Tween Denial

Tween Denial |

Ah, the between years. The age right after the single digits and right before they can officially call themselves teenagers – it’s been given the cute sounding name of ‘ tween’ but let me tell you there is nothing cute about it at all. At least not for me. I’m in full blown tween denial!

It’s A Girl!

Three words I longed to hear for nearly 10 years! I was a mom. I wasn’t lacking there in any way. My Hubby and I had my oldest son as well as my Hubby’s two boys. We were well on our way to being a pretty large family yet something was missing. I wanted that little girl I could giggle with, do hair with and have spa days with. I wanted a girl.

Although my oldest daughter started out as the girliest of girls she has grown into her own unique and diverse person. She’s artistic, thoughtful, kind and a bit of a tough girl. She loves her Jordans and can shoot a few free throws to pass the time. She lost interest in fairies, princesses and castles some time ago. Those things have been replaced by Harry Potter, Star Wars and all things artistic.

Never did I think that those three words would make such a big difference in my love, my parenting and right now – my sanity! Don’t get me wrong. I love how much my Big Girlie has taught me. She has given me a different perspective on what it means to be YOU no matter what others may want to define that as. This little girl is so strong and confident in her views that there are times I envy her. Yet recently I’m noticing a few more changes that I’m not sure I’m ready for just yet – tween changes.

I know, I know. I’ve been here before. This isn’t my first go through the tween experience. I’ve already made it through 3 times yet here’s the difference, this time: it’s a girl!

Double Digits – Double Trouble


p class=”p1″>That’s right folks my cute first baby girl is a tween. At 11 she’s 11 she’s one year into the double digits and suddenly I’m starting to see a side of her I didn’t know was there. From mood changes to a bit of sarcasm *which she may or may not get for me to a wit that is not only unexpected but unique from any of my other Kiddies. All of these changes added in with her own physical emotional changes are freaking me out just a little bit and sending this Momma of 6 into a full blown tween denial!

Read This Too  A Blogger’s Nightmare

It seems that with the coming of the double-digits all of these quirky little traits of hers have been doubled! I’m seeing, feeling and hearing the changes and I’m not sure I’m completely ready. We’ve had the chats about puberty,  as well as some of the physical changes ahead. Honestly, I’m still trying to act like it’s not really going to happen.




Last year, I did the mom/daughter chats and stuff but in reality I still don’t think I’m ready. I’m really scared that with this new year the physical side of things are starting to happen a bit sooner rather than later – even she is noticing the differences. This has prompted questions and conversations I would rather avoid at all costs.

Well That Was Smart

The other day I had the brilliant idea to Google a bit of what may be happening to her body – folks, Don’t Do It! The images! The diagrams! The illustrations!




I was not ready. I’m still not ready. I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready. Google has been my best friend in a lot of ways and a lot of situations but this one not so much. I think I should have just stuck to the old school birds and the bees chat because now I have a whole new set of questions to answer.

What Did You Say?

Yeah, so let me just say this: sarcasm is in my DNA. My entire family is skilled in it’s use and we are often misunderstood for being mean, nasty or just plain snarky by those outside our family who just ‘don’t get it‘. It’s so bad that nearly all of us would ‘prep’ our friends before attending a family event so they would know half of what was being said was sarcastic and not meant to hurt any innocent bystanders.

Read This Too  Teach Them To Love . . . Lessons For Sons




That said, when you kid’s level of sarcasm seems to surpass your own. Yeah. Then. That’s where we are and although most of her sarcasm is directed towards her siblings (older and younger) and I get a good laugh out of it. There are times where she forgets who her Momma is and tries to send a bit of it my way. She’s learning that isn’t such a great idea. . .lol

Tween Denial

The thing about denial is no matter how much you try to resist the reality of what something it – it still is just that – reality. As I sit here wondering what happened to my sweet chubby-cheeked little girl, I smile with pride at the mature young lady she’s becoming and I admit I cringe at the changes that are still on the way. 




The adult in me knows change must happen and things will be okay. Still I think I may indulge in my tween denial just a little bit longer and keep hugging, giggling and hanging with that little girl I know is still in there for as long as I can. Let’s just hope nature let’s me do just that at least for another year or two.

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3 responses to “Tween Denial”

  1. […] y’all how I was in a slight state of denial when it came to my oldest girl becoming a tween. I saw the signs and denied it for as long as I could. Well, folks, I can’t deny it anymore! […]

  2. Becky Avatar

    I have one one tween girl and, YUP… every day is a crapshoot as to which “version” of her comes out of her room in the a.m……#prayforme

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      See I have another one coming up right behind this one and I’m still not ready!! I will definitely send up a few prayers for us both 😉

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