Boredom Busters To YOUR Rescue! #NaBloPoMo

NaBloPoMo November 2014 |

The BlogHer NaBloMoPo Challenge: blog everyday in November (except Saturdays and Sundays – we all need a bit of unplug time and thankfully BlogHer realizes that) with the help of daily prompts from some of BlogHer’s greatest minds. I took part last year and loved it. So when the chance came to be a part this year I knew I wanted to sign up. Adding my site to the BlogHer NaBloPoMo BlogRoll ( Psst! I’m No. 585 on the Roll ) was a big deal because it meant committing to something that isn’t always easy but is definitely always a challenge.

So this year I’m back. A bit older and even more excited than before and ready to get this Challenge started…
November 3rd – Day {1}
Write about an amazing imaginary brand or organization you’d love to work with.
What would their pitch to you look like? What would your post say?

Introducing: Boredom Busters!!

The Pitch:

Dear MrsTee –
We came across your Blog, MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter, during our searches for popular key words about children activities and playtime. We couldn’t have been happier to see that you are exactly the mom we are looking for. Stay at Home Moms have the unique experience of not only managing a household on a daily basis but also managing the activities of a child’s day. We know this can be a challenge to do with so many other things to balance.


Founded by a Stay At Home Mom who was tired of spending half her day looking for a way to avoid her children falling into the boredom that can happen so easily in a busy day. She wanted a way to find the best activities for them with the least amount of time spent looking. Boredom Busters is the company that works for moms and parents everywhere to make their children’s fun our business and your solution!


Here at Boredum Busters, our goals are to find the best activities to not only entertain but keep you children’s laughing and making memories to last a lifetime. We would love for you to visit our website and take virtual tour as well as download our App Boredom Busters wants to help you find tomorrow’s fun today!


We would love to work with MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter to help spread the word about our ability to provide all the tools any parent needs to make every day an adventure.


Amy L. Kingston
Director of Marketing
Boredom Busters

My Post:

Ladies SAHMs Friends!!! We all have those days when it feels like someone has snuck in a few extra hours. You know the ones when you are already thinking about bedtime before lunch time has even arrived. Those are the times when we as parents find ourselves fighting the Boredom monster and sometimes we aren’t always winning. Boredom Busters can help bring an end to that battle…
NaBloPoMo November 2014 |
Thanks to Boredom Busters there finding the perfect activity for your kiddies in any age range, on any given day and even better – within any price range. No need for the endless Google searches, calling to find out prices, wondering if the event or activity is the right age level or even trying to find directions. Boredom Busters will do it all leaving you and your Kiddie nothing but the fun to be had.
NaBloPoMo November 2014 |
If your like me and love having everything conveniently and the tips of your fingers, Boredom Busters now has an App that offers a complete and up to date listing of activities by zip code, activity type, age range and price point. That’s right! All the resources of the Boredom Busters website with the convenience of an App (for both Android and IOS).
NaBloPoMo November 2014 |
Wondering what you can do with your Kiddies tomorrow? Visit Boredom Busters download the Boredom Busters App and let them plan the perfect day to bust your Kiddies’ boredom away!!
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13 responses to “Boredom Busters To YOUR Rescue! #NaBloPoMo”

  1. […] You can make this a list of activities, indoor fun, crafts – anything that can keep that boredom monster […]

  2. Woods of Bell Trees Avatar
    Woods of Bell Trees

    OH this sounds great!!!! It is quite the challenge being a SAHM…I get very tired of hearing the "i'm bored" whine, so this is going to come in handy!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      This would be an awesome app and service!! Now if I can just figure out how t make it a reality for me and all us other awesome SAHMs 🙂

  3. Tracie Avatar

    I like this idea very much. Now you just have to run with it, so Boredom Busters can be a reality!
    My recent post How To Use Hootsuite To Manage Social Media

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I’m hearing that a lot. I guess I need to do a bit of research! 😀 Thanks so much Tracie!

  4. Mrs.AOK Avatar

    Yes, to Boredom Busters!! I think you're on to something here, MrsTee. Ohhhhh… Shark Tank!!!!
    Good stuff, Mama. I'm looking forward to your posts this month– WE'VE GOT THIS!
    My recent post Traveling Thanksgiving, Louisville, & The Waffle House #NaBloPoMo

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha!!! Wouldn’t it be awesome?!?! Maybe I’ll work this pitch up for real. Pull Tenns in to help with the details and you for the fun :).

      We definitely Got This!! Xoxo

  5. kimberlybolden Avatar

    Love your pitch. Very creative and I could imagine would hit the I-Tunes top app for mama needing a break.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks!! Maybe I need to take this idea further? LOL 🙂

  6. jaimemckee Avatar

    I could have used Boredom Busters this past weekend! Why doesn't it seriously exist? (Someone needs to get on this now!)

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Right!?!? Maybe I need to pitch it to Shark Tank or something… 😀

  7. anallievent Avatar

    What a great app! I just told my daughter about it. No more boredom! 🙂 I've thought about signing up to do those blog-every-day deals, but I've never done it. Good luck!!
    My recent post Stan’s Oyster Stew

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Wouldn\’t it be perfect? It was a lot of fun last year, thanks for the well wishes – 😀

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