My #SteelMatters NASCAR Experience

This time last week I was getting ready to head out to a dinner to meet with my fellow #SteelMatters Ambassadors. I was so excited and a bit nervous as well. It had only been a little over a week since I found out that thanks to Steel Market Development Institute {SMDI} and the Atlanta Motor Speedway I was going to be the part of a 4 Blogger Ambassador Team to take part in a campaign to give spotlight to the NASCAR Sprint Cup Folds Of Honor QuikTrip 500. We were also going to have a chance to share the impact steel has not only in the vehicles being raced but in the protection of our soldiers and heroes in the field and back at home. I had never been to a NASCAR race and was excited to share the experience with my Teenage son as well as have an opportunity to learn a bit more about an industry I had very little knowledge about going in.

Friday – Meet & Greet

We arrived at  Mi Cocina on Peachtree Street in Atlanta and were immediately greeted by one of the local Ambassadors Dana of . She welcomed us and started to share her extensive knowledge of NASCAR and all things racing. Let me just tell you she’s a bit of an expert. Don’t believe me? Be sure to check out her site and you’ll find out what I mean. Not too long after the rest of the part arrived and I was introduce to Mallory Sessions of My CAMO Painted Canvas a young Military wife and mother who is preparing to experience her first deployment as well as Kari Apted of NextGenMilSpouse and As soon as we all met I knew that this weekend was going to be one of new friendships, knowledge and plenty of fun!



During dinner the SMDI Team gave us a great introduction to why Steel is so important not only to the NASCAR Drivers and industry but to us as well. I had no idea how the use of steel in the production of trucks, and even homes During dinner, I learned from David Anderson SMDI’s Senior Director Automotive Technical and Long Products Program how important steel is not only in vehicles but even in the protection of our troops in the field. I learned so many things are impacted by Steel that I never would have considered. After our dinner I thought about how #SteelMatters to both my husband and I, as an Army Veteran he knows the importance of being able to rely on the things around him in the field to protect him and his fellow soldiers – Steel does just that.


Post by Mrsteelovelifelaughter.


At home, we rely on steel within our vehicles to protect our most precious cargo – our family.


Saturday – Pit Tour + Camping World Truck Series 

Saturday morning we met up at the Atlanta Motor Speedway to take Pit Tour and watch the  NASCAR Camping World Truck Series qualifying and race. This was something I had no idea of what to expect but it definitely did not disappoint. We arrived and met up with the amazing PR Team Elizabeth and Jennifer and after getting our credentials and stuff in order headed towards the pit. Thanks to the amazing Dana we had our own personalized tour guide giving us insight on what happens behind the scenes of a NASCAR race. From how the tires are made special for each track and race to how the pit crew has to collect the different tires for their specific driver. I even had the chance to meet and have a fan moment with Jenn Cobbs No. 10 truck in the series.

Post by Mrsteelovelifelaughter.



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After the tour we headed to our seats and I must say I was impressed. Can I just say I had No Idea that trucks even raced in NASCAR so I was more than ready to see what they could do and we had the perfect bird’s eye view of the starting line and my son and I were ready to see a race!



The race was 163 laps of high speed intensity. I had no idea a truck could go as fast as these were but it was amazing to see. Oh and the sound! The sound those trucks made as they made their way around the amazing Atlanta Motor Speedway track was not only impressive but intense as well.


Sunday – Race Day: NASCAR Sprint Cup Folds Of Honor QuikTrip 500 

It’s Race Day! I woke up so excited I almost couldn’t contain it. Okay so Saturday was a bit of a wake up call because I hadn’t expected the cold that was part of the day. Also Sunday morning was rainy with very little sunshine so I layered as much as I could and prepped myself for the chill. I also found out after Saturday’s race that the main event the NASCAR Sprint Cup Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500 was actually twice as long with nearly twice as many laps – 325 Laps!

We arrived at the speedway early because not only did we have the bonus of the Pit Tour the day before but Sunday we were going to be able to see Cole Swindell in concert right on the track! Talk about an experience to remember. I have only been to 1 other concert and this was actually my Teenager’s very first one. After a bit of confusion trying to find out where we were supposed to stand we realized we would be watching the concert right on the track where the cars would be racing in less than an hour. The concert was so much fun and the energy was contagious. Definitely a great start to race day.



After the concert we made our way to our seats and settled in. It stopped raining about an hour before race time but as we settled into our seats we realized the speedway was still working to dry the track. Safety of course was priority.

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— ?TheMrsTee? (@mrsteeh) March 1, 2015


It took about an hour but it was finally Race Time!


— ?TheMrsTee? (@mrsteeh) March 1, 2015


No only was this race going to be almost double the amount of laps but it was also nearly double the speed. Saturday’s race reached speeds of about 200 mph but today they would get up to 500 mph!! If Saturday was loud Sunday was bone rattling that brought with it an excitement that was amazing. Not only could you hear the cars as they came around each corner but you could feel them.

One of the most memorable parts of the race was when the entire audience stood during the 13th Lap to give honor to our Military Heroes by holding up a flag. This is what Folds of Honor is all about.

“Why The 13th lap? An American flag folded 13 times represents the fallen, and is the last reward for military service. All 13 folds have a specific meaning. To honor our fallen and disabled Military Heroes…” —



The race ended with an amazing win from #48 Jimmie Johnson…


— ?TheMrsTee? (@mrsteeh) March 1, 2015


Thanks to this experience I can not only walk away with an amazing set of memories and new friends but I have also learned how just like #SteelMatters to our military heroes are #StrongLikeSteel for facing the challenges they do every single day and never bending under the pressure.

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Have you ever been to a NASCAR race?

Do you have someone in your life who is #StrongLikeSteel?

Where can you see how #SteelMatters in your life?

Visit HERE to learn more about SMDI and how they help make sure #SteelMatters

**DISCLOSURE: Compensation for this post was provided by the Steel Market Development Institute via MSB New Media.  All opinions expressed in this piece are my own. 

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