How To Write A BAD Review

How To Write A Bad Review |

As a Blogger we often seek out the opportunity to Review products we love still there are times when we try out products we would never choose on our own or may have never heard of. This is where the risk for not liking or even understanding how to use them can come into play. So how do you handle it? How do you write a honest and still brand appreciated bad review?

How To Write A Bad Review |

The truth of the matter is when brands request you to review a product they want your honest opinion. They can’t improve or adjust their products, campaigns or approach without it. That means you have to develop a way to provide that opinion even if you don’t like the product. [tweetthis]It is possible to write a bad review without leaving a bad impression. #HowTo #Bloggie101[/tweetthis]
Inform The Brand/Company that your Review may not be positive. I have had the experience when after telling a company that I had a bad experience and that I planned to reflect my honest opinion within my review they would either opt out of the review all together or go above and beyond to fix whatever was wrong. Brands are simply people pursuing their dreams. There is always the possibility for error. Give them a chance to fix it if possible.
Introduce the Brand/Company in a neutral manner. Present the company for what it is and what it stands for. Keep it simple. It is always better to simply introduce a Brand rather than tearing the company and/or product apart. You may not like or favor this product but you still want to maintain a good partnership for future opportunities.
Present the description of the product or service clearly. Describe the product for what it does and what it claims to offer. Include images and link back to the Brands site. State the facts of the product before your own opinions.
Describe your use and experience with the Product/Service. Tell the story of your experience with the product from an neutral stand point. Simply tell how you used it and what the results were. Refrain from inserting too many emotions.
Give constructive criticism. Explain clearly what you  felt was dissatisfactory with the product or service. IF you feel there is a way to improve it or even adjust it to work better suggest it. Brands are looking for your hands on experience – you and your Readers are it’s target audience. By providing your honest opinion you offer them the opportunity to change or adjust their product or service accordingly.
Highlight the pros or good features in your closing. End your Review with the positive aspects of the product or service. Allow the Reader to leave on a positive note even if it’s just one. By offering the Brand you are working with a positively toned Review even if your opinion of the product or service is negative shows that you are able to provide honest feedback without destroying the reputation or potential of the Brand itself.
 Bonus Tip TRANS


BONUS: By always providing your honest opinion (negative or positive) you are giving your Readers the assurance that they can trust you.

Have you ever had to write a Bad Review?

How did you approach it?


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64 responses to “How To Write A BAD Review”

  1. ProductiveMompreneur Avatar

    This is a great post! I'll be sure to apply this if I am in a situation where a product isn't for me. I have a quick question: would you invite the brand to review the post before publishing it? Just asking because they may want you to privately inform them if the product isn't for you, or if it's defective, instead of posting a review where you aren't completely "in love" with their item..

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi! Thanks so much. I always give them notice if a Review may not necessarily be singing their praises? If they ask to review it I would give them that opportunity but be sure they know my opinion will remain honest no matter what. Most times they offer to somehow fix the problem or send a new product for a better impression.

  2. sunphant Avatar

    These are some great points especially the first one. Contacting them first and giving them a chance to fix it, it's just like receiving the wrong meal item at a restaurant. Give them a chance to make things better. Will save this in case I ever need it.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Yes – it\’s just like that. Sometimes things happen so I always give them that opportunity to make it better. Thanks so much!

  3. @RCHreview Avatar

    This article is excellent – it lays out clearly the tone and standards we try for at RCHReviews – we have a number of reviewers, and I've suggested they all give this a read. Thank you! ~ Lynda H.
    My recent post Review: Glomtom Ergonomic Support for Gamers

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank You So Much Lynda!

  4. Bekki Avatar

    I have only reviewed one product so far and I was blessed to love it. I hadn't though about what I would do with a product/service that I could not endorse. This is beyond helpful!!
    My recent post Homeschooling Through the Holidays

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That’s wonderful Bekki! It is possible to never have a bad review but knowing what to do when it happens is definitely a bonus. Thanks so much!

  5. workingmommagic Avatar

    This is really helpful, since I always want to be honest with my readers, but you don't want to knock a whole company! Great post!!
    My recent post My daughter is obsessed with me

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Yes, you always want to walk away knowing your Brand relationship is still in tact.

  6. Karen Avatar

    this is great advice! If Monsanto (monsatan) ever asks me to review any of their prodcuts I will have to follow this, of course, they wouldn't be that foolish. I recently ordered some snacks online from a new company and wanted to praise them, but they messed up in too many ways. I rather just pretend I never ordered the snacks.
    My recent post Just Finished Reading…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Karen! Oh wow! Yes, sometimes the ‘if you can’t say anything nice’ rule ends up applying even in reviews. Giving the company that option to opt out can make it easier on both of you.

  7. Bev Avatar

    Great tips! I've always wondered what I would do in the case of a review for an item I did not like, but this makes it sounds pretty straight-forward.
    My recent post 9 super simple last-minute DIY holiday gift ideas

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Bev! I never even thought of it until I had to face it. I think making it simple and easy makes it less stressful for sure.

