Know Your Door

Ever have that moment when you just knew God was opening a door for you? This was it! You were going to walk through and right into your destiny! Until… it didn’t open? Or it opened for someone else leaving you standing outside in the hallway wondering what happened?
If you haven’t well I am really happy for you. No really, I am. It’s just I’m not there – yet.
Lately, I’ve seen more doors close than I care to count. It stings. Actually, it hurts. I mean why couldn’t they be my doors?
Yet in my faithful heart of hearts, I tell myself it’s for my own good. What was for them was them. Shoot! I’ve even started to pray a two-fold prayer.
“Lord. I really want this and ask that you bless me with this opportunity. Allow me to find favor and a seat at a table prepared just for me BUT if this is something that will not lead to my good Lord I ask that you keep me from it and preserve me for the path you have ahead.”
Can I just tell ya’ll how much that prayer can hurt and heal all at the same time? I mean you want something really bad but you also want it to be the right thing. So if a door closes it must mean God doesn’t want me in that room, right? It must mean it wasn’t your door.
It’s one of those things where you know what the answer is but you still kinda wish it was something else. Like when you want to drink that 20 oz Pepsi but you know you need to have a few glasses of water.
Then I saw an Instagram post by Alicia and I had a moment of clarity and encouragement.
View this post on Instagram

Been big on not “swimming upstream”. When it’s right for you you’ll know!! Just a little ? for you today! Hope you are feeling amazing and bustin’ all ceilings!! ????

A post shared by Alicia Keys (@aliciakeys) on

The first thing that came to mind was What God has for Me is for me! Recently I’ve had a lot of unexpected blessings that seemed like replacements for the ones I thought I deserved. *check out that italicized part 😉
In the midst of this, I keep repeating:
What God has for me. . .
Please don’t misunderstand. I am forever grateful and blessed for where God is bringing me. Yet there are still times when in my human frame I feel I know better.
“God thanks for this but don’t you think that would have been better for me, meant more, done more?”
God knows the things I don’t (Jer. 29:11). He sees the future I can’t and gives me the doors I need to take me there.
So today this post is a reminder to me and anyone else who may need it that when the doors I looked to walk through stay closed it’s for my ultimate good. God opens the doors to take me where I need to be even if they aren’t where I think I want to be.

Have you ever prayed for a blessing

just to find it out it wasn’t YOUR blessing?

I have. Many times. Learning to also pray that if this is not for my good Lord don’t let it be. A weird prayer I know BUT sometimes our own desires, wishes, and dreams don’t line up with the purpose God has for us. The one He already sees ahead. In those times I have learned the good I want isn’t always the good I need.

Read This Too  I Should Probably UnPack Now, Right?
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