read This Too  My Migraine Story

With Grace By My Side

It wasn’t until I began to pray again. To worship again in my secret place I realized I had Grace on my side.  Yes, I’d sinned.  I’d fallen short.  BUT my pregnancy was a result of the act not a continuation of it.  I was no longer sinning I was simply carrying my baby to term as any other mother.  So why should I remain in hiding?  Why should I carry on this silly game of Hide & Seek I had fought so hard to perfect over the previous 6 months?

It was then I stopped hiding.  I could be happy.  I was allowed to be excited about my baby and my pregnancy because the sin was gone and my baby was coming and he a blessing. He was my blessing.  When he was born that November and I looked into his eyes for the first time I knew that he was mine and I was his.  I made my son a promise that day…




I Will NEVER Leave You

Why That Promise?

Learn the answer in the next part of 

Finding My True Path… {a series}


Have you read the rest of my story?  Read them here:

Finding My True Path…{a series}

“Train Up A Child”

My Prodigal Experience

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19 responses to “Finding My True Path…”Hide & Seek””

  1. Khloe Avatar

    Kudos to you for remaining strong!

    I know how you feel in a sense. In college, I had a one night stand with a friend that led to a pregnancy. I was ashamed because I was not in a relationship and was not with the father of this child by any means. I didn't know how my family would react and what they would say but once I made the decision to keep the baby and be happy about it – I let no one hinder that happiness. During my pregnancy, my daughter's father and I fell in love and were together for six years and although we are no longer together – we've build a parenting partnership that can't be replaced.

    Visiting from #SITSSHAREFEST

    Keep it Touched,
    My recent post Happy Halloween Friends!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Kudos to you as well for not allowing a situation that probably wasn’t ideal to those around become a hindrance to your happiness. It’s times like those we have to listen to hearts because although our family wants the best for us their idea of it may not always be our reality. I’m glad you had the 6 years you did and that your daughter knows that her parents are a team in spite of it all.

      Thanks so much for coming by…I’m sorry for the delay in my reply, I’m nursing what may be strep or something 🙁

  2. Rosevine Avatar

    What a beautiful post. We are visiting from the blog hop you posted on. Hope you can come over to our blog and share your beautiful story. .
    My recent post Shabby Chic Side Table

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank You! I will definitely stop by this weekend… 🙂

  3. MrsTee Avatar

    Thank you so much. It is amazing what we can get through with determination.

  4. anneliese Avatar

    Loved reading this honest account of your pregnancy! Thank you for sharing.
    My recent post Toddler Size Giveaway!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you for your support and encouragement. 🙂

  5. Candi Avatar

    I had the same feelings but the opposite age. I was almost 40 with my last child, not planned, did not go to my high school reunion, ashamed, embarrassed. I was too old to be pregnant. I would be almost 60 when she graduates high school. Hated my body, tired, depressed. She is a great joy to me and I love her, God knows what He's doing and blesses us.
    My recent post Ten Easy Steps to Create A Tea Party

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes He does. God doesn’t make mistakes or misjudgments. He knows what and when He’s doing things in our lives and there is always a purpose. Thank you so much for coming by 🙂

  6. Jenn @ Party of One Avatar
    Jenn @ Party of One

    This was absolutely moving! Thank you for being real & honest. Thank out for sharing your story. It was beautifully written and oh so touching. Thank you.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you very much! I appreciate you coming by and sharing your reaction…it means a lot!

  7. Phenomenal Mama Avatar
    Phenomenal Mama

    What a great testimony Tiffany! This is why I LOVE bloggers and being a blogger. I love how this community shares their journeys (even the unpretty parts) and inspire others. I love that we all have this outlet to express ourselves and find kindred spirits! "Yet there are times that God’s people fail to be as forgiving as He is." Most truthful and profound thing I've read all day!! There are some MAJOR hypocrites among us! I'm glad you learned to forgive yourself, which allowed you to become the best mother you could be! Continued blessings to you on your journey!! :-))

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much Tracie! When I started my Blog I wanted to share my day-to-day but I also wanted to make an impact a difference to someone in their walk. I knew what my story was and I knew when I was going through it a word of encouragement from someone who’d ‘been there’ would have been a big help. I hope I can be that word for someone. I truly found my blessings through self-forgiveness. Thanks for your encouragement and your support! 🙂 xoxoxo

  8. Shannon @ Mishmash Mama Avatar
    Shannon @ Mishmash Mama

    This is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story and your triumph. I hope people can learn to be a little less judgey. There are girls like you all over.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you. I hope it can encourage someone to know the only judge who can impact your life is God. I had to forgive myself because He already had

  9. upliftingfam Avatar

    I played hide and seek with my first pregnancy, not sure why I did looking back. I was young when I had my daughter and I guess I didn't want any of my old friends knowing that I got pregnant a year after I graduated from HS.
    My recent post DIY Construction Paper Pumpkin Table Decorations

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That Hide&Seek game I played stole a lot of the joy I should have experienced during my pregnancy. I was so glad when I finally allowed God to give me true freedom…

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