Girl Scouts: 2 Daisies and A Leader…

Today was the day…I became a Leader! 

It’s here! My first day as Co-Leader of my Girlies Girl Scouts Troop!  We now have  2 Daisies and A Leader under 1 roof!  Here We go! I am so excited to start this adventure but even more excited to be able to share this experience with my Girlies.

My oldest, the 6 year old, has been a Girl Scout since last year when she started Kindergarten.  She enjoyed every single moment of it and I enjoyed it with her.  I was there as a parent but since both my Hubby and I are very overprotective I didn’t want to just drop her off and leave.  So, instead I registered as a Volunteer so that I would be able to stay and attend all the meetings and activities.  This simply means that you have a background check done with the Girl Scouts Council and they say that it is alright for you to be around the Girls in the Troop.

Last year, I was at every meeting.

In the beginning I just sat in the farthest corner of the room and either read my Kindle or played endless game Apps on my phone. Then slowly I began to develop a relationship with the two Leaders and eventually I began to assist whenever and wherever they needed any help.  Some nights that would mean simply handing out snacks and juices other nights I was putting together the pieces or parts needed for that night’s craft project.  I even started to become the unofficial photographer and Twitter Poster taking pics of the unique things our Troop did and posting them to Twitter for @girlscouts and @girlscoutsNCCP to see.  Eventually one of them started following me and we also began to get a few Retweets and some recognition.  So Exciting!   We would joke and say how we felt famous.

So at the end of last year’s Girl Scout season when the Co-Leader approached me and said that the current Leader was going to be leaving because of her husband being re-stationed (our Troop is military based so all of us are either active or retired Army) I was sad because I thought it meant the Troop was being dispersed and we had developed a bit of a family.  Then when she continued and asked if I wanted to take on the role of Co-Leader so that she could step up to the role of Leader I was a bit shocked.  I honestly didn’t see it coming.  I told her I needed to think about it because in all honesty, my plate is rather full.  I have a Teenager in Marching Band which can in itself be a full-time commitment for me as well.  I also had both Girlies starting school this year and my normal household schedule to keep up with.

Read This Too  10 Things My Daughter Taught Me In 10 Years

If anyone knows me or has even read how hesitant I was to start my blog simply because I wanted to do it right you’ll realize I don’t commit to anything unless I know I can give it 110% and do it right.  After thinking on it and talking to my Hubby and getting his blessing, I got back in touch with her and told her I would love to be the Co-Leader.  I sat my Girlies down and told them both that not only would my Baby Girlie be able to start being a Daisy this year but that Momma would also be one of their Leaders.

Let me just explain that my Baby Girlie has been attending most of the meetings with me and sitting in back so she has been so anxious to become a full-blown Daisy she is about to burst!  In July we had our close-out ceremony in the form of a BBQ at my home and that was where the official announcement was made that I would be stepping in as Co-Leader.  We also were able to welcome my Baby Girlie as a new member as well as a few other Girls.

Fast Forward to tonight…2 Daisies and A Leader.

I was so nervous.  I went to the Girl Scout Shop this afternoon and got my Baby Girlie her “Kit” which includes her Journey Book, Vest, Troop Badges and a cool bag.  I even picked up a t-shirt for myself to help get me in the mood for the night ahead.

photo (91)

My Baby Girlie was so excited about getting everything she was singing around the store a song about how she was finally a Daisy!  The cashier was tickled with how excited she was…honestly so was I.  It just made it that much more special knowing I would be able to share this with her and my Big Girlie.

Read This Too  2 Daisies And A Leader: A Bonding Experience

When we got to tonight’s meeting I was anxious but excited.  We started greeting the Girls and the parents… Guess What? Everything went great!  The Girls made the poster’s we will use for the year to say the Girl Scout Promise and Law …the most important part is they had fun!


Girl Scout Signs

I know this year will not be easy and the scheduling may be hectic but just seeing my Girlies faces tonight I know it will ALL be worth it!


Do you have any shared

activities with your Kiddies where you volunteer or participate?  

How do you Kiddies handle sharing you with others?  

How do you handle being a leader and not just a parent when in that role?


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12 responses to “Girl Scouts: 2 Daisies and A Leader…”

  1. Tiffany Avatar

    I LOVE it!! My daughter was a Daisy last year, she is now a 2nd grader and a Brownie. I just signed up to become a parent volunteer, so we'll see where that takes me. A few years ago, I was a Girl Scouts trainer. I want to be more involved with her troop this year. We're going camping next month, which will be interesting, I've never been camping before. You've definitely inspired me, hoping we can touch base on our new found adventures.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh it's a wonderful experience! We haven't reached the camping level yet and I was raised a 'city-girl' so when we get to that point I know it is going to be an adventure for all of us! I'm going to be keep up with my adventures as 2 Daisies and A Leader so we can definitely stay in touch on that front and hopefully on others as well… 🙂 It is great meeting you and I plan to hop over to your page in a few to get to know you a bit better 🙂 Thanks for coming by…

  2. Michelle @ The MaMad Avatar
    Michelle @ The MaMad

    That sounds so exciting! I always wanted to join when I was a kid but was never able to for one reason or another. It sounds like you are all going to have a BLAST!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh I think you would have loved it…! I'm so excited! 😀

  3. Beth at Structure in Avatar
    Beth at Structure in

    Having two boys, I feel a little sad that i can't lead their activities like I could if I had a girl. My husband is a coach, so I can't really try to take over coaching one of their teams! Haha! But I'm so excited for you on this new journey! I love how excited you sound about it all – that's exactly what young girls need to see!! Good job taking on that leadership! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Aww! I had just a boy for along time (10 years!) but was still all in his activities…LOL He did karate and then band …which is is still involved in. I just participated as the loudest biggest cheerleader he could ever have:D
      I am VERY excited about my Girl Scout Journey though…I know this can help my Girlies and I make memories we will never forget! Thanks so much for stopping by with the comment love… xoxoxo

    2. Allison Avatar

      Hi Beth,

      I know that Girl Scout councils all over are looking for great volunteers and leaders. I encourage you to contact your local council and ask if there are any volunteer positions available that can meet your schedule. More times than not they will be overjoyed by your offer.

  4. Shauna @ Momma Candy Avatar
    Shauna @ Momma Candy

    Lola is too young to be involved in anything yet but I'm excited for when she does! I remember being in girl scouts and my mom coming to teach us how to make friendship bracelets. I was so proud!

    Funny story: When we were in girl scouts and it was time to take our yearly camping trip, all the moms decided to take us to a resort and stay the night in a hotel. We were Troop Beverly Hills!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It's going to be such a bonding moment for you guys!
      Friendship bracelets? That's an awesome idea…may have to see if they have some simple enough for 5-7 year olds to make 🙂
      OMG that's funny! I actually remember that movie!
      Thank for the love Hun… xoxoxo

  5. Jen Avatar

    how exciting… a new journey. If they send girl scout cookies overseas, I'm all in!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I have shipped as far as Arizona…LOL I'm very excited! Thank you so much for stopping by… 🙂

  6. Jen Avatar

    How exciting… a new journey. If they send girl scout cookies overseas, I'm all in! 🙂

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