How Could This Be The Impression You See?

Unapproachable and uppity were the words that were used

To say they stung would not be close to an abuse

How could this be the impression you see?

I stay to myself, yes. Yet shyness and newness are what motivate me

I’m actually rather awkward until we get close

Yet you wouldn’t know since you simply supposed

So what if I sit and wait… look and observe

Are these the traits you place upon me as reserved?

No no those were not the words you said…unapproachable and uppity

You felt those fit me instead

Yet did you ever make a step towards to truly get to know or to see?

Ever once did you actually try and speak to me?

So now I’ve been told what it is some may think

I walk away upset and trying to blink

Fall back tears no pain will I show

It may lead to more hurt than I already know

I play the funny jokester at times

She who always has just the right come back line

Little do they know I wear these roles well

To hide the shy girl inside who swore me never to tell

Of her life as the nerd girl, the last one to be picked

Who made people laugh to avoid being tricked

Tricked into thinking friends she made were truly her own

When all they really wanted was to raise her hopes then send her back home

Read This Too  MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter Tops Of 2014

That shy girl is me she’s still in here hiding

Behind the laughter the jokes the one almost crying

Yet I put her back inside tell her it’ll be okay

I’ll make it better we’ll make it for just one more day

So you see what you want and I’ll be who I be

For it is she I protect when you’re judging me

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14 responses to “How Could This Be The Impression You See?”

  1. Stacy Boyd Avatar

    Great post! So relatable…I'm an introvert. And I've heard those words before too. Glad you were able to release through your writing! Blessings to you!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much…it can be hard to explain to others how you feel in certain situations so writing becomes my outlet. God Bless You as well…

  2. Tamara Avatar

    Sometimes I hide through smiles and tears very much. Sometimes I'm not ok but I say or at like I am. I love your writing!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes. There can be times keeping a mask on for other people can be tiring.
      Thank you Tamara…I appreciate your comment!

  3. AJ Avatar

    This is a really great post! I like your writing style and how raw it is 🙂

    AJ | TheAJMinute

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much! I truly appreciate that…

  4. misssrobin Avatar

    Beautifully said. Thank you for opening your heart. You captured this in a way others can easily understand, even if they don't struggle the same way. That's a gift. Thanks for sharing. Stopping by from SITS.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much and thank you for coming by… #SITSgirls

  5. Gaye Avatar

    Those comments make me mad! The characteristics of yourself that you describe are classic introvert characteristics – and there is nothing wrong with them! Of course, we should generally be friendly and approachable, but to sit back and observe and think before you jump in is perfectly fine. Not everyone is a life-of-the-party, hey-I-just-met-you-and-now-we're-best-friends kind of person – and there is nothing wrong with that! (OK, getting off my soapbox…)

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much…I've always been this way and yet I've always been judged as being uppity, boogie or stuck up. after you hear that a few times and know that inside that isn't who you are it begins to hurt. This last time I felt so blind-sided by it. I almost didn't know how to react or recover. So I wrote. That is my release. That's how I regroup and try to get back out there. Thanks again for stopping by and your words of support and encouragement. xoxoxo

  6. Mrs.AOK Avatar

    I too hide behind smiles and laughs to get through hurt and pain sometimes…

    Thanks for sharing this.


    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I'm trying to work on it but it can be hard when people see me as something so far from who I truly am…Thank you for your comment xoxo

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