50 Blog Post Ideas To Break Your Writer’s Block!

50 Blog Post Ideas To Break Your Writer's Block! | TheMrsTee.com

Writer’s Block is real ya’ll! I’ve had people ask me how I come up with posts for my blog. My answer is almost always to simply get out and live – let life inspire you.  I must confess its sometimes easier said than done. When that happens I have to find a way to spark that inspiration. I know I can’t be the only one so I figured I’d share 50 blog post ideas I love to help you break your writer’s block!

1. Currently

This is one I think I may start to do a bit more often. Currently posts are always so much fun to put together. Just make a list of your favorite things. You can do them monthly or weekly – it’s totally up to you!

2.  Favorite Instagram Accounts

It’s just what is sounds like. Scroll through your Instagram Feed and pick out a few of your favorite instagrammers. You can post by niche, theme, style – whatever you choose! You can even make the post a series you update or add new editions to periodically.

3. Date Day/Night Ideas

Where do you love to go for a date within your state, city or neighborhood? Share those places, their location, menu and even your personal review. If you are searching for new places other people are too. Did you and your special someone come up with a unique date night adventure? Share that too!

4.  Favorite Blogs To Read

Where do you click when you want a good read? Grab the links to some of your favorite Bloggers and give them a bit of love and support by sharing them in a post. You can give a quick glimpse at what they share and why you think others will love them as much as you do.

5. Why Did You Start Your Blog?

People always love an origin story so why not share your blogs? What made you start, what inspires you and why do you love what you do?

6.  Favorite Blogging Tools

This idea can give a lot of room as far as creativity. You can list your favorite brands of laptop, camera, phone, etc. You could even share resources like websites, E-Guides, classes, etc.


5 Tools For Effective Blogging Time Management | TheMrsTee.com


7.  Must Have Apps

There’s App for just about everything. Share some of your faves for business, family, fun or life. You can include links for both Android and iOS as well as share what features your love the most about the Apps you simply must have.

8.  Favorite Netflix Shows

I have had so much fun with this post idea. You favorite Netflix shows is a post that’s so versatile you can customize it for a specific season, holiday or theme. * I may even have another in the works 😉

9. Things Someone/Something Taught You

Sometimes you want to get a bit more personal on your blog. Ideas like sharing something someone taught you whether it be a parent, friend, spouse or even your child can help give your readers a bit of a look at who you are as a person. You can share this in many forms from a list to a letter.

10. How To

I can’t even count how many times I Google “how to [fill in the blank]”. So writing a How To post is a great way to share your knowledge as well as bring more traffic to your site.

11. What’s In Your Bag?

I absolutely love dumping out what’s in my bag and making it into a post! The best part about this idea is it can be done as a simple list post, video, sponsored content and more. Get creative and most of all have fun!

12.  A Letter To Yourself

I haven’t done this one yet but I have it on my list. Write a letter to your younger self giving encouragement, advice or support you wish you had then. Or put a twist on things and write a letter to your older self with your dreams, hopes and plans. When you read it in the future you can think back on where you were and how you got there.

13.  Small Business Spotlight

Your blog is your platform and shining a light on some of your local small business can be a great way to use it. You can share a review, upcoming events and even interview an owner from businesses in your area. This can draw more local traffic and help boost that business within the community.

14. Random Facts About YOU

Wanna just have a bit of fun. Writing a Random facts About You Post is a great way to get do just that. You can share the funny, the odd or even the weird! This is a great way to get a bit of feedback from readers and let them know you even more.

15. Create & Share A PlayList

I’m that person who needs music playing all the time. That means I have plenty of PlayLists and sharing them is a really unique post idea. You can even ask you readers for playlist additions which will build your engagement.

16. Outfit Of The Day

This one if for all my fashionistas out there. We love how your style and love when you share it even more! An outfit of the day post can be all images, include links to where you found the look and more!

17.  Favorite Childhood Memory

I remember one time I had to wait out in the snow because my mom didn’t realize it was a snow day. I wrote a post about this and was surprised how many of my readers could relate, found it funny or simply enjoyed the story. Childhood memories can be fun to look back on and interesting to share.

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18. Wordless (Only Photos)

That’s right. Wordless posts used to be the ‘thing’ because it was fun to simply share a few images and let the picture say it all. I still love to do these every now and then because their easy and quick to pull together. They can also spark some really great engagement if you ask your readers to ‘caption this’ or give you their take on the pictures.

19. Word Prompt

Do you remember back in High School the English/Literature teacher would give you a one word prompt to create a story around? I use this method at times when I have hit a writing wall.

20. Q&A

I love this idea for increasing interaction with my Readers. You can post a requests or send an email for questions from your readers. They can have a theme or be whatever they come up with. Then write a post answering each question.



21.  Behind The Scenes

Reader love to get a glimpse into what you do. As a Blogger, Influencer, Woman, Wife, etc. They love to see what goes into creating the Brand you have on your site. Behind-the-Scenes post can range from a look at how you set up a product for staging to what goes into creating a video like the lighting, set-up etc.  I had the opportunity to host a twitter party and realized there wasn’t a lot of information on what actually happens behind-the-scenes  – so I created it!

