8:28 Blessings Share Social {Week 1}

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,

to them who are the called according to his purpose.” 

Romans 8:28


Have you ever had a day when it just seemed like life itself was set against you? Maybe a situation you wanted to go one way went completely left and you couldn’t figure out why?  Or someone seemingly random crossed your path and for a reason you didn’t know left an impact in your day?  Do you have a testimony that you feel could lift someone else from a low place? Or simply a personal praise that may brighten someone else’s day?

In my life I call my these Godly set-ups my 8:28 Blessings.  



Sharing Is Easy…

  • Meet me here every week on Saturdays around 12 noon
  • Invite and share this LinkUp with your friends; tell the story of an 8:28 Blessing
  • Copy your 8:28 Blessings post URL of the actual post {not your blog homepage URL}
  • Click the add your link button and paste your 8:28 Blessings URL
  • Add the title of your post {you don’t need to name it 8:28 Blessings but it’s up to you} and LinkUp
  • Once your link has posted you will see it added to the list, then please share some comment love with those links before you
  • If you are the 1st LinkUp, please return later to share some comment love with those who join in {It’s All About Support}



  • The only thing I ask is to share the story of an 8:28 Blessing as possible
  • Invite others to share their 8:28 Blessings and let this become a place for community and support
  • If you choose to Tweet we are using Hashtag #828Blessings
  • Grab & Share the 8:28 Blessings button on your blog so others can come find out exactly what its about



My 8:28 Blessing:

To Blog Or Not To Blog?

Today is officially the first day of my very first ORIGINAL Hosted LinkUp… 8:28 Blessings. I can hardly believe it! A month ago I was posting tweets with questions like “To Blog Or Not To Blog?” and “Should I Do This?” and trying to decide if people even wanted to hear anything I had to say. The replies were ones of encouragement, telling me to “Go For It” and “Do It” yet my hesitation was still ever present.

Read This Too  The Joy of It All…

Why couldn’t I move forward? What was I scared of? When one friend asked me these same questions my answers all stemmed back to my need to do everything ‘just right’. I wanted to be certain that it would succeed BEFORE I started it. Yet, how could I do that and call myself a person of faith?

Boosted by those words of encouragement from my friends and the faith of a mustard seed (that’s honestly where I was) I went forward. I talked to my Hubby and told him what I wanted to do. He gave his blessing and true to form told me if I did it make sure I gave it my all. I would never do anything less. I did the research and networking for months trying to make a presence within the social media world and draw knowledge from those already established and where I wanted to be. Then July 19th my domain went live… MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com  There were many reasons why I chose that name but mainly because they exemplify what influences me the most… the Love of God, my Hubby and my Family, the Life I have been blessed with and the Laughter I draw from my experiences.

Since that initial day I have met many obstacles from my lack of knowledge for the technical side of blogging, the fear of knowing what to share, the awkwardness of trying to make true connections through nothing more than a few keystrokes and a screen to simply wondering if my decision to blog was the right one and if my voice is one people actually want to hear.  It’s when those obstacles arise, that I remember my Life Verse:

Read This Too  8:28 Blessings Share Social {Week 2}

“ALL things work together for good to them that love God,

to them that are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

Every obstacle and every setback I see is actually still working in my favor.  My lack of knowledge has led me to research and study even more and now I have been able to create tips for others who may be dealing with the same struggles and don’t know where to look.  That fear of knowing what was too much to share has allowed me to open myself up more and establish a community of support from Ladies who I now know are able to carry my truths.

All of these things have worked together for my good.  Why? Because I have been called according to His purpose.  Today I can look back at the day I asked that question To Blog Or Not To Blog? and know that saying yes was in His plan for me.  It has never been God’s ability that surprises me but the way He moves behind the scenes of my life, always looking to make my good come forth, that brings me to true awe of Him.



Now its you’re turn…
Come, share, connect and fellowship…. with your #828Blessings

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2 responses to “8:28 Blessings Share Social {Week 1}”

  1. Wanda Avatar

    Hi Tiffany, found your blog via twitter. I an relate all too will with the idea of what to be sure a thing would succeed before launching out. But as you have pointed out we don't see the blessings of many things until after we have gotten ourselves off the shores of doubt.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Exactly. I had to take that first blind step before I could see what God had already planned for my success. Thank you for coming by and I will definitely connect with you on Twitter as well…please feel free to link up with your own story of an #828Blessing 🙂

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