  8. Tricia the Good Mama Avatar

    I think it's really important to talk with the company if the product is not up to par like you said. If a company is sending a product I think it's best not to review or send back the item.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It is so important Tricia. I always like to give them an option and opportunity to give me a better experience.

  9. Rea Alducente Avatar
    Rea Alducente

    Thanks for sharing this! I think every blogger who writes a review should know this too. After all, readers will always appreciate an honest review and it doesn't mean it has to say something bad about a brand or a company.
    My recent post Brique: Good Food. Good Company.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you for reading! It is definitely good knowledge to have – writing a bad review can be stressful but it doesn\’t have to be 🙂

  10. Adrian Avatar

    I am having this experience right now. I was offered a free banner, which I decided to donate to my church for their Christmas Eve service (time sensitive). But then the company wouldn't return my Email for almost two weeks. Finally, I went through the front end of their website and contacted their Helpdesk. They got the banner out to me within 24 hours. I haven't opened it yet, so I'll have to see how it looks, but I think I'll be able to do a decent review for them and maybe just a brief mention of the communications snafu. #SITSharefest
    My recent post The Dog Whisperer gives me Hope for Parenting

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I had a similar experience and they ended replying to me 2 months later but even then the product was broken. I told them that my review would have to reflect the poor customer services and they opted out completely. I think if the product is still good then a short mention of the service is warranted. I\’m so glad you stopped by Adrian…always nice to see a comment from you 🙂

  11. Lisa Avatar

    Great advice!!!!! Honestly, I haven't done any reviews were I haven't liked everything, you know. I always talk about the things I love – what value it will bring to them and their family. Then, I have a notes section about the things that made me say "huh?" or that were confusing or user unfriendly or whatever.

    I guess I have been very lucky.

    Thanks so much for this lovely article.
    My recent post The Homeschool Link-up – week 59

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Lisa. I love the idea of having a ‘huh’ section in your reviews. There are often things you just wonder about with products. Great idea! Thank YOU for coming by…

  12. Kerri @ B&T Avatar
    Kerri @ B&T

    Great post! There was one time when I was trialing a product for review and my skin reacted to it. I emailed the PR and she decided to opt out which I was totally fine with. It didn't work for me but I'm sure it did for others.
    My recent post The Christmas Tag

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Kerri! Wow…I am always so nervous when trying face or beauty products. It is good that they didn\’t force you to review it anyway. It can all be really relative at times.

  13. deliberatemom Avatar

    This is such helpful advice.

    I haven't encountered this yet, but I had previously decided that if I did encounter a product I didn't like I would contact the brand and give them the option to opt out of the review.

    Pinning this! Thanks for sharing.
    My recent post The Deliberate Dad? A Guest Post!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I’m so happy you think so. I know when I first had to write a ‘bad’ review I was stressed because I wasn’t sure how to approach it. I was so happy when I figured it out I knew I wanted to share my tips. Thanks so much for the Pin support 😀

  14. Lynne Avatar

    I like it. I had someone say they wanted a positive review and that is stressful. Hoping it all turns out.
    My recent post Being a Better Lorax

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Lynne. I have in my Media Kit as well as my disclosure that I have to be allowed to give my honest opinion. I feel Brands should want nothing less.

  15. Carrie This Home Avatar

    I'm glad you took the time to give suggestions on what to do in this situation. As bloggers we have to maintain integrity for our readers and these suggestions all keep our integrity intact. Plus offering constructive criticism in a polite way can really help companies improve. Pinning this!
    My recent post Make Thank You Note Writing With Kids Easy

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank You! I appreciate the support and I am so glad you find the tips helpful 🙂 Integrity is so important as a Blogger and simply as person.

  16. Aleshea Dominique Avatar
    Aleshea Dominique

    I love the constructive criticism part. I can't stand when people just bash but don't give nice things on how they can help
    My recent post Roasted Red Pepper + Sun Dried Tomato Salmon Caper sandwich

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Aleshea!! You’re right. As a Blogger and Influencer you have that chance to impact something with your opinion. Take it. Don’t give negative without offering a positive.

  17. spiritedlife Avatar

    I approached it neutrally. I had a pedometer that I liked the features but the darn thing would come off ALL.THE.TIME! I felt it was ineffective because I had to pick it up several times a day. I even lost it for a while because it was inconspicuous and fell. I just found it last week in the toy box while cleaning it out. So far, that was my worst review yet. Hopefully I can genuinely like most of the products I review.
    My recent post 15 Acts of Kindness This Christmas Season!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That’s always a good approach especially if there is just something that doesn’t work with the item. Luckily the bad ones are usually in the minority of our Reviews but it is good to have a plan of action just in case 🙂 Thanks for coming by Lovie!

