By The Way: If you aren’t a part of the SITSGirls and the awesomeness they bring in the way of support, tips and community you should definitely check them out! Stop by Saturday and simply follow the hashtag #SITSSharefest at 10AM EST. I promise you’ll have a blast and meet some pretty awesome Bloggers in the process! How do I know? Well I met NJthere remember?!?!
NJ is an awesome Wife, Mom and Supporter over at her corner of Bloggerville A Cookie Before Dinner. She has an amazing humor to her that is obvious when you see her series titled Big Girl Panties…don’t let me tell you too much though because I definitely want you to go check her out for yourself!
So, NJsent me 10 questions she asked and I answered! Don’t forget to go check out her answers to my questions once you’re done here.
1. I see you just started your blog a few months ago. What inspired you to blog?
I had been told by a few people that I should start a Blog but I didn’t want to be one of a million saying the same thing. I thought on it for a bout a year before I decided that maybe I did have a voice that could be heard. I did a lot of research and once I felt I could handle what was needed to make it a success I bought my domain – MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter
2. If you could only choose ONE social media website to have a presence on, what would it be and why?
TWITTER! For sure! I feel that I have made the most lasting and positive connections through Twitter. I have found friends, community and most of all support simply by letting my voice be heard in 140 characters 🙂
3. Thanksgiving is coming! What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving day?
By far my favorite part of Thanksgiving is being with my family. We usually spend the entire day prepping, cooking and simply BEing with each other. We eat, laugh, watch movies and enjoy each other. This year we may take a part of the day to go feed the homeless. I want to show my Kiddies that the Holiday is not only about giving Thanks but giving to others as well.
4. What has been the biggest challenge of being step mom? What piece of advice would you give to a new step mom as she navigates her way?
The biggest challenge has definitely been trying to find a balance between being their ‘mom’ in terms of discipline and example yet still knowing that I had to respect the role their biological Moms play in their lives. I also had to learn how to be more than the person who disciplined them…I am still learning how to establish a true relationship without trying to take anyone’s place. To simply create our own bond based on the experiences and memories we create together.
My advice to any stepmother is to simply be a friend. Be careful not to force your way in…allow them to navigate through the new relationship and a bond will form naturally.
5. What is the last great book you read?
Well of course the BIBLE is the greatest book of all! Still, if we’re talking literary works and such, I would have to say the Hunger Game Series. My Teenager and I read it together when they first came out and I am in the process of re-reading them so we can be ready to go see the next installment of the movie series. We both love it and it has been something we were able to share and bond over.
6. Do you have a favorite font? What is it?
7. Are you a night owl or a morning person? What time of day are you at your very best?
I went through the process of realizing I really don’t have a choice in this anymore during a recent NaBloPoMo Post that posed a similar question. as a Stay At Home Mom with 4 Kiddies 3 of which are under the age of 7 all of which have very busy activity and school schedules the choice of being a morning person or a night owl has pretty much been decided for me. Most of my days start around 5:45am and don’t end until after 10pm. I have to be up and functioning at both times. I only do this with the help and support of my best Momma friend – COFFEE! We get along great and have a wonderful understanding of how much support I need throughout my day.
8. What were you like in high school?
I was the typical Nerd and shy girl. I had a lot of friends and I have no idea how I got them. I was always too shy to approach anyone directly but once we had a friendship established you could barely shut me up. I was a book-worm in every sense of the word and enjoyed being a student.
9. What post has been the most popular on your blog? Share a link.
As of today my most popular post would be “You Know You’re A Blogger If…” I wrote this a few Sunday’s ago and it was truly a quick write up based off my Hubby and Teenager forever teasing me about my various Blogger ‘quirks’.
