My Top 5 NETFLIX Romantic Movie Picks

My Top 5 NETLFLIX Romantic Movie Picks |
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Having a large family with 3 Kiddies under 10 sometimes means that a romantic night means locking our door and finding a good movie. If that’s your plan this Valentine’s Day you may find your next movie in My Top 5 NETFLIX Romantic Movies – they are the perfect way to bring a bit of Romance to your night even if you never leave the house!


My Top 5 NETLFLIX Romantic Movie Picks |


Chick Flick Top Picks

I like to have a balance in movies when we have an in house date night. You know a few movies for me and a few for him. So here are my picks for chick flicks for my Netflix romantic movies.

The Wedding Planner

Jennifer Lopez is one of my favorite pop stars but I honestly like her as an actress too. I think The Wedding Planner is one of her best movies. It’s fun, funny and romantic all in one movie. I see a bit of me in her OCD and well then there’s Matthew McConaughey – Need I Say More?


How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days

Speaking of Matthew…. How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days brings him together with Kate Hudson in a romantic comedy that I instantly knew would be a repeat watch for me.



His Top Picks

Okay so those are my faves and a few that I may or may not need to talk the Hubby into watching BUT I have a few that he picked all by himself! That’s right folks, my guy likes movies even the romantic kind!

Read This Too  The Ultimate Netflix Summer Binge List


Grease – It’s a classic! John Travolta and Olivia Newton John bring romance, song and fun to the screen and guarantee you a movie night you’ll love to share with that special someone.




Okay so obviously the Hubby is a sucker for the old but good when it comes to romantic movies. Yet I don’t think I can blame him. I was actually a bit surprised by his picks – in the best way. Ghost is one of those movies that leaves with that great cry moment while still making you love all things that make love what it is.



Kid Safe Romantic Picks

Okay so you know I’ve got a house full of Kiddies so it’s inevitable that our day would be kid free. So I figured I better include a kid friendly and safe romantic pick in my list.


This movie was a fave of mine as soon as I saw it. I shared it with my Kiddies and they agree. Penelope is the story of a young girl who doubts her own beauty but finds out through true love that beauty goes so far beyond what you see.




That’s it guys! My Top 5 NETFLIX Romantic Movies! These movies are the perfect way to start off any Valentine’s Day. Unlike most relationships Netflix has a No Commitments rule – if you don’t like it anymore you can simply cancel – anytime! Pretty nice right? I love it and with Netflix we not only have the perfect movie time at home but we can take our favorite movies anywhere we go – tablet, laptop, smartphone & more! Right now you can even Join FREE for a Month!

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24 responses to “My Top 5 NETFLIX Romantic Movie Picks”

  1. […] Original Series is a stream account we’ve had for at least 10 years. We can find everything from the movies we love to the shows we remember the […]

  2. Kirstin Fuller Avatar

    One of me and my sweetie’s favorites is ‘Just Wright’ with Queen Latifah and Common. “Ghost’ is one of my all time favorites. I will have to give Netflix a try for a month. I need something like this for travel.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Ooooh Kirstin..that one is a really good one. Perfect for a date night! It’s awesome and that first month free is a great way to get started.

  3. Latoya | Life and a Budget Avatar

    For some reason I just can’t make myself sit down and watch an entire movie with the hubs now and days. I usually try to get in some hour tv with him. I think my fave of these movies though is How to Lose a Guy, that movie is hilarious!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Well there are some shorter movies out there maybe you can try one of those 😉 Yes, it is hilarious!

  4. Mimi Green Avatar

    Netflix and Chill is definitely on our agenda for this evening. I’ve been binge watching Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix.

    Tonight it will be something we both like.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Always a good plan in my book..enjoy!

  5. Tanya Barnett Avatar
    Tanya Barnett

    Love The Wedding Planner. I never saw the other movies.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Me Too…. they’re definitely great movies!

  6. Echo Avatar

    These are great choices! You must love some Matthew McConaughey. Alright, alright, alright! Grease is a great one too! For romance though, I tend to go old school or comedy. I love The Princess Bride, Ever After and 50 First Dates!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Echo!! I truly truly do…LOL How could you tell? 😉 OMGosh I haven’s seen those in forever!! 50 First Dates it’s so fun… a bit sad…but still fun. I see a rewatch in my future 😉 Thanks for the suggestions!

  7. Selena, the Rambler Avatar
    Selena, the Rambler

    LOVED all these movies! Haven’t seen Ghost in so long. I cry every dang time. #MMBH

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Selena!! It’s always worth a replay- just keep the tissues handy 😉

  8. nathanielle Avatar

    I watched every single one of these movies and I do agree that are romantic indeed

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Yay!! I definitely agree…

  9. Rocio Avatar

    Those are good one. Some of my old time faves.

  10. Akaleistar Avatar

    Love Penelope! It’s such a sweet movie 🙂

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      It is!! My Girlies love it the most.

  11. Lowanda J Avatar

    Have you seen “When A Man Loves A Woman” with Meg Ryan and Andy Garcia? Love love love that movie.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      I Have!! Love it for sure.. classic romance!

  12. Adrianne Avatar

    I love The Wedding Planner! I love Jennifer Lopez she is one of my favorite actors. These are awesome movies for Valentines Day. Great post!

  13. Madelain Avatar

    I love the first three movies, but haven’t seen Ghost before. I have to watch it now

    Madelain |

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      I definitely recommend checking it off your Must See list… 😉 Let me know how you like it…

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