  18. @etagurl89 Avatar

    Oh I am going to have to bookmark this for the next review that I have that will be a bad one! Thanks for linking this post up to the Let's Be friends blog hop!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yay!! I’m so happy you find it to be helpful..thanks so much for the support 🙂

  19. Crunchy, Crafty, and Highly Caffeinated Avatar
    Crunchy, Crafty, and Highly Caffeinated

    What a great post!! Thank you so much for putting this post together. I am pinning it for a reference later!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! I truly appreciate the pin support 🙂

  20. sarahsofiaproductions Avatar

    Tiffany this is a great resource! I haven't ventured into this area yet, but have been asked. I'm not sure if it's a fit for me and my big concern is what if I don't like it. I have pinned this post to use as a guide for me in the future.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Sarah!! I truly appreciate the PIN support. 🙂

  21. Lara Avatar

    Thank you for this! I recently received a product to review and I unfortunately will have to be leaving a bad review 🙁

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You’re totally welcome!! Let me know how it goes. These are definitely a few things I wish I knew when I had to write my first bad review.

  22. My Rays of Sunshine Avatar
    My Rays of Sunshine

    This is a very helpful post! I have yet to write a negative review, but it's scary to think that it will happen one day. I hate being mean and this post was a great encouragement for me!
    My recent post Experience a Wild Wonderland at Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks!! It can be really nerve racking trying to figure out how to approach it. Don\’t look at is as being mean – your giving your honest opinion which is exactly what they are asking you for. 🙂

  23. jennabrussee Avatar

    This is extremely helpful! I've never had to write a bad review, but I've always wondered about how I should handle it. I would definitely give them the option to opt out of a review or fix the issue. Your other tips are also very helpful! It's nice to know that it is possible to write a bad review without leaving a bad impression. I wouldn't want to come off as being critical or negative on my blog.

    Thanks for sharing this with Hump Day Happenings! Have a great week.
    My recent post Hump Day Happenings #40

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Jenna! I know when I first started and had that first product that wasn’t as great as I thought it’d be I was at a loss…I wish I knew then what I know now! Thanks for coming by today 🙂

  24. Vashti (VeePeeJay) Avatar
    Vashti (VeePeeJay)

    These are all great tips. Letting the brand know in advance is really important as well as being constructive in your critiques.
    My recent post Get Extra, Give Extra: The Gift of Friendship

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Vashti! Yes, that is definitely key to keeping a good working relationship with that brand as well.

  25. aimee fauci Avatar
    aimee fauci

    I actually have done this once and it was so hard.. I actually stressed over the product.. it was a game, but I presented it as.. it's not the right fit for me and my family but def the right fit for older kids and a school environment. I'm not sure what the company thought but thankfully it was a detailed questionnaire versus a blog post but then he asked me on Instagram what I thought.. UGH…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I can imagine! I know when it happened to me I was so scared to tell them I didn’t like it but then I figured they asked me right? LOL..I’m glad it worked out and you didn’t actually need to write a post. How did you handle the instagram question?

  26. Paris Avatar

    Great tips! Thank you for sharing! I'm pinning for reference incase I have to write a review on an item I didn't like.
    My recent post Time in a Box Review

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Paris!!! I truly appreciate the Pin 🙂

  27. FabEllis Avatar

    GREAT post! Believe it or not, a few months ago, I just learned that it's a good idea to share my experience with the products with the company PRIOR to posting the review. It sounds so simple, but I had never thought of it. That has really helped me build some great relationships with companies. Pinning!
    My recent post Personal Style | Transforming My Wardrobe with L'eggs Tights

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Yes, give them a chance to either rectify or provide better use guidelines that may totally change your view. It is definitely key to establishing and maintaining good Brand relationships.

  28. Louidam1 Avatar

    Great tips! With me being a review blogger I have come across stuff I didn't like. I'm not harsh with my reviews but I always tell my opinions. I do go behind the scenes to tell the brand what improvements needs to be made.
    My recent post Holiday Fun with The Girls

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Lou! It definitely happens and sometimes it can be a bit awkward but being honest is always most important with both your Readers and the Brands…

  29. Purfylle Avatar

    That's good to know Mrs Tee (that you've never had them pre-read your review that is) I've pinned your post so I can come back and re-read your advice when I do find myself in the position of writing a bad review for a sponsored post.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They’ve never requested and I’ve never offered.

      Thank you so much! I truly appreciate that 🙂

  30. irkedmommy Avatar

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
    My recent post A Day In The Life…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Your Welcome!!! 😀

  31. Purfylle Avatar

    I've written a post about a lip balm I love with packaging that wasn't up to par and also a satirical piece about my toaster, neither were sponsored posts. The main difference about them was how easy it was to get in touch with the company to give them a chance to make things right before I wrote about it. I think if it were a sponsored post I would have been a little more neutral in my writing and have provided the company a chance to review the post before I published it.
    My recent post How To Make A Fabric Scrap Garland In 5 Easy Steps

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Reviews that you write on your own can be a bit more giving in the allowance for personal feelings for sure. I have never had a post reviewed prior to publishing but I always give a heads up if I feel my opinion is not 100% positive. One company did decide to eliminate a review all together because I would not change my opinion.

  32. Julie S. Avatar
    Julie S.

    These are great tips! Listing out details in a neutral manner and specifying what worked and what didn't work for you is a great way to honestly review something.
    My recent post Top 10 Things I Am Thankful For This Year

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Julie! I remember the first time I had a bad experience with a product it took me forever to figure how to write the review so I figured sharing a few tips would be good 🙂

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