#AskAwayFriday W/ Beth from Structure In An Unstructured Life

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The Real Housewife of Caroline County

Penny from The Real Housewife of Caroline County

The Bold Fab Mom
Amber from Bold Fab Mom


Tiffany from Mrs.TeeLoveLifeLaughter

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Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings


Small town Iowan family

Sarah from Small Town Iowan

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Christy from Uplifting Families

This week for #AskAwayFriday I am having a blast swapping questions and answers with Beth from Structure In An Unstructured Life.


Not only is Beth an amazing Mom but somehow she manages to have an amazing Blog as well. ย Beth writes and shares her insight on Parenting, Meal Planning, Organizing and even Happiness. ย Anyone who can handle all of that and still manage to have adorable Kids and be a great Mom is someone I suggest you meet.

Now for Beth’s questions …!


1. Your kiddos range in age from 3-19. What are your favorite and least favorite things about the ages your kids are at?
Wow! ย Great question….I’ll go from the youngest to oldest:
Buddie My 3 year old
-I could do without the clinginess which you may find odd when you read the next part saying what I love. ย Still the amount of clinginess is almost as if we are attached at the hip. ย He is often described as my shadow.
– I love how much he loves to snuggle and how everything he learns is an amazement to him. ย He gives hugs and smoochies freely and often. ย I have learned from my older Kiddies that this tends to go away so I’m enjoying every moment.
Baby Girlie – 5 year old
-She has completely inherited and I think improved up my sarcasm. ย She has it to a level where it is almost a gift. ย It’s actually a bit uncanny considering she’s 5. ;D
-This Girlie has been smiling from the moment she was born. ย I love it. ย It is a bit odd because she seems to smile/laugh even when she is nervous or scared. ย Still I find it adorable and her smile can make even my worse days better.
Big Girlie – 6 (almost 7) year old
-This one is a bit of a know-it-all. ย Seriously. ย She has a bunch of facts stored up in her head and has no problem sharing them whether you want them or not. ย She also believes she is write until she agrees to be wrong. ย It’s cute now but may be a bit of an issue later… LOL
-My first Girlie is just that. ย She is very much a Girlie-Girl and always has been. ย She loves all things including purses, shoes and sparkle! ย Who couldn’t love her?
The Teenager – 17 year old
-He is very internal. He doesn’t show or share his feelings at all even in is expressions. ย I call him my EMO child but it is more of a way to protect himself. ย He has always felt that being too emotional makes him a target for ridicule. ย As he got older he began to show his emotions less and less. ย Luckily, I don’t need to see them to know when he feels them. ย Thank goodness for Momma instinct.
-The twist to his story is he is a friend to all and sees the best in everyone whether they want to show it or not. ย He will give people the benefit of the doubt even when perhaps he should walk away. ย He is a true friend.
The Middle One – 15 year old
-He tends to rely on the fact that for nearly 9 years he was the youngest. ย Mind you all of our Kiddies are at some level of spoiled but we try not to let them know that-He Knows…LOL
-I love his athleticism and sportsmanship. ย He is what you would call a sportsman’s sportsman. ย He loves to be active and show off his skills whenever possible. ย He hates to lose and yet still takes a win with humility.
The Oldest – 19
-Has always been mature beyond his age in numbers. ย He is very intelligent and has always embraced his nerdiness and made it work for him.
-He tends to take his natural gift for learning for granted and often neglects studying because he can be a bit too confident.
2. We’re less than a month away from St. Patrick’s Day – what’s one thing that makes you consider yourself lucky?
I don’t really believe in luck but I do believe in blessings. ย I considered myself to be exceedingly and abundantly Blessed to have been found by my husband. ย I feel that there are times in a woman’s life where she is searching so hard for ‘the one’ that she forgets most times you need to simply be still and God will send the one He desires and has designed specifically for you and your needs, desires and success right to you. ย It is in my learning to be still that I was truly blessed the most.
3. Where is the farthest you have ever traveled?
Hawaii is still the furthest I have ever traveled. ย It was a 15 1/2 hour, 3 flight travel time and when I tell you I was ready to kiss the ground after that final plane landed. Whew! ย Still the beauty of both the land and the people was completely worth it.
4. I recently read your post about your teenager earning money. You mentioned you worked through high school. What were your best and worst teen jobs?
I actually didn’t have that many jobs. ย I worked at a drug store chain from 14 all the way through High School. ย I loved that job. ย I enjoyed retail and was quickly being trained to be an assistant manager by the time I was 17.
After High School I began my first internship through College and I was an Administrative Assistant for a construction company. ย I handled their contracts. ย I then moved into my focus which was Paralegal Studies as a Paralegal then Legal Secretary to a local law firm.ย It was great because each new job gave me a skill for the next one.ย 
The one job I would label as ‘the worst’ was one for an ‘up and coming’ real estate title company. ย He hired me after my first interview and promised me commissions and quick promotions to a Director of Sales. ย After about a week he stopped coming into the office, I started getting calls saying the rent was overdue, phones were threatened for disconnect. ย When he finally did show up he started paying me in cash. ย After I left (I hightailed it outta there) I found out he was ummm…’connected’. ย LMBO…craziest. job. EVER.
5. I also read your review post of the 599Fashion site. What are some other ways you stay fashionable while still sticking to a budget?
This best way is to look for all the sales. ย I only recently began shopping online. ย Prior to that I was the Clearance Rack Queen! ย Stores like Target, Walmart, TJ Maxx and Marshalls are gold mines if you don’t mind looking searching.
6. How would you rank these social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest?
1. Twitter – you can not only interact with friends and potential brands but you can also promote and share your own content and brand. ย Best of all worlds!
2. Instagram – it’s like Twitter with better pictures and no character limit. ย The only thing I would add is the ability to embed links.
3. Pinterest – I love finding new ideas and also being able to share and group my own in a fun way.
4. Facebook – don’t get me wrong Facebook can be very useful in connecting with other Bloggers but the restrictions and new rules are making it very difficult to do so as a Blogger.
7. Tamara asked me this last week and I thought it was fun – share a recent favorite picture and tell the story behind it.
2013-12-19 09.11.27We snapped this pick about a month or so ago. ย I love it because this is maybe the only time I’ve actually seen how we look so much alike (as everyone has told me since his birth). ย I’ve never been able to see it before but in this picture I do and I also see a piece of my heart. ย We made it through a lot: teenage mom, single mom, struggling parent… but we made it and we are stronger and closer for it all. PS – We both LOVE Hoodies! ย ๐Ÿ˜€
8. If you had to choose one cause you are most passionate about, what would it be?
Probably my church. ย I don’t really take up a lot of ’causes’ I just try to live by the text that reminds us that when we help others it is just like helping Christ.