Since posting it has been featured as a favorite by Denise from
I’m so glad that everyone could relate and it kinda made me feel better to know I wasn’t the only Blogger with these ummm….traits! 😉
10. If you could only eat one kind of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Oh Boy! I’m a Hungry-Girl at heart so this is a hard one. You said ‘kind of food’ so I guess that doesn’t limit me to one dish. Hmmmm….Geesh! The rest of my life? I think I would have to go with Soul Food…it’s a close tie between this and Italian. They are both favorites of mine and they both tend to be made with love and passion which somehow makes the food taste just that much Yummier! 😀
NJhad some really cool and fun questions…don’t forget to go visit her over at A Cookie Before Dinner AND make a quick jump over to Pennyand The Real Housewife of Caroling County to check out the rest of the awesome Bloggers who have LinkedUp and Swapped this week.
If you love #AskAwayFriday and would like to participate feel free to drop me a message in the comments, through my Contact Me or through any of the participating Bloggers and we’ll be sure to let you know how to get started and get connected.
Lifestyle Blogger & Media Influencer at It's Me, Tee
I am the ‘ Tee’ behind It’s Me, Tee an award-winning Lifestyle Blog where I share my love of all things Faith, Family, Fashion, Food, Fun, Tech & Travel.
“Believe in yourself, your passions, and your dreams. Your voice is unique – build on that. Embrace what is different about you and make it your greatest asset!”
22 responses to “#AskAwayFriday W/ NJ from A Cookie Before Dinner”
The Vanilla Housewife
Girl, I can never keep up with you in twitter LOL I get dizzy with all those tweets shooting up hahahah!
I love that "you know you're a blogger" post of yours. So spot on! 😀
Apologies for the late AAF visit! it's been a crazy week!
Have a great week Tiff!
I love the Hunger Games! We are going to see the second movie Tuesday!!! I'm a bit of a wimp though and will probably close my eyes. LOL! Don't tell anyone. 😉
My recent post AskAwayFriday
Aw! Your answers are so fun! Soul Food is awesome! I've had to try to tweak it just so we can still have some things more often! LOL. Also, great advice for step moms! I became a step mom as well and I'm still navigating my relationship with my step children as we are still newly weds. 🙂
Thank you! I grew up on Soul Food and I\’m not sure it\’s something I could ever let go of completely. My Hubby is actually not that into it but I\’m slowly converting him 😉 Yes, being a step-mother can be difficult especially with the predetermined thoughts that all step-mothers are mean (LOL).
I enjoyed reading your answers. I was also a nerdy shy girl in high school, back then I had time to read all the books I wanted to. Now I’m lucky if I read a couple of books a year. The internet has really taken away from reading books.
Yes, I miss reading books as often and as quickly as I used to. For me it\’s the busy-ness of Motherhood that has slowed me down a bit but I truly enjoy settling in with my Kindle on a lazy day (wait what are those again? LOL)
Thank you for welcoming me in AAF Tiffany! I love your answers. Im sure youve made the right decisi0n to start a blog coz you have great things going on here. Let the hunger games begin! LOL
Of course! So glad to have you 🙂 Thank you so much! Oh yes…I can\’t get there this week but I must get there soon! \”May the odds forever be in your favor\” 🙂
Sorry if this comes through a second time, my first one seems to have disappeared.
We seem to have lots in common, I was a shy nerd in school, too…but once you get to know me, watch out! I am honestly not sure that I even remember what sleep is! LOL! And being with the hubby and the kids is the best part of Thanksgiving.
My recent post Favorite Post Show Off Weekend Blog Party 33 and a Birthday Giveaway!
LOL! We seem to have much in common! I was also the typical shy, nerd, too. But once I get to know ya…watch out! 🙂 I seem to be an all day person, lately. I have almost forgotten what sleep is! Hope that you have a wonderful weekend!
My recent post Favorite Post Show Off Weekend Blog Party 33 and a Birthday Giveaway!
Wow! Isn\’t funny how when you get to know peope you share common likes and traits? I love my sleep it\’s just at times it doesn\’t seem like it loves me as much… 🙂
You started your blog a few months a ago….. WOW!! I did not know that about you. You are such a PRO!! I debated on starting my blog too for a long time and finally took the plunge. As always you rock! Have a great weekend!
My recent post Ask Away Friday
Yup!!! I just made my 4 month mark on the 19th :D. Thanks so much! I’m just trying to get my voice out there…a compliment like that means a lot. xoxoxo
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