Just One of Those Days . . .

Just One Of Those Days | TheMrsTee.com

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Just One of Those Days. I know. I know. You read the title and now your singing Monica’s song, right? If not, you can check it out a bit later – I promise it’ll stick with ya for a bit! Still, that’s not what I’m here to right about. A few months back I shared about trying to the be the mom of an extrovert when I’m actually not one myself. Well that’s kinda what this post is about – kinda. This time, this post is more about my side of things you know when it’s time to adult and such.


Just One Of Those Days | TheMrsTee.com


Those Days

This morning I had a chat with my neighbor through the fence (yup there’s a loose board and we talk through it – don’t judge us). We were talking about how both of us – two ambiverts *introverted extroverts – need to schedule play dates, grown up time and basically everything around those days when we need to be alone. I was so happy to hear that it wasn’t only me! She totally got it and we actually chatted about it for about 15-20 minutes. Of course, as we talked I was writing this post in my head so here’s it is.


I can be painfully introverted at times and painfully 
at times.


Do you know those days? The days when you just don’t have enough umph to be adequately social. For me they don’t happen too often but when they do I just have to let myself be – to myself. Whether that means an awesome Netflix Binge day (and most likely night) or even just cleaning the house. It almost always means staying home – alone or at least with no one beside my family.

Read This Too  I Will NOT Feel How I Look Today


Now seeking extroverted
introvert to attend events with
wishing we
were at
Netflix instead.


If you’re an introvert I know you can relate. Being out and about with other people is draining! Physically and emotionally. It pulls on my energy and leaves me physically tired. So when I know that I’m having one of those days I listen to that inner voice and I chill.


 I have an Introvert Hangover

I'm totally exhausted, from too
much human interaction.


Don’t Take It Personal

I can’t say which is harder. Being an introvert or trying to explain being an introvert to a family of extroverts. Just today, I had to try and somehow let me Hubby know that today wasn’t one of my ‘outside days‘. Let me explain…



drains introverts



See that up there?? I love people don’t get me wrong but a series of interactive days means I need to have at least one to recoup. So when my Hubby decides he wants to be all outside and stuff on a day when I’m not mentally prepped for it – yeah we may have a problem.


I'm sorry for what I didn't say
when I was introverting.


My answer to him today? How about Friday? We can go out Friday. Why? Because today is Wednesday and that gives me two whole days to get prepped for it.

Is it only me? It can’t be. Right? Well I know my neighbor gets it because she’s the same way but do any of you guys get it? I don’t want people to take it personal because I Love People!

My Sasha Fierce

I know what you’re thinking! Okay MrsTee – how are you all Ms. Social Blogger then? Well if you weren’t thinking I’m gonna answer that anyway – just in case because people have asked me this.

Read This Too  3 Flights, 2 1/2 Kids and 1 Act of Appreciation

The way I like to explain it is that TheMrsTee is like my version of Beyonce’s Sasha Fierce. She’s there when I need her, super social and super friendly – but in my natural Tiffany zone she’s my complete opposite. So it’s not that I don’t enjoy people, interaction, social events cuz if you don’t invite me!?! Yeah, I’m hurt. It’s just don’t invite me last minute. Give me that time to prep and I’ll be there MrsTee in tow and ready to party!


Introverts of the world

Let's all go


So that’s it – my mini rant about the woes of having one of those days! So if you catch me in the midst of one – don’t worry – I’ll be back and ready to party soon! Promise!

Oh and here’s that song I promised you . .  .



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20 responses to “Just One of Those Days . . .”

  1. Chrystal, ChryssVI Avatar
    Chrystal, ChryssVI

    I believe I was born as an extrovert but raised as an introvert. My mom is definitely an introvert and that hindered my social scene in my teens but now in my mid-late 20’s, I’m breaking out of that behavior. I definitely respect others and their needs as introverts. Humans can be draining.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Wow Chrystal! See I have an extroverted daughter and I struggle with allowing her to be her and not letting my tendencies hinder her own. I’m so glad you are breaking out of things and getting closer to your true self! It must be so satisfying! Draining – yes, they can be 😀

  2. Ayak Avatar

    I felt every last word. Im introvert in new place & with new people. I feel like I could sleep for days after social events.
    Your post about your extrovert daughter is brilliant too btw x

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Wow. Thanks Ayak. I’m glad it hit home and that you can relate. It isn’t often people really ‘get it’. Oh Wow!! Thanks so much – I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and read that too – xoxo

  3. Sharon Avatar

    My heart! I planned most of this summer to be home with my family because I knew I couldn’t handle being out! Your so right that it can be emotionally and physically draining to be out and extroverted! Thanks for sharing — you had me at Netflix binge.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Hi Sharon!! See, I knew I couldn’t be alone.. oh yes, Netflix is a must! 😀 Thanks so much for coming by!

  4. Lenovo Mobiles Flipkart Avatar
    Lenovo Mobiles Flipkart

    Glad to read your post.

  5. Liz Avatar

    I’m definitely an outgoing introvert too! When I have time to prep I can be on point socially, but I hate social surprises and I need lots of alone time to mentally refuel. I think that’s one of the reasons I started hiking: I was able to go out into the wilderness by myself and intentionally avoid everyone in the world. Haha it works wonders 😊

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Yes Liz! When I’m ready social events are awesome! Key words: when I’m ready. Hiking sounds like the perfect recharge activity!

  6. Echo Avatar

    I totally feel you on this! I call myself an ambi-vert. Sometimes, I’m really outgoing and social, but other times, I just want to be left alone!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Echo! Yes, it’s fun being a combo-pack isn’t it? 😀

  7. Claudia Krusch Avatar
    Claudia Krusch

    Sometimes it is just to peopley out in the world. Everyone has those days when they just want to stay in bed. I try to make myself do at least one thing a month that is out of my comfort zone.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Yes!! Exactly Claudia! To people-y indeed. That’s a great way to balance things out! Thanks so much for sharing and for coming by!

  8. Sarah-Louise Bailey Avatar

    I love socializing and being around people but I have those days where I get tired of it. I guess that’s normal.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Hi Sarah-Louise!

      It is so normal. It’s also okay. Take that time you need. It will make you a better friend in the long run.

  9. Kate Avatar

    I’m the same way! I love socializing with friends but sometimes I just need days to myself, away even from people that I love. And I’m totally with you on the planning for social occasions thing!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      See! I knew I couldn’t be alone 🙂 Thanks so much for the unity Kate!

  10. Patrick Weseman Avatar

    Used to have to do it all the time for Little League parties back in the day.-hated it. I would literally have to find a place in my head to go to during these events.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Oh My I can’t imagine! Well actually I can, I was a troop leader for Girl Scouts and yeah… that was an adventure…LOL

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