Matthew 25:36-40ย (NIV)

36ย I needed clothes and you clothed me,ย I was sick and you looked after me,ย I was in prison and you came to visit me.โ€™

37ย โ€œThen the righteous will answer him, โ€˜Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?

38ย When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?

39ย When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?โ€™

40ย โ€œThe King will reply, โ€˜Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.โ€™

9. I’ve read that you are a Daisy troop leader this year. What do you think is the biggest lesson your girls have learned so far, and what is the biggest lesson you have learned so far from being a leader?
Yes! ย What an adventure it is to be in a house with 2 Daisies And A Leader ! ย I would have to say the biggest lesson my Girlies have learned is how to be social. ย Being a military family we traveled during the majority of their early development and they tended to rely on each other for everything. ย Making friends wasn’t easy because we usually left or they moved before any sort of bond could be established. ย The Girl Scouts has given my Girlies an opportunity to not only make friends but learn how to be friends.
The biggest lesson I have learned as a Leader has definitely been the importance of A Choice of Words. ย It was through my role as a Leader that I was given the opportunity to see my words in action and the impact they can have on someone even when you aren’t trying to.
10. Would you rather have a day at the spa, a day shopping, or a day siteย seeing?
**Sidenote: I just realized I sent you almost the same question without even checking these first. ย Funny!
Shopping. ย Duh! ย LOL ย No really shopping. ย ๐Ÿ˜€
I have never been to a Spa so I’m not sure what I’m missing but shopping I have done and I would love to do more ๐Ÿ˜€
As for siteย seeing, eh…it just seems like a lot of walking… LOL
I truly enjoyed Beth’s questions and now it’s time for you to head over to Structure In An Unstructured Life and check out her answers to my questions. ย Go on…then why not think about finding a partner and joining in on the #AskAwayFriday fun yourself?
ย If you loveย #AskAwayFridayย and would like to participate or Swap With Me in the future, feel free to drop me a message in the Comments, through myย Contact Meย or through any of the participating Bloggers and we’ll be sure to let you know how to get started and get connected.
Read This Too  10 Things That Make Me Happy - #AskAwayFriday
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