One Word 2017 | Limitless

One Word 2017 | Limitless |

One Word. One word to take me through a full 365 days, 52 weeks… a whole year. I must admit this year it has taken me extra long to figure out what that one word would be. I knew I wanted a word that would help propel me forward in the New Year. To help me set and meet new goals yet also help me move past things I struggled with in the past year. I don’t want any limits on my potential this year – even the ones I sometimes set on myself – this year I want to live truly LimitLESS.

Without End

Coming to this word seemed to take forever but knowing it was the right one was immediate. I know this word’s impact will have no end. It will help me reach new levels on every level of my life.

As a Woman, I plan to remove the limits I’ve set that make me feel less than sexy, less than attractive and instead embrace who I am – she’s awesome!

As a Wife, I want to release myself from feeling that I’m not enough. I am. I have worked on my love and I deserve every moment we have made together.

As Mother, I’m letting for of that fear that I am somehow not as good as that mom. I am. I’m the mother each of my Kiddies need me to be. I am their mom and I love hard and in all ways I am rocking this thing called Motherhood.

As an Influencer, I will no longer limit my potential. I can do great things and I will. I stop saying things like “I’m not sure” or “I’m not there yet”. I’ve got this and I will do this! I will stop rejecting the potential others see in me and instead move forward. I will push past self-doubt into bigger and better success!

Read This Too  When Mom Needs A Time Out!

Lastly, as a Friend I am no longer going to hold back. I will love you in spite of you because that’s the type of friends I want so that’s the type of friend I will be.


Without Limit

In years past I’ve selected words like Listen, Believe, and Growth. Each time those words carried their impact over my entire year and helped me improve in my life as well as my business ventures. So I decided to take the time to really think and I realized that throughout 2016 I kept struggling with the limits I would place on myself.

On myself. Yup, you read it right. It wasn’t the boundaries or things that other people told me I couldn’t achieve but the times I would convince myself I couldn’t do this or that. I would allow my own doubt to create limits that weren’t real. Keeping my potential and my dreams boxed in.

This year will be different. This year I am making the decision to live LIMITLESS.

Without Boundary

No longer will I tell myself it’s too much, too hard or too big. Nope. This year I am going for it all! I know that my God has no limits for the blessings He has for me so why should I set limits for the blessings I am willing to receive. See that’s the thing. God has always had blessings stored for me but I have not always been in the place to receive them. I’ve felt unworthy despite His forgiveness and His desires for me. No longer. This year – 2017 – I will live completely limit – less!

Read This Too  Show Off Your Channel At The Your Channel Or Mine YouTube Hop!


Limitless:  without end, limit, or boundary.



What is your One Word for 2017?

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10 responses to “One Word 2017 | Limitless”

  1. […] year I set goals for myself. This year my main goal was to live, work and dream without limits you know those boundaries we tend to set on ourselves. Well this year I wanted to let all of those […]

  2. […] of the first things I had in my mind at the start of last year was: I wanna be a Brand Ambassador. It was a goal that I wanted to be able to check off for my […]

  3. Mary Peterson Avatar
    Mary Peterson

    I must admit that I got a bit choked up just now. "I am the mother that my kids need me to be." YES! There should be no comparison because my kids want no one but me to be their mom. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and this most POWERFUL word.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Wow. I\’m glad you can relate. It can be so easy to fall into the cycle of comparison but as long as our kids are happy that should be how we judge our success. Thank you so much and thanks for your encouragement.

  4. Lucy Grace Avatar

    Great choice of word to see you through the year! #turnituptuesdays

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Lucy!!

  5. webmdiva Avatar

    Limitless is PERFECT!

    Hmmm, one word? Stressless. Is that a thing? If so, that's what I want to be….free of stress!


    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Haha… I think we can say that\’s one word… I also think that\’s a great pick! 🙂

  6. Jenny Evans Avatar
    Jenny Evans

    I love your word. I've never done the "choose a word" thing but I like to see what other bloggers pick for themselves. I like how your word can free you from judgment or holding yourself back in different aspects of your life. Good luck in 2017!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you Jenny!! It truly is an amazing way to focus throughout the year. I often come back to my post to remind myself of why I chose the word. Thank you so much and Happy New Year!

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