Cookie Bowl Sundae – A D. Dazzle Contribution

Cookie Bowl Sunday |

It all started with “Can I Blog With You Today?” My niece asked me this a few days ago and of course my mind started running through ways to include her. Then she went and came up with her own unique way to be a part of Auntie’s blog with the amazing summertime dessert that we have decided to call Cookie Bowl Sundae!

As I spent the day trying to see how to add her into the Blog mix she was in the kitchen discovering a way to keep her cousins (my Kiddies) from going summertime mad. What’s the best way to keep Kiddies busy? Food!  After a few minutes of dishes and drawers slamming there was silence. I know all you moms know silence is not always a good thing.

I went to investigate and found my niece and Kiddies hovered over a muffin tin in the kitchen with a batch of cookie dough close by.

“What are you guys doing?”

“It’s a surprise Auntie.”

OhhhhKayyy….walking away intrigued but a bit nervous at the same time LOL 😀

Then maybe 30 minutes later I smelled the evidence of the surprise followed shortly by the cutest little sundae I’ve ever seen. Here’s how she did it:

Cookie Bowl Sunday |
Cookie Bowl Sundaes
Print Recipe
A great desert for anytime of the day.
Servings Prep Time
12 bowls 30 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
15 minutes 15 minutes
  • 1 Tin Muffin Tin (12) This is to make the cookie dough into the shape of mini bowls
  • 1 can PAM Spray Be sure to spray each tin to prevent cookie dough from sticking
  • 1 lb Cookie Dough Does not need to be from scratch; pre made dough works fine
  • 1 Pint Ice Cream Your favorite ice cream
Servings: bowls
  1. PreHeat the oven to 350 Degrees
  2. Spray muffin tin with non-stick spray (PAM)
  3. Take a spoon and scoop 2 scoops of cookie dough Roll into a small ball then flatten (add a bit of flour to your surface to avoid sticking)
  4. Take your flattened cookie dough and place it in one of the muffin spaces
  5. Be sure to press your dough down to the bottom of the tin and press a bit around the rim to make the shape of a bowl.
  6. Repeat for each muffin space
  7. Bake cookie ‘bowls’ for 10 minutes or according to your specific dough’s instructions
  1. Remove bowl from tin and scoop your favorite ice cream, add toppings to taste and serve
Recipe Notes

Don’t forget that toppings are what makes a sundae so grab all your favorites and have fun!

Watching my niece explore her creativity in the kitchen has been so much fun. Little did I know that we have a mini baker in the makings, so stay tuned for future D. Dazzle Contributions…

Read This Too  Home {made} For The Holidays

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31 responses to “Cookie Bowl Sundae – A D. Dazzle Contribution”

  1. Sunnefa Lind Avatar
    Sunnefa Lind

    Wow, that sounds so sweet and yummy! Thank you for linking up in the #sweetsaturday linkup 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really was! Thank you for hosting! 😀

  2. Rebekah Avatar

    What a fun little dessert! I'm sure it will be a day to be remembered for your niece and your littles. 🙂 HOw fun to be able to include her! Good Job D.!! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really was Rebekah, my Kiddies loved it and it didn\’t take too much to make. Definitely Kid friendly, I\’m glad we found a way for her to \’blog with me\’ 🙂

  3. Akaleistar Avatar

    How cute! The sundae looks really good, too 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar
  4. Madaline Avatar

    Your niece is so beautiful! This is such a fun recipe!
    My recent post Summer Pie

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you Madeline. It was really fun for the kiddies to make and so sweet to eat 🙂

  5. cathy Avatar

    Yummy! This looks great! Thanks so much for sharing on Wine'd Down Wednesday, so great having you link up! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really was! Thanks for hosting just a fun linkup… 😀

  6. Ana Lynn Amelio Avatar
    Ana Lynn Amelio

    That looks amazing and I love how she came up with the idea! I wonder if my daughter will soon be doing the same as she likes to be in the kitchen and help us cook and watch the cooking channel!
    My recent post Cooking With Frank – The Spaghetti Event

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was so good! Chewy cookie with cool ice cream 🙂 Yes, she absolutely loves creating in the kitchen…I'm sure she probably will…my niece is addicted to baking shows!

  7. alvinacastro3 Avatar

    This looks super yummy and perfect treat for summer

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Alvina…It was and plus it\’s quick 😉

  8. Mrs. AOK Avatar

    What a sweetheart! That looks like a wonderfully yummy surprise <3 I hope you're having a beautiful birthday week!
    My recent post Celebrating 1 Year of MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter #Giveaway

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes she really is!! Love her and her sweet little heart …and treats 😉

  9. Shirley Wood Avatar

    That is a sweet story. That Sundae looks extremely delicious. Now I want ice cream 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you Shirley…go grab a bowl – cookie bowl that is 😉

  10. Lauren Avatar

    That is adorable, I can't wait until my 1 year old niece is old enough to help me with blogging! Plus a cookie bowl sundae sounds delicious! 🙂
    My recent post Sip &amp; Feel Incredible: Evolution Fresh – a delicious, refreshing bottled juice

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Lauren!! It was really cool but she did it herself. I have NO baking skills…lol

  11. Louidam1 Avatar

    Awww look at you two….so sweet! What you two made looks so yummy!
    My recent post July Favorite Products 2014

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks. She made it all her own though cuz Auntie has NO baking skills … LOL 😉

  12. Sonya K Avatar
    Sonya K

    This looks yummy! Your niece is very creative in the kitchen. I saw your cake on Instagram too. It looked delicious too.
    My recent post Maidenform $8 Bra Sale + Panties 10 for $25

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really was Sonya!! Thanks so much for your kind comments she's reading them with me 🙂

  13. Emily Avatar

    This looks delicious!!
    My recent post Easy Snack Recipes with Cool Whip

  14. MJ @ Daisy and June Avatar

    These look yummy! My kids would love this idea! I am definitely going to try these.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They really were…especially when you eat them fresh out the over and the cookie is chewy! 🙂 Enjoy!

  15. Ashley LaMar Avatar
    Ashley LaMar

    This is so great! What a sweet story and great recipe. I love it.
    My recent post When It’s Declined, Who Owns the Gift?

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Ashley… it has really been a blast having her here for the summer and getting spoiled with all her sweet treats 😀

  16. Leslie Avatar

    Yum! That looks so amazing!! I want one. Nom nom nom!
    My recent post Things I’m Bad About

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was so good because the cookie was chewy and warm!!! 🙂

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