22.  Create A Resource Page

Create a place on your site where you readers, customers and audience can go to see what you use to make your site what it is.

23.  Who Do You Admire?

A fellow blogger, Entrepreneur, Friend, Whoever. Take a moment to give them a bit of praise and share who they are and why you admire them. If they have a social media presence this is a great opportunity to expand your audience by reaching theirs.

24.  Travel Tips & Savings Ideas

Vacations, stay-cations, road trips. These are all great opportunities for some pretty amazing content. If you have a question about something it’s more than likely someone else does to. On our family trip to Disney we park hopped 3 parks in 3 days plus Legoland! It was insane, exciting but at times frustrating. I had Ok Google at the ready but most of what I learned was on my own and through experience. So what did I do when we got home? I shared it with my audience! From making the most of your fun to how to save – I shared my experience and the tips I learned.

25.  How Did You Get Your Pet?

Pet lovers are dedicated people and they love a great adoption story. So if you have a pet – write about them. The story of how you met the furriest member of your family will always be a draw. When our little golden pup joined our family I shared it and thanks to a few of my readers we were able to narrow down her breed when all our other searches hit a dead-end.

26.  What’s On Your Desk?

This is a fun twist to the What’s In Your Bag idea. Take a few snaps of your desk and share how it expresses your personality, style and even helps with productivity.

27.  Things You Wish You Knew Before. . .

Hindsight is 20/20. It’s cliché but it’s true. There are often things we look back on and think: “If Only I knew then…” Take that thought and make it a post. You can talk on anything and everything like before you got married, before your graduated, before kids. The possibilities are nearly endless.

28.  Reviews

Pick a product, book, movie, play and share a review. Of course this would mean you’ve actually experienced it but sharing a review of something is a great way to reach an audience you may not otherwise. People want to know what to expect most times before they spend the money to experience it for themselves. Your post can be that resource.

29.  Bucket List

It is exactly what is sounds like. Share your Bucket List. It can be as long or as short as you like. Creating a bucket list post gives you the opportunity for future posts with updates on your progress in checking things off.

30.  RoundUp Post(s)

There are certain seasons in blogging where you will see a rush of posts on certain topics. This is the perfect time to gather the links of the ones you love or relate to the most and create a RoundUp post. This post would be one which gives a short introduction to why you are sharing each blog’s link (DIY Post, Recipe Posts, etc.) as well as the description of each post. Posts like these create cross traffic for both your site and those you are including.

31.  Before & After

Are you re-decorating or getting a make-over? Share a before and after post giving details of the what, where, why and of course the results!

32.  Quiz

Create a fun quiz for your readers based on something you love or you know they love. I’ve done one as a guest blogger on Marvel Comics but here on my site I think it would be coffee or even tech themed!

33.  What’s The Meaning of Your Blog Name?

We talked about sharing the why behind your blog but how about the how of its name? How did you come up with it, what inspired your and where you see it in the future.

34.  Current Events

Staying aware of what is happening in your community is a great way to find ideas for new content. Press Releases, News Sites and even Entertainment News can help you create a post about something that people are already looking for. This means great exposure for you!

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35.  ABCs or A-Z Post

ABCs or A-Z posts can be a really great way to take something you know and share it in a new way. The format tends to draw readers in even if only out of curiosity at first. Then when the content is unique and valuable you keep them scrolling.

36.  Quotes You Love

Take a few quotes you love for inspiration, encouragement, strength and share them. This post idea can be repurposed by writing the posts with a theme.

37.  Guilty Pleasures

Do you have any guilty pleasures? That one thing you do to treat yourself that you may even be a bit selfish about but it’s okay because you deserve it? Share it. I remember sharing a Guilty Pleasures video once – it was so much fun but it was also sooo long ago! I think I may need to do another one in post form soon.

38.  Journal Entry/Free Write

I started my very first journal in the 6th Grade. It was heaven-sent and the timing was perfect. I was at that preteen stage where you feel a lot but no very little about how to express it. Sometimes I still feel that way as an adult a journal entry/free write styled posts help me get those feelings out and get a bit of feedback from my audience at the same time.

39.  XX Things Before XX List {ex: 30 Things Before 30}

I’m coming up on a bit of a milestone age this year and have been thinking of adding this to my content schedule. This idea is very similar to a Bucket List but adds more personality and character as well as a deadline to getting things checked off. It can be a fun way to interact with your readers and keep them up to date with what’s going on in your life.


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40.  Share A Few Of Your First . . . {kiss, concert, car, etc.}

There is no time like the first time you experience something. This feeling can give a story a unique feel and is a great way to look back on things and remember how they made you feel then and even how they make you feel now.

41.  Life Advice/Tips

If you live it you know something about it. Share your life experiences and the advice you have from first-hand experience. Marriage, parenting, relationships. We all have different perspectives and views but there is almost always somewhere who is where you have been. Your post can help them make it to the other side of what may be a tough situation.

