10 NC Lifestyle Bloggers You Need To Know

10 NC Lifestyle Bloggers You Need To Know | TheMrsTee.com

Lifestyle Bloggers write about all that makes us who we are: Women, Mothers, Wives, Students, Creatives – all of it. We take each part of our life and share it with you through stories and images. North Carolina claims at least 10 pretty amazing NC Lifestyle Bloggers you need to know!

Kat of Guac N Soul | Fayetteville, NC

Kat is one of the most recent additions to our Fayetteville Blogger community but she is no stranger to Social Media. With an Instagram following of over 16K Kat is skilled at engaging with and producing content her audience loves.

I had the chance to talk with Kat during a recent edition of “What’s Going On, Fayetteville?” on WIDU1600AM. Her humor, relatability and passion for her community are contagious! Check out this clip from our interview . . .

Kat’s love for life is evident in the content she produces. From self-care to small business support at brings a unique viewpoint through imagery, writing and creativity.

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Fresh hair color by @marallarson using #maraes luxury hair color which is free of sulfates, gluten, and ammonia. Certified organic hair color! My hair has never felt healthier or looked better. #kaaral #kaaralusa #marallarson #euphoriasalon #fayettevillenc #hairstyles #haircolor #salon

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Her most recent post emphasizes that Self-Care isn’t selfish but important! Taking time to refresh, rejuvenate and recharge yourself impacts the person you are with your family, in relationships, at work and in your community.

Get To Know Kat:
On Her Blog & Instagram

Kelly of Kelly Seeks | Fayetteville, NC

Kelly is no stranger to the world of Blogging but she has found a way to reinvent herself through KellySeeks. This new platform has become a way for her to combine who she is as a mother to children with special needs as well as who she is becoming as a woman seeking new paths for herself along the way.

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I’m so glad these are my kids. They are awesome road trip warriors. 5 vacations down this summer alone. From 3 to 14 hour drives. ………….………………………… #adventure #travel #summer #vacation #familyfun #family #familyvacation #familytime #wanderlust #traveler #travelling #travelblogger #blogger #momblogger #letshavefun #roadtrip #proudmom #kids

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This summer Kelly took several road trips that were just her and her Kiddies. She will tell you if it weren’t for these road trips they would never have survived the summer since her Hubby is currently away on duty for the Army. Any one of her Summer of Sanity posts will have you laughing and relating to the struggles of keeping your sanity as a parent during the summer.

I think the thing I love most about Kelly’s style of writing is that what you read is who she is. Kelly has this gift for telling a story that brings you into her reality. You feel as if you were there experiencing everything just as she was. Kelly shares her life as it is: the good, the bad and the hilarious!

Get To Know Kelly:
On Her Blog, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Anna of The Coffee Table Blog | Raleigh, NC

I came across Anna’s blog through one of the many North Carolina Blogger Facebook Groups. I will admit just about anything that includes the word coffee will get my attention. The difference is Anna’s blog is written in such a creative way that she kept my attention far beyond her blog’s name.

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TBH I had a much better day the morning this photo was taken compared to today. It’s not always rainbows & butterflies. Not everyday is what we hope. ? BUT ? God’s hand is NEVER limited by what we have in ours. God’s plan is fiyahhhh ?

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A 20-something college student who loves God and sharing the things that bring her happiness in life, Anna is definitely a Blogger on the move. I always believe age is no more than a number. Despite being far removed from Anna’s generation I always find a stop at her place here in the world of blogging leaves me feeling refreshed and uplifted by her positive outlook and experiences. I even had a bit of a chuckle when she shared that she just learned how to ride a bike at 21 – she’s still ahead of me since I have yet to master the two wheeled contraption!

Get To Know Anna:
On Her Blog, Facebook & Instagram

Melissa of Adventures of A Frugal Mom | Durham, NC

I met Melissa about 3 years ago at a Blogger MeetUp I hosted here in Fayetteville. I think the first thing I noticed was how supportive she was. Once I started to follow and explore Melissa’s Blog I realized that support and encouragement ring true throughout her posts.

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I used to envy people that had a home office but not any more because of my blog cabin!! This workspace is all mine and I am loving it! #blogcabin #adventuresfrugalmom #blogoffice #bloggerlife

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Most recently Melissa has made nearly every Bloggers’ dream come true by creating her own Blogger Oasis in the form of a Blog Cabin! Yep, BLOG Cabin! Melissa has built the perfect Blogger space in a mini cabin located right at the back of her home. She’s even reached out to her fellow Bloggers to have them be a part of this project by sending her notes and cards to be built into the walls of the cabin. I am anxiously following along with her progress and the updates and she makes this space truly her own.

One of the things I enjoy most about Melissa and how she shares her life is that she shares both the good and the bad. When she ran into delays getting the electricity in her cabin she didn’t skip over it – she shared it. Sharing the good in life is great but sharing the bad is reality.

If you’re looking for a realistic look at life as a Wife, Mom and Frugal Entrepreneur then you stop by and tell Melissa I say Hi.

