… a few of my favorite things

Let’s have a bit of fun! I’m going to share a few of my favorite things and then I want you to do the same in the comments. Ready? Set? GO!

... a Few Of My Favorite Things | TheMrsTee.com

Music Artists & Songs

Demi Lovato is definitely one of my favorite music artist right now – actually she has been for years. I fell in love with her as an actress and comedian when she was on the Disney Channel as Sonny Munroe from Sonny With A Chance. I loved the show and watched it with and without my Kiddies!



When I learned of her struggle with depression and body image I rooted for her. Watching her push through and survive has been amazing and makes me love and engage with her musical talent even more. I honestly thing she may be one of those under-estimated and under-appreciated artists because her voice is amazing!



Pink is another one of my favorite artists. I love the raw emotion you can feel behind her voice as well as in her lyrics. Pink can take you from dance party grooves to an emotional ballad and never miss a note. I have been able to relate to her each one of her albums throughout the years.



Now that she’s a mom I have truly enjoyed watching her become a mom who not only allows her daughter to be who she is but encourages her to be a kind and thoughtful human being.

Bruno Mars is a favorite of my entire family. We were living in Hawaii during the release of his first album and let’s just say he has a lot of love on the islands! We couldn’t help but recognize his talent and the throwback to old school R&B in his music was something that caught our attention immediately.




This one was kinda fun because I have a couple of words that are apparently unique to me. I know, weird right? Or as I would say…

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I also have a tendancy to let people know when they are being a bit more than necessary or as I call it . . .



Most people don’t like to admit their fears. I’m okay with admitting what mien are because I always try my best to push through them.  Once of my fears is a pretty common one: heights. I don’t like them at all. I don’t like how I feel out of control when I’m up high. Yet here’s the thing – I ride roller coasters, I’ve gone zip-lining and I always push through the fear. Why? If I let my fear dictate what I do then it wins. 


Quotes can be an amazing way to uplift or encourage yourself. One of my favorite quotes is actually from my Hubby:

Nothing beats a failure but a try.

My Hubby first said this to me during a moment when I felt completely overwhelmed by life. I didn’t feel capable, good enough or willing to get through. The first time he said it I thought it made no sense. Then got out of my feelings and really thought about it. The simple act of trying can be the difference between success and failure. I live by this every time I get discouraged or forget what I do determines my results.

My next favorite quote is from the Bible. This is one I have turned into my own mantra for life – my 828Blessings based on Romans 8:28:

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,

who have been called according to his purpose.

Things I Miss

My childhood. I know I can’t be the only one. There are days when in the midst of the chaos I think back on those carefree days of my childhood. The days when all I had to worry about was going to school, doing my homework and maybe picking out my outfits.  Most times I miss my childhood on those days when I just don’t wanna adult  – I’m sure I’m not the only one, right?

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I’m pretty sure ya’ll can guess my favorite accessory since it is such a big part of my personality and my brand:

My Glasses!!

My favorite pair are a black with pink underlay plastic frame. Yet they are by no means my only pair! I have to date 15 pairs of glasses.



That’s right: 15 and I’m still searching and looking for more! I change my glasses as often as many people change their shoes. I pick them by color, shape and style. I love to match them to my outfit for the day and even my mood. I am always willing to try something different and unique!

It’s Your Turn!
Tell me a few of YOUR favorite things . . .

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