You Know You’re A Blogger IF…



Since starting my Blog I have become the butt of my Hubby’s and Teenager’s “You Know You’re A Blogger If…” jokes.  Can you relate to any…?


You Know You’re A Blogger IF:

1. You make everyone wait to eat so you can get that perfect Instagram shot

2. You can arrange a great photo in less than 60 seconds

3. You can’t get out of the car without Checking In to your location and making sure you aren’t missing out on any Specials

4. Your spare phone charger is just as important an item as your car keys

5. You can tweet/text without even looking at the screen

6. There is no such thing as leaving home without your phone

7. You have more than 5 Social Media Apps on your phone

8. EVERY moment is weighed for it’s Blog Worthiness

9. Leaving home without your Blog Journal could be the end of a good day

10. Photo Ops are EVERYwhere!

11. Finding a new product’s Twitter Handle and Facebook Page is just as important as it’s ingredients

12. You take pics of random items ‘just in case’ you can use them for a future post

13. Trying new foods, products, places, etc. is not so much for the experience but always knowledge for a possible review post

14. Twitter has become your daily newspaper, gossip mag and friend connection

15. You have alert reminders set for Blog Hops and LinkUps

*16. The first thing you check for in a new place are spare power outlets and WIFI


Read This Too  Blogger or Vlogger - The Same Rules Apply



Which do you think should make

TOP 5 ‘Blogger If’ Ranking?  

Let me know in the comments…




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