I’ve seen a few of the Daily Blog Challenges over the past few weeks and I’ve always been really tempted to join in but have been nervous I wouldn’t be able to keep up because of my personal Blog schedule. Then I saw the The October Daily: A Blogging Challenge created by Mary from SecretObsession in her explanation of the Challenge she allows for a few skips and/or make-ups plus her Daily Challenges don’t seem impossible to handle in addition to my own daily schedule. So I decided to join in…
Day 1: Share at least 5 reasons why you blog.
1. Feedback On My Writing
I’ve kept journals and diaries of some sort since elementary school and recently I came to a point where I started wanting a bit of feedback on what I’ve been writing on the creative side. Besides passing out my journals to family members with comment cards I figured a Blog may be the best way to do this 😉
2. To Share My Testimony
I wanted to have a way to reach a greater audience and share my testimony and my
story of redemption. Not every person will walk into a church, pick up a Bible or ask for the Good News to be given to them. Some people will simply stumble across it while surfing the internet and perhaps my Blog will be the one they come upon and the one that will have the right words to reach them in their need at that moment. That is one of my prayers.
3. Social Connections
Being a Stay At Home Mom with not a lot of my closer friends being nearby I thought I could use my Blog as social outlet and way to connect with other Moms and women who have had similar experiences to my own.
4. My Opinion Matters
When I first joined Twitter, I always watched shows and became pretty good a ‘live tweeting’ and always wondered if there was a way to do something like that and give my honest feedback on different things and have it be recognized and applied to the product or company. Blogging gives me that opportunity.
5. Possible Job Opportunities
I’ve heard of so many Bloggers who have taken their Blogs to levels where they were able to make it a true profession. I would love for my blog to reach that level at some point in the future, where my entire family can benefit from my being able to do something I truly enjoy.
- The ‘Dirt’ on Dirty Whiskey Craft Cocktail Bar – August 6, 2021
- I Never Went To Prom – Will A Fashion Show Do? – May 1, 2021
- Cape Fear Regional Theatre – Best In The House – May 1, 2021
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