Dear Marvel,

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We Made It! This past weekend my entire family – Hubby, Kiddies, Bro-In-Laws (2), a Sis-In-Law and of their 2 kiddies – made it to see Marvel | SONY SpiderMan Homecoming! In case you don’t know getting that many people (5 adults and 6 kids) to a movie is a challenge and the fact that we made it just in time to get snacks for all and catch the start of the movie was a major win!

I honestly think I was a bit more excited than all my Kiddies, nieces and nephew combined about finally seeing SpiderMan Homecoming. I have been counting down the days since I caught my first glimpse of it during those 25 minute previews (why are they soooo long?) watching another movie in the theater. I even made sure it was at the very Top of my Must See List for July.

No Spoilers

After grabbing what felt like a million snacks and drinks, we rushed into the theater and grabbed our entire row of seats – 4th row from the front – part of the perks of catching a movie with 11 people. The movie was about 2 minutes in but I still couldn’t resist asking my Hubby (our reigning Marvel Know-It-All) if he thought it was going to live up to the hype. His answer: ‘I’ll see.’ pretty encouraging…LOL

As I watched, I was so happy to see that Marvel stuck to the previews and the glimpse we caught of this version of Spidey in Marvel’s Avengers Captain America: Civil War. I loved how Tom Holland brought the teenager curiosity, innocence and excitement as part of who Peter Parker is. It reminded me of the Spidey I grew to love as a kid.

I must admit I was a bit anxious to see how Tony Stark would act as a Mentor for Spidey. From  his new high-tech suit to a bit of ‘great power great responsibility’ type advice along the way. It was super fun seeing them interact and Peter’s reaction to Tony’s trying to adult. Like the heading said – No Spoilers – so if you want to know exactly how Tony’s adulting took place you’ll have to go see SpiderMan Homecoming for yourself.

He Said That

I think we were about 15 minutes away from the end of the movie. I had that build up of excitement for the end credits because I mean every Marvel fan knows – don’t leave just because the credits roll. There’s always more! I was sitting there soaking in all the awesomeness of Tony Stark when he uttered a sentence that stuck with me for the rest of the night and the next few days. . .

“Behind this door lies a room full of reporters – real ones – not bloggers.”

Tony Stark – SuperMan Homecoming

Yup. He said that! Can I just tell you? I literally gasped! My Hubby who was sitting to my right and my oldest son who was on his right both looked at me – and busted out laughing! I gave them a look of disgust, tried to contain my annoyance and focus on the rest of the movie but I couldn’t.

Did he seriously just say that? Not bloggers? What in the world? The line itself served no true purpose. They could have placed a period after reporters but instead decided to add that in.. Why? I didn’t get it. I still don’t get it.

Marvel Super Fan

Marvel Super Fan. That’s right. That’s me. If you know me at all in real life or on the inter-web you know that comics and the way Marvel brings them to the big screen is something that is major for me. I follow them, write about them, tweet about them and hey I even had the chance to create a Marvel Characters Quiz for one of my favorite Blog Communities. So why then did it just feel like Marvel just sucked all my blogger mojo right outta me with one sentence?

Sitting there waiting for the credits to roll, all I could think about was why would they add in that line? Marvel that is. So why Marvel? Why this dig against the very set of people who have supported you in so many unique ways through so many other movies? Ways you have seemed to value in the past.

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I walked out of the theater composing a post in my head. It’s what I do. I feel. I react. I write. I knew that what I felt needed to be expressed and that’s my best way. First I did a quick Tweet and Facebook Post. Did anyone else know this line was in the movie? Was I the only one slightly offended?



Soon I received a notification of a comment from a fellow blogger  – Aaronica Coll of TheCrunchyMommy . . .


No, I hadn’t seen Christa’s post – oh but once I did – It wasn’t just me! Other bloggers were reacting to the slight handed out in that one liner by Tony Stark too.

#BehindThisDoor was becoming more than just a singular reaction. As of the date of her publish the hashtag had reached over 700,000 accounts and had over 2.9 million impressions. That’s a lot!

More Than One Side

Once I saw Christa’s post I made quick edit to my posts to include the hashtag – I wanted the other bloggers to know they weren’t alone. I went and took a look at all the other Bloggers reacting and responding through their writing. There were so many. Still, as I scrolled I realized that not all were offended. Some were amused and even felt that the one-liner was no big deal. That we were the ones being a bit over-dramatic.