Get To Know Melissa:
On Her Blog, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Andrea of So She Writes By Miss Dre | Wallace, NC

A self-described Mompreneur this amazing woman shares both her love of beauty and her passion for life as Dre Writes. Dre uses imagery and creativity to capture your attention and once you’re on her site her content does the rest. Dre can take something as simple sharing how she is raising readers and give you a new yet easy to apply way to do the same in your life.

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Happy Monday, ladies and gentlemen! Yesterday I was tagged by @momlitadventures to share 10 things that make me happy, so here goes! ? • 1. Seeing my children smiling, happy, and feeling their best. 2. Connecting with people that “get me” and allow me to “get them,” too. 3. Books, books, and more books. ? 4. Lipstick. Because, lipstick. ? 5. The Beach. ? 6. New vinyl for the record player. 7. When hubby comes home from work and starts singing those 90’s R&B tunes to me ? 8. Having a good time with my family. 9. Girlfriends I can laugh with, cry with, pray for/ with, and stay up binge-watching shows and playing catch-up with (even though somebody usually falls asleep). 10. When inspiration hits in the middle of the night and all the words seem to come pouring out of me (and into my notebook). ????? • I’m gonna keep the party going by tagging @nerline_germain @traciemomie and @weekendwithe ?

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Through her book reviews, beauty tips, music, tips on dating your spouse and more Dre shares life her way in her style – I love it and I think you will too!

Get To Know Dre:
On Her Blog, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Theresa of The Importance of Being Reese | Charlotte, NC

I remember the moment I realized that I was more than just a wife and mom. More than someone’s friend or support. I was me and that was important. Theresa shares the things that help remind us all about the importance of being who we are not only to others but to ourselves.

Reese is very clear on what you will find when you visit her blog:

My dot com covers a range of topics, including, but not limited to: parenting, food, travel, and local happenings. From time to time, I’ll discuss whatever strikes my fancy, just because I can.

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To my kids, thank you for the late nights, early mornings, countless messes and meltdowns ? Thank you for the last minute projects, sticky floors, piles of dishes, and never ending laundry ? Thank you for all the silly faces, snugglefests, sweet giggles and kisses and bottomless “I Love You’s…” ? Thank you for filling my life with so much meaning and purpose. Most of all, thank you for molding me. ? Love Mom

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I think this honesty and ability to say things as she sees them is what draws me to both her blog and Reese as a person. On top of being an amazing creator Reese is a Digital Marketing Mastermind which she proves in her book Utilizing Social Media For Blogging. We all know how important social media is to our success as Bloggers but the how of getting there isn’t always as clear. Reese shares her tips to use social media effectively and with tangible results.

I can always count on Reese for creative ways to spark creativity, motherhood tips, family fun and a real look at her life and how she lives it!

Get To Know Reese:
On Her Blog, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Kate of Life Of A Ginger | Durham, NC

I met Kate for the first time a few weeks ago at a Janet Jackson concert! *Yes, it was awesome! The thing is it felt like reuniting with an old friend because we have ‘known’ each other online and through our blogs for some time now. Kate is someone who loves to explore North Carolina through food, fun and most of all people!

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I’m so OVER #summerbreak! What about you? #isitbacktoschoolyet _ _ #summer #kids #instakids #family #summertime #instasummer #vacationtime #sassygirls

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I admire how willing she is to try new things and then share them with others through her blog. Kate’s social media presence and impact can’t be denied and her willingness to support those around her is something I truly admire.

If you’re looking for the latest place to discover new adventure in NC, fun foodie recipes or the best ways to outdoor fun then I suggest you take a click and visit Kate.

Get To Know Kate:
On Her Blog, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Leslie of So Be Savvy | Raleigh, NC

Savvy – well informed. perceptive. shrewd. This definition describes my friend Leslie and her place in our Blogging community perfectly. Leslie’s blog is a one stop source for everything you need to be well informed about what’s happening in and around the North Carolina Triangle area.

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When my daughter asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I said just to wake up! I really didn’t want anything more than to enjoy just being. My husband,daughter, cousins, family and friends made sure today was special. Thank you all for the #happybirthday wishes, blessings and love ? #lesliecheersto45years SPECIAL THANKS to @hcakesbytanya for this beautiful #birthdaycake. Everyone loved this vanilla cake with almond buttercream. I definitely recommend her for your next #specialoccasion ? #Raleighbakery #raleighcakes #yum #cheersto45years

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Looking for the newest foodie destination? Leslie’s already been there.

Searching for family fun? Leslie has the when and where.

Wondering how to pamper yourself? Leslie knows the products you need.

One of the things that impresses me the most about Leslie is how she always seems to know the latest trends in food, style and fun! Don’t take my word for it . . .

Get To Know Leslie:
On Her Blog, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Molly of Still Being Molly | Durham, NC

Molly is that person who’s smile and joy is contagious. Whether you meet her in person or through her words at Still Being Molly you will feel the impact of knowing who she is in this world.

