That’s right…today is finally my birthday and I’m 35 !!! Yay…there’s also something else about special to me about today, August 6, 2013…It will also mark the launch of this my very first blog! 2 major milestones in a person’s life right? The first one I’ve been trying to talk myself into seeing it as a big deal…a ‘milestone’ but I mean come on I’ve had 34 of them already, right? Ha! No but seriously. I’m 35, happily married to a man I can truly say is my Best Friend and the Momma to 4 beautiful kiddies and 2 handsome stepsons. ย We have been blessed beyond my wildest dreams. So why not celebrate it?! My plan was to have a celebration month…that’s right folks the entire month! To do it up big. But then I was like ok Tiff back to reality and 6 Kiddies later…So, my day will most likely be celebrated with food (which is a major point for me and by no means a disappointment… I am a major Hungry Girl) and then topped off by fun times with my Fam. Another point I had to take into consideration is the fact that August is always a double celebration month for Hubby and I because not only is it my Birthday month (Woot Woot!) but it is also our Anniversary month (next week) so I still have to think like a Budget conscious Momma…lol.
Yet the icing on my celebratory cake folks—Drum Roll Please—today I am officially launching Blog: MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter ! The name. ย What’s in a name right? ย Well for me, everything. ย It took a lot of prayer, thought and contemplating for me to come up with that name. ย I wanted me in it obviously so… that’s the MrsTee portion. then I wanted it to represent what my blog was going to be about. ย I knew I was going to write about my spirituality and my love of god and how it has kept be grounded and brought me through so much. ย I mean how could never I even start anything without that is the Love portion. ย Next, of course I would be writing about the everyday ups and downs as a woman, a wife and a friend…so this became my Life portion. Last but certainly not least came my journey as a Momma to my wonderful Kiddies and their adventures, activities and yes sometimes mishaps…so that was my Laughter. So I had it! The name of my blogย MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.comย and the beginning of an adventure I hope you will be willing to join me on. Can you tell I’m just a teeny bit excited?
How excited am I? Um…Very! Today I’m giving myself a present… to start a journey that has been a few months in the making and about a year in my dreams. You’ll learn I’m a bit of a perfectionist (borderlineย ok past the line OCD) so I spent most of that year going back and forth and back and forth and then back uhmmm ugh forth again trying to decide if this venture would be something I could tackle. ย I’ve never liked getting into something halfway. ย Now, you’re probably thinking wait a minute I’ve been seeing posts, tweets and such from this site for a few weeks now. ย Yes, you have but today is my “Announce it to the World I’M HERE DAY!” ย The past couple of weeks were my test run get out the glitches and stuff prep time. ย Today I’m actually getting past my nerves and submitting featured spot requests and putting my feet into the somewhat deeper waters of the blogging community. ย Why today?
Well, for one, I knew nothing of the technical side of blogging when I started, heck I still don’t really know that much now. I knew howย to write my story, give my thoughts be ME. Period. As for the computer geeky side I had to do some really quick Google searching, Twitter following (borderline stalking: thanks so much SITSGirls) and some old-fashioned nerd girl research. I’ve gone through the late nights of staring at the screen with a bunch of HTML codes staring right back at me thinking “why did I am I even fooling myself? I have no idea what I’m doing! Why did I start this?“.
Yet the answer I always heard was: To write. ย To get your thoughts out there. ย To reach someone beyond your bubble. ย So stop being scared of doing something you don’t already know how to do 110% and just do it. ย So I would keep typing, keep searching for answers and keep driving my Hubby crazy stressing over why one column of my page was over centered by like a minimal almost imperceptible amount of space or why I couldn’t get the colors to match the way I wanted. Or most recently, why I couldn’t get me site to look on my phone the way it did on my laptop (look for a future post on that mental breakdown).
*Sidenote Folks: Trying to design a website theme when your OCD tendencies are already a bit on overload is probably not the best idea and definitely not great when your main ‘quirk’ is having stuff….ummmm… ‘lined up’. I digress.
Nevertheless, I did it and here I am. I made it. Launch day and my Birthday! Two celebrations in one…so even if you’ve been seeing my site, tweets, stats or other various social media sightings lately please take a moment today (for my Birthday ๐ ) to take Special notice of my Blog and read a post…leave a comment (Comment Love of this sweetest kind of site love) and help me celebrate my day.
Then tomorrow, continue to take a journey with me and explore the amounts of Love available in the blessing called Life and sprinkle it with as much Laughter as possible…
- The ‘Dirt’ on Dirty Whiskey Craft Cocktail Bar – August 6, 2021
- I Never Went To Prom – Will A Fashion Show Do? – May 1, 2021
- Cape Fear Regional Theatre – Best In The House – May 1, 2021
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