#AskAwayFriday With Gracielle From Mommy A-Z

It’s another amazing week of #AskAwayFriday and I couldn’t be happier to have this opportunity to get to know Gracielle from Mommy A-Z a bit better!

AskAway Mommy A-Z

Gracielle is the Mommy to 2 wonderful children and their names start with an A and a Z which adds to the unique personality and style of her Blog and it’s name.  When I first met Gracielle I immediately felt a fresh and happy feel from her and you will get the same feeling when you stop by her site… ahem, you can do that in a few by the way 🙂  I especially suggest you go by and check out her About Me section…it’s so much fun and you get a great sense of who Gracielle really is as a whole woman not just a Mommy.

As you know, #AskAwayFriday is a
place for you to connect with other bloggers by asking them questions to really
get to know them!  Meeting other bloggers
and making new friends is one of the best parts of this online world!


The rules are simple!
Follow your hosts and guest hosts!
Grab the button and spread the word, the more the merrier!
Get to hopping!  Get to know your fellow bloggers and make some new friends!
Most importantly, have FUN!


The Real Housewife of Caroline County

Penny from The Real Housewife of Caroline County

The Bold Fab Mom
Amber from Bold Fab Mom


Tiffany from Mrs.TeeLoveLifeLaughter

 photo 8d0e0b89-77a5-40db-b80f-bc91e6107a60_zps9bd793a4.jpg

Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings

Now let’s get to the fun of every #askAwayFriday!  The Questions:

AskAway Mommy Questions


1.  I will be in Disney World this week and you and your family are going on your Disney vacation soon, too!  Are you a huge planner with an hour-by-hour itinerary or more of a “play it by ear” kind of girl?

I’m very much a planner but I have had to learn how to let it go because with a family as big as ours planning and pans tend to get pushed to the side out of necessity, emergencies and most times simply to have fun.  I used to try to stick to our itinerary but it would end up being more of a task and our fun moments would suffer.

So, yes I am trying to reserve certain things for Disney like the meal at Be Our Guest and other things that may be overbooked but beyond that it is all just about having fun.

2.  We tweeted recently on how we both love Frozen!  If you could be any Disney character who would you be and why?

Yes!  My entire family is in love with FROZEN.  If I could be any Disney Character I think I would love to be one of my Girlie’s favorites…Jasmine.  She loves her because she is the only Princess who gets to wear pants 🙂  A fact I honestly didn’t notice until she said it.  I also love Jasmine because she is not one of those Princesses who sits and waits for a Prince to come rescue her.  She got up and went after what she wanted and did what she felt needed to be done.  In the end she loves Aladdin but she was in no way totally dependent on him.  As a matter of fact, she saved him a few times 🙂

Read This Too  #AskAwayFriday Blogger To Blogger W/Michelle at The MaMade Creations

3.  I love that your posts vary from hosting parties/giveaways to personal posts about your family life. How do you balance/prioritize your content calendar?

This is wear my planning and organizing comes in to play.  I have a Plan Ahead Planner that I write everything in – there’s something about taking pen to paper that just makes it that much more real.  I also have a calendar set aside just for Blog related things as well as alerts set for all the different Hostings, LinkUps, Hops, etc.  These things in addition to using great tools like Buffer, BlogLovin, HootSuite, Shareaholic and Triberr helps me stay as on top of everything as I can.

Don’t misunderstand…life takes priority and when things come up they simply come up.  I adjust and regroup as needed.

4.  You’re pretty active in various blogging and affiliate communities.  I think I met you through the SITS Girls.  🙂  Other than SITS, what other blogging community has been helpful for growing your blog?

SMGirlfriends was also a major impact on my Blog Life in the beginning and even now.  Unfortunately I haven’t been able to participate as much as I used to but I still respect the found, Dabney Porte for being one of the few communities who truly takes the time to get to know you as an individual and as a Blogger despite how many members they may have.  I wrote a bit more in depth about them and the other communities that help welcome eke when I first started HERE.

5.  How would you describe your signature everyday style?

Hmmm.  That’s a toughy.  It really depends on what I have on my list of things for the day.  I love hoodies and jeans with a pair of Convers on a chill day but there are other days I like to get a bit more dressed up.  The best way is to give you a peak into my Fashion Taste…

Follow MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter’s board InnerFashionista on Pinterest.

6.  What actress would play you if Hollywood decided to turn Mrs.Tee Love Life Laughter into a movie?

This is funny because I have always thought that I have a resemblance to Tia Mowry.  I have followed them since SisterSister and I see so many similarities in our personalities as well (I know they’re actors but even through the reality show).

AskAway Tia Mowry

7.  What do you miss most about working in Corporate America?

Honestly.  Not Much.  I loved the social interactions and the friendships I developed (some of which I still have) but the rush, bustle and at times the mere ‘step on you to make me better’ attitudes…I don’t miss that at all.

8.  I love your VLOG posts!  What advice would you give to a blogger who is considering Vlogging?

Wow!  Thank you so much!  I have only recently started Vlogging semi-consistently and I was very intimidated by the whole thing at first.  Then I thought about it: I am me.  When I write I write what I feel, think, and most times how I would speak.  SO what is the real difference between that and a Vlog.  So I would tell anyone who is thinking about Vlogging to simply have a conversation.  You’re talking to your audience, your followers (and yes potential new ones) but these are people the same as those who read your words.  Except guess what?  With a Vlog you get the chance to let them hear them!  In your own voice, your cadence, your emotion…YOU!  How amazing is that?  SO every time I Vlog I see it as a chance to have a chat with the people who read my words.  I take it as an opportunity to get to know them better.

Read This Too  #AskAwayFriday - 5 Minutes of #BloggyBootCamp Fame!


9.  I still laugh anytime someone mentions John Travolta’s “Adele Nazeem” Oscar fail. Do you have any funny/awkward moments when you put your foot in your mouth or said the wrong thing?

Do you know I had no idea what you were referring to?  LOL  I didn’t watch the OSCARS I know…major Blogger NoNo but I was doing something and honestly forgot all about them until after.  SO…I just looked it up and yeah that was a FAIL…LOL  Here is a clip in case I’m not the only one who missed it:


Now, the biggest awkward moment I’ve ever had was when this woman approached me and was addressing me by my name and referring to things that I knew happened but I had NO IDEA who she was!  I kept trying to find a nice way to say it but the more she spoke the friendlier she was and I just felt bad.  So I stood there .  Listened.  Said it was great to see her (I mean hey she was nice right?) and then walked away.  To this day I don’t know who she was or how I knew her.  LOL

10.  Congrats on getting your Nikon DSLR!  Can you please share a recent photo you took with your new fancy camera?

Lol…it is rather fancy but I am loving exploring it.  I’ll share this one… it’s the mandatory Photography Selfie:

DSLR Selfie AskAway


It took me a minute to get a good focus on it (I was trying my hand at manual settings) and I think it came out pretty good for a Newbie… 🙂

What great questions. Now don’t forget to head over to visit Gracielle at Mommy A-Z and see how she answered my questions…

Also, if you love #AskAwayFriday and would like to participate feel free to contact Penny over at Real Housewife of Caroline County, drop me a message in the comments, through my Contact Me or through any of the participating Bloggers and we’ll be sure to let you know how to get started and get connected.

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