LISTEN | One Word 2014 Update

So back in January I came across a wonderful post by my friend Michelle from Divas With A Purpose.  It was a post where she explained how to choose and begin to focus on One Word for the entire year.  I wrote about my choice, LISTEN, a few times after choosing it but thought now would be a great point in the year to do a bit of an update on how I’ve been doing on focusing on the word LISTEN in my life.


Now when this word came to me it was with my family and close relationships in mind but since choosing it I have realized that it spreads out even further than that.  I have recently had to put my desire to listen to a true test during a conflict that came up during my role as a CoLeader of my daughter’s Troop.  It wasn’t easy because my first instinct is to try a defend myself at all costs.  I grew up in  a family where not speaking up usually meant loosing the chance to speak at all.

Yet in this situation I felt strongly that the time for me to speak was not then.  So, instead I listened.  I heard what was being said at to me and tried to understand where the person could have been coming from and from where they were speaking.  Doing that truly helped me to understand their tones and instead of being insulted or angered I was able to take the time to think on my response and act accordingly.

Prior to this I may have simply gone into my automatic defense and instead of thinking that perhaps the anger, rudeness or tone being directed at me wasn’t truly because of me.  Does that make sense?  There are times people are going through things in their lives and simply because they don’t have the chance, strength or consciousness to face it they take it out on the closest target they can find.  At times that may end up being you at no fault of your own.  How would you deal with it?  Would you react or would you try to listen first?

Read This Too  8:28 Blessings Share Social {Week 6} - When Life Gets Out of Order

I have often been accused of being too laid back and allowing people to disrespect me.  Yet in my silence there is usually a hidden strength.  All lions need not roar loudly.  I am learning that by listening first my reactions are well thought out and usually more effective than a rash reaction to another person’s anger or rudeness.

Have you chosen a word to reflect and focus on for this year?

How are you doing? Have you met any obstacles along the way?

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