One way I start every year is to select one word to help me focus on life and in business. This year that one word seemed to elude me. I had a few ideas yet every time I sat down to try and write my why it just didn’t fit. Until last week . . .

Sing A Song
In order for you to get what happened last week, I need to give you a bit of background. Many people use things like quotes to help them in times of struggle but for me, music is my thing. I’m that person who used to pick one song and play it over and over again or record it on repeat on my cassette (yep – I’m that old).
Now, all we have to do is set our phone or Google Home to loop and I can hear that song that is giving me the most inspiration, support, encouragement – whatever as many times as I need to. Last year that song was ‘You Say’ By Lauren Daigle.
I think I heard it for the first time in church about 6 months ago. It was right on time. Instantly speaking to my whole being. To my insecurities, fears and especially to my need to remember who God says I am powerful enough to override all the negativity around and within me. I must have listened to that song 100s of times. Each time it would help calm my fears, strengthen my confidence and reinforce my faith that whatever God set before me – was for me.
I Don’t Need This Anymore
Now fast-forward to last week. I started my day as I have been for these past 6 or so months: “Okay Google – Play You Say” except for some reason on this day, I didn’t feel like I needed it. Something in my heart said just that – ‘you don’t need this anymore’.
It was as if the song served it’s the purpose and those questions I once held onto about my worthiness were no longer unanswered. I knew who God says I am and it was finally something I could own and accept.
Here’s the thing, I had no idea what else to listen to but as I sat there trying to figure it out Google played ‘Intentional’ By Travis Green. Google was lead by God that day because as soon as I listened to the lyrics I knew this was the space I needed to feel in this season.
I have always claimed Romans 8:28 as my own – the one text that can bring me through both the lows and the highs of life. So hearing this song brought back that realization that God does nothing without purpose or intent.
The longer I listened I began to realize this was the reason why my spirit wouldn’t allow me to settle on any of those other words. I needed this one.
I want to take a slight pause or selah here to let you know the word I thought was supposed to lead me in 2020. From about the 5th day of January I had this idea that my one word would and should be pursuit or pursue. I wanted to express how this year I was going to take action and push towards my goals. I would pursue them and chase them down no matter what.
Yet as I listened to this song express how God does nothing without intent I realized that neither should I. Instead of trying to chase down goals I will make intentional choices that take me towards those goals. Thinking about not only the end result but the process needed to get there.
So there ya have it my word and most likely my song for 2020 is Intentional. For those who need the exact definition, it goes a bit like this:
done on purpose; deliberate.
This year I will purposely make decisions that not only increase my faith but my favor with God.
I also choose to use the adjective form of the word:
Intent defined as resolved or determined to do (something).
I will no longer accept the belief that I am not worthy or somehow undeserving of the promises God has for me. Instead, I will resolve my self to walk in those promises always expecting and preparing for when they will arrive. Understanding that whatever God has for me He has given me intentionally.
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
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