Janice from An Open Suitcase says this:

I actually LOL’d at this one – in a good way. I agree with Janice 100%. I doubt this line by Tony Stark was something the writers plotted or planned. I really don’t. I don’t think Marvel has it out for us. I will still support them and continue to be a fan after this movie and after this post. I think the motivation for my reaction – for this post – is to express how I feel. How that statement made me feel. To let Marvel know that even a quick one-liner in a movie can have an impact and it doesn’t go un-noticed.

Dawn of Eat Play Rock says:

“I am not a journalist. I did not go to journalism school, nor did I get a journalism degree. I also do not work for a reputable paper or news organization that is held to what I think is a higher standard than what bloggers should be held to. “

As I read, I took in the points these other Bloggers made. I mean, like Dawn, I’m not a reporter. I did not go to school for journalism. I don’t have a degree BUT I do have my name listed as Author on several reputable online publications. I am held to a standard for the content I produce by the FTC as well as the Brands and Companies I partner with as a Blogger. I have worked for and covered events as a blogger for my city and done it with amazing results. Does this mean the word-for-word impact of Tony Stark’s line should not really offend me. Hmmm?

I love how BloggerTenorDad puts it:

Because honestly, the reason people think that bloggers put out self-serving crap all the time, is because a lot of bloggers put out self-serving crap all the time.

Not all bloggers. #notallbloggers

But the fact remains that blogs are platforms available to anyone. The high quality, and the low quality. The truth tellers, and the liars. The reporters and the hacks. The corporate shills, and the independent voices railing against the system. It is awesome, and scary, and democratic, and individualistic, and, as far as I have seen, a wonderful and fulfilling thing for people to do.

But we ain’t reporters, most of us. And we ain’t journalists. And we shouldn’t be.

Of course you should take all of this with a grain of salt. No one fact-checked it. After all, I’m a blogger, and I’m loving it.

I’m with him. Blogging is a platform open to all. Yet to establish yourself as reputable those of us who want it to be more than just that have worked hard. Fought stereotypes and pushed forward into a place where our Blog has become our Brand.

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He’s right, at times we react to things based on what truth it may ring to us personally. I think my gut reaction came when after hearing that one line I was forced to deal with friends, family members and perfect strangers who feel because it was said in a Marvel movie it’s a fact. That all I work to do as a Blogger is instantly minimized to nothing more than an online journal – a hobby.

This has been my battle throughout my blogger journey (it’s a struggle ya’ll) – so does this one line make that any different? Is my offense stemming from that ongoing battle and not the line itself? I’m not sure yet but I do know it didn’t help things.

Dear Marvel,

So that’s why I write. Here and now. This is to be my reaction to what I felt as a Blogger in that moment. I realize it was a movie, Tony stark is a fictional character and Marvel doesn’t hate me. I do. I admire every Blogger who has voiced their feeling for and against the line. The truth remains: everyone has their own opinions and each one is entitled to their own reactions.

This is mine. My honest reaction and opinion. Nothing more nothing less. That’s part of why we all Blog right? I mean in every disclosure we give we clearly state – this is my honest opinion. We write, share and publish to offer our unbiased and honest thoughts on events, products, things and more. Whether for money or the simple satisfaction of doing it – we’re here, we blog. So here are a few things I would love to say to Marvel if I had the chance. . .

Am I still a Marvel fan? Yes.

Will I see another Marvel movie? Yes.

If I get an invite for a Marvel event will I attend HECK YES! *Okay, sorry got a bit excited there. I mean. Yes.

Here’s the thing. In the days after that one line from Tony, I had to explain to my Hubby, my son and others why I Blog. Even Tony Stark didn’t get it – they said. Bloggers aren’t real reporters. So maybe we aren’t the real reporters #BehindThisDoor BUT . . .

I, like most other Bloggers, report on what’s happening around us. Whether it be through writing, photography or social media – we share, impact and interact with the world around us. What we say makes a difference and how we say it matters.

I, like most other Bloggers, put in long hours, much research and many sacrificed days to be sure what I produce is accurate and true.

I, like most other Bloggers, take pride in who I am and what I do.

That’s why I say . . .

Dear Marvel,


Don’t discount the people who have supported you through our talents, enthusiasm, support and hard work. We are real and all we want is the credit and respect deserved for what we do.




A Blogger


Dear Marvel, |


Dear Marvel, |


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