42.  Gift Guides

Are you an awesome gift giver. Share your top picks for gifts. This post idea lends itself to affiliate links as well as sponsored posts. You can create them based on seasons, holidays or themes.

43.  Boredom Busters

This is a great idea for parents who have a talent for keeping kiddies occupied. You can make this a list of activities, indoor fun, crafts – anything that can keep that boredom monster away.

44.  Fitness & Health Tips

Do you know how to get in the best workout while still working around a busy schedule? Of is your latest smoothie recipe one that can pack on the energy but skip the extra pounds? Share your love of fitness and health.

45.  Recipes

If the kitchen is your happy place share your love of the plates you create by giving others the chance to make those dishes in their own home!

46.   Wish Lists

I tend to use this idea around my Birthday or Mother’s Day. These are exactly what the name implies. A wish list of things you’d love to have. This is another idea that gives a great platform for Affiliate Links as well as Sponsored content.

47. Goal Setting

Create a post that shares your goals for your life, blog or family. You can include a time frame for completing them or create updates as you reach each goal.

48.  Favorite YouTubers

Near the top of this list I mentioned a post that gave a shout out to some of your favorite Instagrammers. Well being a Blogger and a Vlogger I couldn’t forget about YouTubers. The idea is the same, share your favorite Channels to watch. You can include their niche or topics as well as links to your favorite videos so far.

49.  A Day In {Insert Place}

This idea would work very well for Travel Bloggers or Bloggers who simply love to travel.Share tips, places to visit, foods to eat and more from any place or city that someone can do for a day . .  or two.

50.  This Week On . . .

Here’ a post idea that can give you a chance to spotlight your presence on different social media platforms. It can include a round-up of recent posts on either Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.


Have You Used Any of These Post Ideas?

Do You Have Any Others?

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31 responses to “50 Blog Post Ideas To Break Your Writer’s Block!”

  1. […] its small businesses and owners as well as our visitors bureau the easier it was to create new blog posts ideas with a focus on the topics and interests that would most impact my area – my […]

  2. Francesca Murray Avatar

    Wow, so many great ideas here! Thanks for all the tips. I’ve actually been meaning to make a playlist post for a while now!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Francesca!! I can’t wait to see that 🙂

  3. Becca Wilson Avatar
    Becca Wilson

    Writers block can seriously be a pain! These are some really great ideas.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      It really can… thanks! Hopefully these can help 🙂

  4. Mimi Green Avatar

    I so needed this as of late. I have been struggling with writing in a way I’ve not experienced before.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      I have been in the same spot. It’s as if someone hit pause. I’m hoping with these ideas and bit more living throughout the summer I get a breakthrough. I hope you do as well!

  5. Heather Avatar

    This is so great! There are so many times that I’m struck with writer’s block.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Heather!! I hope these can help you get through it. . .

  6. Msddah Avatar

    Thanks for providing all these options. I just pinned it so I can check it out later. Great post

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      You’re so very welcome!! Thanks so much and thanks for coming by!

  7. Stacie Avatar

    There are so many good tips here. I’m sure gonna use this! Bookmarking it too!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Stacie!!

  8. Andrea Avatar

    You have a lot of great blog starters! I have my editorial calendar planned out for the next 2 months, but I think I’ll use some of these ideas to add a few more topics. Thanks!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Andrea!! Maybe they will come in handy for you later 😉

  9. daria Avatar

    wow! this is so informative. I basically covered all topics. I am definitely going to make a post about favorite Instagram accounts.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Daria!! That’s awesome… I can’t wait to check it out.

  10. Kelli A Avatar

    This list is awesome! I have times where I am swamped with stuff I need to right up and then days where I am just stumped. This list will definitely help!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Kellie!! Yes, I think we have all been there and I can say this list has definitely helped me. I hope it will do the same for you!

  11. Shraddha Tripathi Avatar

    These are all great ideas for everyone and especially for the new ones like me. This post is really helpful for me. Thank you for sharing.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Shraddha! You’re so very welcome and I’m glad you find it helpful.

  12. Elizabeth Avatar

    What a great list of suggestions! I’ll be trying some of these out next time I get writer’s block, thank you

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Elizabeth!! That’s awesome . . . I can’t wait to see what you come up with! You’re welcome and thanks for coming by.

  13. Annreeba Avatar

    Great post! Very informative. Thanks for some good post ideas.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much and thanks for coming by!

  14. Marie Altenor Avatar
    Marie Altenor

    I like the sharing of the first and the recipes. I also enjoyed reading your currently posts.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Yes those are two good ones for sure. Oh wow!! Thanks 😊

  15. Clara Avatar

    There are several ideas here that got me thinking of some good post ideas. Thank you for sharing. It got me unstuck.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Awesome!!! That’s great. I can’t wait to see what you create😉

  16. Jessica Joachim Avatar

    These are all awesome post starters for writer’s block! It’s funny because I had a really similar post go up today lol. I love looking at posts like this though when I hit a wall!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Jessica!! That is funny. I just stopped by and checked it out. Great minds I guess 😉

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