So, Your Friend Is A Blogger . . .

So your friend is a blogger. Like any good friend, you want to show support for what they do and their interests yet there’s just one thing: you’re not sure how. Here are a few easy ways to support your friend, their blog and their dreams.

So, what do you do?

Many of my friends have asked me what I do as a Blogger. Many see it as a hobby or something I do to keep busy. I get it. Blogging isn’t a traditional job and to see it as a business isn’t easy at times.

Yet to my friends who take the time to: Thanks! They give me the opportunity to share my passion and how Blogging is not only something I love to do but a business pursuit as well. Like any other entrepreneur, I need the support of my friends to help me succeed.

A Few Clicks

The easiest way to support any Blogger can happen with just a few clicks of your mouse, a swipe on your phone or a tap on your tablet.


A Bloggers second home is their domain address. Their site’s URL is where they create, share and build their business. When you click and visit you are taking the first steps to supporting what they do.

If your friend is a Blogger I’m sure you’ve notice a few posts on their Facebook page (personal or blog), Twitter or Instagram announcing a new post or asking you to click a link. That’s their friendly way of asking for support. Each click from you means a new view for their site which means growth.

Did you know that website gain influence and rank of search engines like Google based on the amount of views and visits? That’s right! Your visit is valuable!

Read A Post

Okay. You made the first click and you’re on their site. Now what? Bloggers share content on their sites as posts. These are the places where a Blogger shares their thoughts, opinions, ideas and more. Supporting that creativity begins with reading a post. That’s it. Super easy right?

The time you spend on your friend’s site reading their post impact’s their site’s Bounce Rate. THe Bounce rate is the amount of time visitors spend on a site. You can help your friend increase the value of ads, sponsored content (posts they are paid for) and other content on their site by simply hanging around and checking things out.

Love The Links

To a Blogger links are the way they send traffic to other sources. They can be connected to paid content which helps them bring in an income through their content, Affiliate programs which offer them a percentage in payment for exposure or to different areas within the site itself.

Read This Too  Let's Write

So how can you give a bit of extra support through a link? Simply click it! Each click to a link is a bit of love to that content which is support to your friend.


Say Something

So you’ve visited the site, you’ve read a post and clicked the links. You’re at the bottom of the page and you see something that says ‘Comments’.

This is a section Just For You! Leaving a comment on your friend’s post is a great way to let them know you’ve been there. Take a few moments to let them know what you think of their post. Did it resonate with you? Can you relate? Was the product, event or brand they spoke of something new to you?

Here is your chance to let your friend know what you think. Ask any Blogger what they love the most and one of their top answers will always be engagement. They want to hear from their readers. No one wants to talk and never hear a reply. Bloggers want to know what people think.

The best part about a comment? You can leave them everywhere. On a post, a Facebook share, a Tweet or even an Instagram photo. Comments give a Blogger the chance for feedback and a way to interact with you beyond a simple scroll.


Nearly every Blogger will have a place on their site where you the reader – a friend – can have the chance to share their content. You get the opportunity to take that post you just read and share it with your friends!

Do you know what happens when people begin to share? You’ve seen it happen on Facebook, Pinterest and YouTube. The content gains exposure, the audience grows and the creator is able to reach people they may not have reached on their own.

You can be the catalyst for one of your friend’s posts or even their entire site to gain momentum through your shares. So click those buttons and let your other friends know what’s happening on the site of your friend who happens to be a Blogger.

take an interest. learn why they do what they do. what is the blog about.


No doubt as your scrolling on your Blogger friend’s site you’ll see a way to Follow them. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram these are all platforms that help a Blogger gain exposure and increase the reach of their Blog. Yet to that they must have followers. I promise you there is nothing that brings a brighter smile to a Blogger’s face than seeing the familiar names of their own friends as a follower.

Read This Too  Who I Wanna Be

As a follower, you get the chance to get an insider look at what a Blogger does and why.


Many of us hit Subscribe at least once a week for our favorite store, website or product. It’s an easy way to gain access to exclusive content, updates, giveaways and more!

Many Bloggers offer this same opportunity to their audience. Simply by entering your email you can be in the know to what’s happening on your friend’s site, exclusive offer and content all delivered directly to your inbox.

I always tell people subscribing to a newsletter is the perfect solution for someone who may not be one to visit a Blog on a daily basis. You can always know what’s happening and access it directly from your own inbox.

Just Ask

I’ve saved the easiest for last. The easiest way to support a friend who is a Blogger is to ask them what they need. If you see a new post from them ask: do you need me to share this? read it? comment? Whatever they need they will tell you and in asking you show that you are a friend who knows that Blogging is more than a hobby – it’s their passion and you support them.

Do you have any Blogger friends?

How do you support them?

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