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??MEET ME MONDAY _ We’ve got some new friends around here and I haven’t formally introduced myself and shared a few facts about me in awhile! _ I’m Molly! I’m a wife to John, a mama to Lilly and Amos here on earth, and Elijah Timothy and Malachi Jude in heaven. We lost two babies in the second trimester of pregnancy this year and so, to be honest, I’m navigating a really weird space right now. One that I don’t even fully understand, but I’m learning every day to trust and to lean in to God’s truth. _ Chips, salsa and guacamole ???are my love language. _ I workout 5-6 days a week at @burnbootcampsouthdurham ?? and it’s the best community in the whole wide world. It’s so much more than just a gym. Fitness has never come easy for me, but I’m learning to embrace strength and be the healthiest version of myself. _ Now, don’t get me wrong, I try to eat organic and as clean as possible and drink cold pressed juice and workout regularly… but you will never take away my love for a fountain Diet Coke. ? NEVER. It’s called balance, mmkay? _ My guilty pleasure is watching the entire Bachelor / Bachelorette / Bachelor in Paradise ?franchise. _ I love almost every type of genre of music (rap, rock, worship, r&b, pop)… everything except heavy metal. But I will admit I went through a brief scream-o phase in high school and early college and loved the band Underoath. Anyone remember them? _ I am passionate about purchasing with purpose and ethical fashion and buying from brands that are changing the world. I also shop at Target ?and I’m cool with it. #balancemmkay? _ In other news, this outfit is on the blog today because a lot of you have asked for tips for styling denim on denim without looking like Justin and Britney circa 2001. So check that out at the link in my profile. _ Now, tell me something about you! #meetmemonday

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Molly is a person who believes in standing firm on her beliefs, sharing her passions and encouraging growth in others. Molly shares her support of purpose driven products, blog education and her faith in the good through her posts, podcasts and workshops throughout North Carolina.

As a member of her Facebook Group TriFabb I have met and found a true community with other Bloggers throughout North Carolina. I know that the best is still ahead of Molly and her blog!

Get To Know Molly:
On Her Blog, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Jen of JenOni, Inc. | Durham, NC

Jen was one of the very first Bloggers I met who took her passion and turned it into more than a hobby. Through experience and her determination to succeed Jen has grown her blog into several different successful businesses taking the word Mompreneur and making it her own.

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On The Blog: I’m sharing my experience with the @motorolaus 360 Camera & Wireless Charging Style Shell Moto Mods. Check it out on le blog. *link in bio* ?: @justlaing Creative Director: @the_key2style . . . . . #Lenovo #MotoMods #360 #VR #VirtualReality #TechLife #Techie #TechLifestyle #LenovoIN #AR #AugmentedReality #Android #Gadget #BestBuy #MotoZ2Force #HelloMoto #AndroidOnly #Review #Technology #Device #Motorola

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Blogger, Influencer, Social Media Manager, Business Owner – just a few titles Jen holds and carries well. Much like the other amazing NC Bloggers I’ve mentioned in this post, Jen takes pride in the city and state she lives in. Sharing her love of local food and events Jen always knows where to be in NC.

Her posts as a Carowinds Blogger gave my family a great North Carolina option for fun all year long. We purchased Season Passes and I can’t wait to have all the year-round fun Carowinds has to offer!

Always looking for the next opportunity Jen is sure to be an even bigger influence on our NC Blogging Community so make sure you take a few moments to get to know her.

Get To Know Jen:
On Her Blog, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

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Read This Too  Please Be Patient With Me · Part 2

10 responses to “10 NC Lifestyle Bloggers You Need To Know”

  1. Rachel C Tatem Avatar

    Thank you so much for this list! So helpful

    1. Tee Avatar

      You’re so very welcome!

  2. Antonisha La'Shay Avatar

    Thank you so much for this post!! I have been following you for like forever and it’s great to have other NC bloggers to follow. Now that I know NC will be home for the foreseeable future, I’m really thinking of adding more local stories to my YT channel and maybe blogging as well.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Hi Antonisha!! Thank you so very much – I appreciate that more than you may know. So you’re staying in NC? That’s awesome!! I can’t wait to see what you have in store 😉

  3. Dre Avatar

    Awww ! Thank you so much for including me on the list! It’s dope to be recognized among such great bloggers and by one of my favorite lifestyle bloggers, at that. I appreciate you, lady! I hope to connect with you out here in these NC streets someday soon 😉

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      You’re so very welcome! It’s a spot you definitely deserve 😉 Yes!! We must find a way to hang sometime . . .

  4. MyEarlyRetirement Journey Avatar
    MyEarlyRetirement Journey

    I love this…can’t wait to check these all out! Fellow NC blogger here.. nice to meet you all here. I’m in RTP area so right in your neck of the woods too! Hopet I make it to volume 2 🙂

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Awesome!! Oh wow – nice to meet you 😉 Thanks so much for coming by!

  5. Kate | Life of a Ginger Avatar

    Oh my goodness. Thank you so much for including me in this amazing list! I <3 you! I was so happy to meet you face-to-face! And I totally agree with you–I feel like we've known each other for years!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      You’re so welcome friend!! I can’t wait ’til our next concert 😉

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