Dear Baby Girlie, The Good & Bad of Raising A Child Who’s Just Like You

You’re so much like me it’s almost scary. Parents. You ever have that one child who reminds of yourself in so many ways – good and bad? For me that’s my Baby Girlie. I look at her and I see both my best qualities and my worse.

I remember the day my youngest daughter was born. We were in Hawaii my contractions began early in the morning. I told my husband these were the real one and that we needed to go – NOW! We headed out and somehow ended up lost on the side of a Hawaiian mountain.


We’d only moved to Hawaii about 2 1/2 months earlier and even though I’d had several appointments at Pepto (if you were ever stationed in Hawaii – you know this name well) BUT somehow in the craziness of my pain and telling him to hurry my Hubby picked the wrong highway of the 3 we had to choose from.


After a few moments of panic and one desperate hurl out the passenger window – which by the way flew back in on my oldest – sorry kid – we made it to the hospital.


My second Baby Girlie was on her way. This little girl was going to do things her way including arriving bit early and taking her time to get here all at once. She was my little conundrum.


Three hours later as they handed her too me, all I could think as Oh My God she looks just like me! Seriously – Just. Like. Me! So much so that my Hubby immediately wanted to name her Tiffany. I told him that was NOT gonna happen. I wasn’t down with the whole female junior thing. As a compromise we came up with a name not far from mine but still all her own.

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Everyday I watched as this Baby Girlie developed into what felt like a repeat version of myself. My smile, eyes, laughter and even my appetite – she had it all. The past 8 years I have seen her go through the ups and downs of being soft-hearted with a temper, friendly but easily ignored and even a care-giver with the tendency to be a bit too controlling. She’s me and I am her and it honestly scares the mess out of me!


All I keep thinking is okay, since I’ve lived this life maybe I can help her avoid some of my mistakes, hurts and pit falls. Yet in my attempt to do that I sometime push her away, alienate her or even hurt her – all in an effort to protect and help her.


Recently I’ve found myself simply staring at her little face feeling this deep ache in my heart because with her – out of all my Kiddies-  I feel lost. I’m unsure, hesitant and cautious because I know how deep I scar and I fear she may share that trait along with the many other we have in common.


I don’t want to be her enemy, I can’t afford to be too much of a friend and blur the lines of our relationship yet all I want to do is prepare her and protect her from the things that hurt me as a child.


Then I think. Maybe I am not meant to protect her but instead simply give her the tools I didn’t have to get through them better. Growing up I never felt accepted. I always felt as if I were an after thought in the lives of those around me. This is the thing I can change with her. I can make sure she knows that no matter what – she is loved always.

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So as I sit here and write I think to the future when she may one day read it. I say to her older self these few things:


Mommy has always and will always love you.


Anything I’ve done has been to help you be better than me.

I hope that the choices I’ve made helped you be the best you.


I. Love. You.


Raising a child who’s just like you isn’t easy, it isn’t always fun yet it isn’t impossible. I’m learning that raising a child who’s just like me gives me the chance to give her the things she needs most to help her be the adult she is meant to be even if that means she ends up being nothing like me.


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21 responses to “Dear Baby Girlie, The Good & Bad of Raising A Child Who’s Just Like You”

  1. […] this little girl is my twin in nearly every sense of the word. She acts like me, looks like me and at times even brands herself […]

  2. […] often see pieces of my own personality within my children. There are times when raising a child who is just like you can be scary. My youngest daughter is that child. We have so many traits in common it can […]

  3. sarah Avatar

    This is very inspiring. I have three kids and as a mom i can relate with how you feel. I love your letter.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much Sarah! I truly appreciate that – it’s good to know I’m not alone 😉

  4. Rosey Avatar

    My oldest is most like me. He is stubborn like I was at his age too.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Aaah . . . it’s so funny how as parents our kids take up some of our traits isn’t it?

  5. Tatyanna Avatar

    Love this article! I’m that child for my mom. We look and act JUST alike even when we don’t want too. It’s surprising how much children pick up on even we you don’t know you’re teaching it.

    xx Tatyanna

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Tatyanna!! That’s so cool! It’s so amazing how much kids pick up on without us realizing it. I wonder if my daughter knows she’s my mirror image? I may just have to ask her.. LOL 🙂

  6. LeWahn Avatar

    I can’t wait for this to happen to me! Sounds interesting and fun! I will absolutely look out for signs if my future daughter will be exactly like me!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Hey LeWahn! You won’t have to look hard – I knew it the instant I she started talking.. LOL

  7. Sandra Crespo Avatar

    LOL I love this! I am definitely raising a mini me right now she’s 2 and man every day I feel I come out more in her mannerisms and what she’s saying! Love this article <3

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Sandra! Oh wow -2 – God Bless you.. I remember that year clearly! It was one of the times I saw myself in her the most. It’s amazing to see their personalities come out more and more. Thanks so much!

  8. Cat Avatar

    I am definitely very similar to my mother! In that, I believe I have inherited some of her better traits and carried them with me through adulthood. We did for sure butt heads a lot because we are similar, though.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      I think I am in some ways to. I wonder if it’s a Mother/Daughter thing or simply genetics and nurture factors. 😉

  9. Heather Johnson Avatar

    My baby girl is my challenge child. But she is just like her mother, so I guess that is payback for my childhood lol!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Haha! That’s how I see it too Heather . . .

  10. […] is a pick especially for my Baby Girlie. I know my other Kiddies will want no parts of it because it but she loves them so I think we will […]

  11. Brandy Avatar

    I have 3 very different children. Each have some qualities that remind me of myself at their ages, but overall I don’t have one child who is exactly like me that it’s scary. I have seen this happen though with many of my parent friends, I guess mine just received a little of me and a bit of their Dad too, sometimes I swear I see more of their Dad in them as far as personality and traits go 😀

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Well with 6 I guess the odds were against me that one would get all of my traits… LOL ;D We have one who is just like my Hubby and the others are a good blend of us both.. Parenting is never boring, that’s for sure! Thanks so much for coming by Brandy!

  12. GiGi Eats Avatar

    My mom and I are identical. However, we did not realize this until I was about 17 or 18 years old. When I was a youngin’ my mother and I were POLAR opposites – or perhaps she was a little hellion too, but she never told me about it? Ha! Regardless, my mom and I are now VERY CLOSE and GOOD FRIENDS… So despite our turmoil back in the day, it all worked out positively 🙂

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Haha.. this is so fun. I mean that neither of your realized how alike you were really were. Perhaps like you said, you r mom saw it but didn’t wanna see it 😉 I’m so happy you are close even as identical personalities….

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